Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 1506: The fanatical worship of Jun Mohuang 5

Chapter 1506 The fanatical worship of Jun Mohuang 5

This kind of golden pattern pill is definitely at least five times better than other alchemists' golden pattern pill.

Wouldn't it be that as long as they have the opportunity to obtain this kind of pill, their strength will increase five times faster!

Coupled with the weapons refined by the Queen's special method, the Nine Nether World will be invincible!

The pharmacist present was so excited that both eyes were shining, and at the same time, he was extremely annoyed that he was just a civilian pharmacist and was not qualified to be present.

Otherwise, getting the pill that Jun Mohuang gave to the noble pharmacists to replenish mental power would not be a good thing.

Hey, I can't ask too much.

As long as the queen teaches them this method of refining a one-centimeter-wide golden pattern pill, they will be very satisfied!

It's great, the pharmacist world of the Nine Nether Realm will also usher in a great innovation like the world of tool masters.

Just when everyone was immersed in excitement, and they were the strongest place in Jun Mohuang in the future, they found that they were too young and naive.

At the end of the video, Jun Mohuang's suspected god-level cultivation talent and the thrown Shuijing Mountain directly frightened all the demons to their knees.

They looked forward with dementia, only a line of words in their heads were constantly swiping the screen back and forth.

The Queen is really amazing, too abnormal!

Otherwise, they couldn't find any tone to accurately describe what they saw today!

"How about, what else do you guys say."

Chi Chi coldly looked at these Demon civilians who had a completely forward and backward attitude, and his tone was extremely unfriendly.

"My lord, we were wrong, our minds were narrow-minded, it was our misconceptions that blamed the queen, and we voluntarily received punishment!"

"My lord, please don't tell the queen what happened just now. It's all our confusion. We are all pig heads!"

Chi Chi's words will make all demons commoners wake up like a dream.

They watched two episodes of influence from beginning to end, and their attitude towards Jun Mohuang has changed.

As for the undercover agents in the heavenly spirit world...They are all ashamed that they once had this idea.

The **** of the Celestial Spirit Realm is not a fool, how could he be sent to the Nine Nether Realm to increase his opponent's strength on a large scale like a perverted genius like the Queen of Devil.

If they drove Jun Mohuang back to the Heavenly Spirit Realm now, they would definitely cry blindly.

The queen is a suspected god-level cultivation talent,

This kind of talent can only be possessed by the most noble bloodline, she is fully qualified to be the **** queen of the heavenly spirit world.

Being pursued by the emperor now is entirely due to their great luck in the Nine Nether World Realm.

Such a Jun Mohuang, they still think that she is not qualified enough, saying that she is an undercover agent in the heavenly spirit world, wouldn't it be foolish.

Don’t let the queen know about this. Otherwise, if she is upset, if you don’t thoroughly teach these refining methods to refining medicines and refining medicines, they will not be able to enjoy weapons and pill refining. The bonus is coming.


Chi Chi snorted coldly, this group of **** who saw the wind and the rudder had come to kneel and lick before seeing the mistress of all kinds of power.

If so, he tells the hostess what happened here.

Then urged the hostess to resolutely not teach them the method of refining medicine and let them cry and play dan.

Helplessly, Chi Chi had to obey the command.

It's really better not to let the hostess know this kind of trouble.

When the demons saw Chi Chi just snorted and said nothing, they guessed that he had agreed to their request.

(End of this chapter)

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