Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 1505: Mom asks kneeling series 6

Chapter 1505 Mom Asks Kneeling Series 6

When the surrounding refiners got this answer, they all took a breath.

A weapon refiner who could barely refine six-star magical tools, the weapon refined by the method of Jun Mohuang could even cut a one-star fairy weapon.

Doesn't this mean that they can all use Jun Mohuang's refining method to greatly improve their refining level?

Just do what you say, and in an instant, all the refiners took out their food and began to refine.

This time, they did not abide by the deep-rooted refining common sense in their minds, and all refined them according to the attributes and parameters of the refining raw materials given by Jun Mohuang.

In a short while, the sound of weapons colliding with each other and breaking with weapons continued to sound in the square.

On the ground, the remains of weapons on the ground were placed.

"Hahahaha, the weapon I refined can finally cut off the three-star fairy weapon!"

"Hahahaha, using the new method of the queen, my weapon has improved a whole level in terms of attack power and toughness!"

"The Queen,"

The craftsmen held their newly refined weapons using Jun Mohuang's method, and everyone's faces showed ecstatic expressions.

This is just the result of their experiment with more common refining materials.

If you use more expensive and better refining materials, the level of improvement will be higher.

If Jun Mohuang teaches them more unique refining skills, even all

The Nine Nether Realm Refining Realm will undergo earth-shaking changes and will win a huge revolution.

The demons civilians around were also very excited.

Many of the weapons that were broken on the ground were contributed by them for experimentation by the refiners.

Jun Mohuang's refining method greatly improved the toughness of the weapons that these refining masters refined, and the final benefit was every demonic race in the Nine Nether World!

How important weapons are to cultivators, I won’t say more about this.

Re-handling a good weapon is equivalent to invisibly enhancing one's own strength.

If every demon in the Nine Nether Realm can use this new type of weapon, the combat effectiveness of the Nine Nether Realm will be greatly enhanced!

What the Jin family, go to hell, the weapons refined by the Jin family's refining masters are not as good as those of the Jun Mohuang refining weapon.

Many of the weapons on the ground that were directly cut in half came from the Jin family.

"The Queen is really amazing!"

"Long live the queen!"

Amidst the excitement of all the demons, the people who had recognized Jun Mohuang before had their worship of her reached a new height.

Some Demon civilians who still resisted her also changed their attitudes.

These demons thought that the refining level displayed by Jun Mohuang was already very remarkable, but they did not expect that this was just the beginning.

Next, Jun Mohuang slammed the demon girl in all aspects of piano skills, runes, and medicine.

What particularly excited them and excited them was that she was able to refine the water mirror spirit pill that could restrain the emperor's dark injuries.

The demons almost burst into tears when they saw the transparent pill.

Next, Jun Mohuang pointed out the various shortcomings of Miss Tong's pill, and taught the alchemists how to induce the pill fire with mental power and correct the one-centimeter-wide golden resurrection pill. These demons already admired her The five bodies cast the ground and couldn't say a word of objection.

What Jun Mohuang showed was something they had never heard of and had never seen before.

Especially for the one-centimeter wide golden pill pattern, if she is willing to teach the refining methods to the alchemists of the Nine Nether Realm, wouldn't everyone have the opportunity to use this pill!

(End of this chapter)

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