Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 1502: Mom asks kneeling series 3

Chapter 1502 Mom Asks Kneeling Series 3

Including the Mu Yaoyao they had been optimistic about before, the same was true.

"What's the matter, no one can do this for the emperor!"

"These aristocratic ladies are really disappointing. In vain, I still like them enthusiastically."

All the demons are very disappointed.

When they were disappointed, Jun Mohuang wore a red dress and walked onto the sacrificial platform.

Her appearance made all the demons stare at the transparent screen intensively.

Jun Mohuang entered the assessment of Shui Jingzhi's heart, even if he was seriously injured, it would be difficult for him to stand up. Faced with the instigation and temptation of Shui Jingzhi's heart, Jun Mohuang was not moved at all.

Instead, he severely rebuked Shui Jingzhi's provocative words.

In the end, Jun Mohuang even refused to say that he could survive by admitting that he didn't like Emperor Lingtian.

Regardless of his physical condition and his own life, he insisted on obtaining the heart of the water mirror for Emperor Lingtian.

She regarded Di Lingtian as more important than her own life.

All the common people of the demons saw here, their hearts were sour and astringent, not a taste.

When Jun Mohuang dragged his severely injured body and still chose to fight with his own mirror image, their hearts couldn't help but lifted their throats.

When Jun Mohuang finally covered his eyes with a black cloth strip and inserted the golden dagger into the aorta of his mirrored neck, their hearts almost popped out of their throats.

Some people even couldn't bear to watch Jun Mohuang himself being killed by himself, so they simply covered their eyes.

What made them excited and surprised was that Jun Mohuang actually succeeded.

At the last juncture of her life, she broke the mystery of the mirror world and obtained the heart of the water mirror for the emperor!

"Okay, okay, good job!"

"There is finally a person in this world who really likes the emperor."

Hundreds of thousands of demons in the large square were relieved and smiled, bursting into thunderous applause for Jun Mohuang.

They were completely indulged in the joy of Jun Mohuang's success in obtaining the heart of the water mirror, and they completely forgot to think that she was an undercover agent sent by the Heavenly Spirit Realm to the Nine Nether Realm.

"Long live the queen!"

"Long live the queen!"

The young refiner took the opportunity to bring the minority who supported Jun Mohuang to shout for her.

This time, most demons civilians began to respond positively.

What the undercover agent sent by the Heavenly Spirit Realm to the Nine Nether Realm, go to hell.

Anyone who is an undercover agent will fight so hard and almost kills his life, and he is also an undercover agent.

But there are still many demons who are in doubt.

They did not deny that Jun Mohuang's actions at the time were indeed very shocking, and they had already begun to shake.

But in my heart, I always feel a little fuzzy about the half-spirit bloodline she has.

What if... What if Jun Mohuang is very deep in the city, and he deliberately gains the favor and trust of the emperor.

Maybe she knew the way to get the heart of the water mirror, and did so deliberately.

This situation is unlikely, after all, there is this suspicion.

"Not giving up, hum."

Chi Chi saw the demons who were still questioning, and with a flick of his palm, the transparent screen shook for a while.

This time, what appeared on the transparent screen was a scene where Jun Mohuang was in the hall, challenging many demons.

At this time, the demons who were only excited when they saw the previous image were completely speechless.

When seeing the first half of the first part of the first video of the challenge between Jun Mohuang and Jin Linger, only the refiners were shocked.

Among the more than 100,000 demons civilians, there are more than a dozen refiners.

Today's update is complete...

Today I feel sick, and I take a day off, so I will send six chapters.

Congratulations to the achievement of watching the video in the Nine Nether World. funny

(End of this chapter)

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