Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 1503: Mom asks kneeling series 4

Chapter 1503 Mom Asks Kneeling Series 4

They were even more surprised when they saw Jun Mohuang sense various crystals, metals and ores while writing down the properties of these raw materials on a white paper.

This is just the beginning.

When they clearly saw Jun Mohuang's handwriting on white paper from the video, they could hardly describe their shock in words.

Because Jun Mohuang wrote down about the attribute parameters of these refining materials, some of which had never been seen by the refining masters.

"No, Bai Lishi doesn't have the attributes to repel ice elemental crystals at all!"

"Not only Bai Lishi, but also Jinguangsha, Juqing Steel, Zilongjing, etc., none of them have the attributes she wrote later!"

As the alchemist recalled the parameters and properties of these raw materials he had caused, he began to exclaim.

A commoner of the demons who was not a refiner asked curiously: "Really or not, really?"

A refiner nodded: "It's really not there."

Every attribute and parameter of these refining materials is clearly recorded in the demon refining book.

Memorizing these raw material attribute parameters without a word is a necessary skill for every refiner.

These refiners are absolutely impossible to remember wrong.

Someone touched his chin: "Then writing like this without her, wouldn't it be fake, I want to fool people."

Some people agree with this view: "It's very possible."

But the refiners don't think so, they always feel that things are not as simple as they thought.

Finally, Jun Mohuang refined her weapon, which was a scarlet scimitar without any grade mark.

To everyone's expectations, her scarlet scimitar slashed Yue Ling'er's Eight-Star Immortal Artifact.

Yue Linger refused to accept it, and competed with Jun Mohuang for several more games.

No matter what style of Eight Immortal Artifacts she refined later, they were chopped off by weapons refined by Jun Mohuang every time.

In the end, even the Jin Family Patriarch personally played a three-star artifact that was refined by himself, but the result was still cut in half by the weapon refined by Jun Mohuang.

The head of the Jin family ended in failure.

Everyone was surprised when they saw Yue Ling'er's Eight-Star Immortal Tool being chopped in half by Jun Mohuang's weapon for the first time.

The second time I saw it, everyone was shocked.

Seeing it for the third time, everyone was shocked.

For the fourth time, and for the fifth time, I saw Jun Mohuang cut Yue Ling'er's Eight-Star Immortal Tool into two pieces, and even the three-star artifact was scrapped. Everyone felt numb.

This is a shock to the extreme.

Because it was too shocked, my brain couldn't react at all.

All of them almost dislocated their jaws and almost knelt down to Jun Mohuang.

At this moment, there is only one thought in their hearts.

Weapons without grades, the Samsung artifact is abolished.

This is a Samsung artifact, it's not a broken copper or iron!

This completely subverted their common sense and three views, and caused a huge impact on their hearts.

Compared to the mood of the demons, the refiners were even more shocked.

Jun Mohuang's unranked weapon and hundreds of reactions that she can quickly deal with in a short period of time caused a tenth magnitude earthquake in their hearts.

The latter can be explained by her superior talent and perverted mental power.

But what should be the explanation for the three-star artifacts for those unclassified weapons to cut off the eight-star fairy tools?

The refining masters began to ponder over why such an unreasonable thing happened.

"Ah, that's right, the queen is the most correct! Bai Lishi should indeed repel ice elemental crystals!"

(End of this chapter)

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