Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 1508: I killed you after the devil 1

Chapter 1508 Laozi killed you after taking the place of the devil 1

Regarding the matters that Emperor Zun confessed to him, he had done almost everything, only the last item was left.

The last item is his favorite part.

Outside the Demon Palace, more than one hundred thousand demonic civilians were discussing the matter with excitement, and they were willing to leave for a long time.

In the dark place on the edge of the big square, the immobile Mu Yaoyao and Han Yiyi witnessed the whole process.

"You Yao, we can't move, what should we do? Chidu will definitely come back and catch us..."

Han Yiyi was very scared.

Falling into Chi Chi's hands, they definitely have no good life.

Mu Yaoyao did not answer, she was completely controlled by her anger.

Seeing that these demons didn't hate Jun Mo Phoenix as she expected, but they were all convinced of Jun Mo Phoenix and praised her with various praises, Mu Yaoyao shook her whole body with anger.

For what reason, why is the Mu family being driven out of the City of Ten Thousand Demons by Emperor Zun, she herself is about to fall into the hands of Chidu Tong, but Jun Mohuang can enjoy the supreme glory and worship!

She just wanted to add a bit of blockage to Jun Mohuang before leaving and ruin Jun Mohuang's reputation, and she couldn't even achieve this wish.

According to her plan, it was almost realized.

But Mu Yaoyao didn't expect that Emperor Zun didn't know that they got their image in the mirror world.

All the images of Jun Mohuang challenged the demon girl in the hall were also released.

Mu Yaoyao also didn't expect that Jun Mohuang's refining and medicine refining techniques would be so beneficial to the entire Nine Nether Realm.

Jun Mohuang, she really underestimated her.

"Mu Yaoyao, is this scene good-looking."

The naked body was like a ghost, and immediately appeared beside Mu Yaoyao and Han Yiyi.

"Chidu Tong, please, we just came to see what's going on, we didn't do anything."

Han Yiyi paled with fright.

Mu Yaoyao was still extremely unwilling and angry, gritted her teeth and said nothing.

"Huh, the mouth is quite hard."

Chi Chi glanced at Mu Yaoyao with disdain, and waited for what happened next to see if she could stand it.

With a flick of their bare fingers, the two were able to move again.

But their bodies were still not under their control, and they were controlled by Chi Chi's aura to walk back to their own family.

Chi Chi saw the disappearing back of the two of them, ghostly smiled, took out this mask as thin as a cicada's wings and put it on.

His aura, appearance, and clothes all changed suddenly, and he became an ordinary demonic civilian.

At this moment, it was almost the last time for the driven families to leave the City of Ten Thousand Demons.

Mu Yaoyao and Han Yiyi were out of control and walked into their own family team.

The family teams of the two families are very close, and the two are still walking together.

On the square of the Demon Palace, the disguised Chi Chi ran to the side of the crowd and shouted: "It is now when those families leave the City of Ten Thousand Demons. These families have offended the bully queen. Let's get it back from the queen. justice!"

In an instant, more than 100,000 demons in the square responded positively.

They rushed to the side of these family teams, and they didn't know where they got all kinds of rotten eggs and rotten tomatoes, and they kept throwing them at the people of these families.

The queen is so good that these people can bully. These people are really bold!

If it weren't for the queen's magnanimous carelessness, these people would almost have caused a heavy loss to the Nine Nether World.

The anger of more than one hundred thousand demons civilians is simply terrifying, and the number of rotten tomato rotten eggs thrown at them is so great that these families cannot be guarded against.

(End of this chapter)

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