Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 1509: I killed you after the devil 2

Chapter 1509

There are other demons civilians who are unknown, so follow up to join in the fun.

These families were driven out of the City of Ten Thousand Demons by the emperor. They were sinners. Facing the anger of the commoners, they could not be blocked by any spiritual means.

Nor can he leave the city of Ten Thousand Demons in a flying boat and can only hide in a carriage.

The offensive of rotten eggs and rotten tomatoes is getting fiercer, and the carriage is full of red and yellow stains.

Han Yiyi and Mu Yaoyao were under control, unable to get on the carriage, and walking on the road involuntarily, they had been smashed all over with greasy and disgusting honey liquid.

Moreover, the demon civilians threw their heads well. Several rotten eggs and rotten tomatoes were thrown into the carriage.

Patriarch Mu, who was hiding in the carriage, was hit in the face by a rotten tomato.

"How is this going!"

In the carriage, Patriarch Mu once again escaped the attack of a rotten tomato and opened the carriage curtain, his face black like the bottom of a pot.

"I don't know, Patriarch."

The coachman in charge of driving touched his face, his body was red, green and red, worse than the owner of the Mu family.

"Yao Yao, Yiyi, why are you down here, come up quickly and hide."

The Mu Family Patriarch was about to say something when he suddenly saw Mu Yaoyao and Han Yiyi beside the carriage.

Seeing my daughter and Han Yiyi's body are full of honey liquid, Patriarch Mu is heartbroken and angry.

But his words caused trouble.

The tip of the ears of the common people of the demons heard this sentence immediately.

Immediately someone pointed to Mu Yaoyao and started shouting, "Look, that woman is Mu Yaoyao!"

Originally, Mu Yaoyao was smashed into an embarrassment, and she wore a veil again, and these demons did not recognize her at all.

This is also thanks to the words that the Mu Family Patriarch just said.

"It's this woman. Yesterday on the black flying boat, she didn't know the shame to want to be beautiful with the queen, and she wanted to be louder than the queen, all kinds of show off!"

"It's really disgusting. Whom Mu Yaoyao thinks she is? What qualifications does she have to compare with the Queen? What is she!"

"That is, I am greedy of life and fear of death, and I cannot pass the test of the heart of the water mirror in the mirror world, so I still have a face to compare with the queen!"

"Huh, it's more than that. At the banquet last night, the noble ladies in these families all targeted the queen, it was this woman who instigated and instigated discord!"

The demons civilians, who became from Chi Chi's disguised appearance, spoke with aura and said a burst of news.

"What else is the first beauty of the demons, beautiful on the outside, sinister inside, disgusting!"

"Shameless bitch, you don't look in the mirror yourself, just your face and your strength, and you want to compare with the queen!"

"I am a toad. I have to compare with the swan. It's a big laugh!"

Countless verbal abuse and disgust came to Mu Yaoyao.

"Oh, she's still wearing a veil. It seems she herself knows that she has no face to meet people."

A Demon Clan civilian standing not far from Mu Yao Yao stretched out his hand to tore off Mu Yao Yao's veil.

In the next moment, Mu Yaoyao was blue and purple, and her face swollen like a pig's head was completely exposed to everyone.

"Bah, even with this respectable face, I dare to murder the queen!"

"What a shameless bitch, I'll kill you for the queen!"

These demonic civilians concentrated all the rotten eggs and rotten tomatoes in their hands on Mu Yaoyao.

Mu Yaoyao was quickly overwhelmed by rotten eggs and rotten tomatoes.

Her body was controlled, let alone hiding in the carriage, she couldn't even cover her face with her hands.

Today's update is complete...

(End of this chapter)

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