Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 1494: Sure enough, Emperor Lingtian 1

Chapter 1494 is really very Emperor Lingtian 1

On the contrary, they will definitely admit that Jun Mohuang is the queen of the future at the beginning, and all sorts of flattering to please her.

There is no regret about selling medicine.

It's too late to say anything now, and what awaits them is a dark destiny.

Several Patriarchs could not accept this blow, and fainted on the spot.


Several demon girls ran to their fathers.

There were also some demon girls who kept begging Di Lingtian and Jun Mohuang.

"The emperor, the queen, the courtiers know that they are wrong, please beg the emperor and the queen not to drive us out of the city of ten thousand demons..."

"The queen, this time it was Mu Yaoyao who instigated us behind her back. She also asked us to deliberately walk the news that was not good for you to other witches to encourage them to be bad for you!

"The Queen, it's all Mu Yaoyao who killed us, it's all Mu Yaoyao's fault, it's none of our business!"

Under this circumstance, some of the Demon girls who used to be the head of the Mu Yao Yao quickly confessed to the Mu Yao Yao.

The family will be driven out, and they will no longer be the noble ladies who are not envied by adults, and it is logical to confess Mu Yaoyao.

Mu Yaoyao's face turned gray and she didn't react.

"Okay, Mu Yaoyao, you bitch, it turns out that you killed us!"

"Queen of the Devil, we didn't intend to target you on purpose, it was all the instructions of this bitch!"

After listening, some of the demons present vented all their anger on Mu Yaoyao.

If it weren't for Mu Yaoyao's ghostly idea, if they hadn't received those anonymous messages in advance, they wouldn't dare to blatantly target Jun Mohuang like this.

This group of demons immediately surrounded Mu Yaoyao and punched and kicked her.

Mu Yaoyao still didn't respond.

There was chaos in the hall, and the minds of Patriarch Mu and Patriarch Jin were even more confused than this.

They relied on themselves, but ended up in the same fate as other families.

"You Yao, what are you doing in a daze, don't you hurry to kneel down to the queen, kowtow and apologize!"

The Patriarch of the Mu family drove the group of demon girls away, grabbed Mu Yaoyao by the shoulders, and swayed constantly.

Mu Yaoyao had been in a state of wandering as long as he saw Jun Mohuang's talent of at least nine stars at the heaven level.

She was crushed by Jun Mohuang in all aspects, and she was hit too hard, and she couldn't return to her senses for a long time.

Even being beaten by these demon girls, their faces were blue and purple, but there was no response.

Under the vigorous shaking of the Mu Family Patriarch, Mu Yaoyao finally recovered a little sanity.

With hollow eyes, she looked at the Mu Family Patriarch: "No, I will never concede to Jun Mohuang, never bow my head like Jun Mohuang, and never kneel down and beg for mercy like Jun Mohuang!"

She Mu Yaoyao thinks she is the first of the demon girls in the Nine Nether Realm, and she thinks that only she can be worthy of God in this world.

She was unwilling to ask her to bow her head to Jun Mohuang!


Seeing that Mu Yaoyao was still wayward in this situation, the Patriarch Mu raised his hand in anger.

He saw Mu Yaoyao's face blue and purple, and finally did not have the heart to start.

The Mu Family Patriarch wanted to step forward and intercede with Emperor Lingtian as the Mu Family Patriarch.

However, the head of the Jin family grabbed Jin Yaner and Jin Linger to take the lead.

Jin Yan'er and Jin Ling'er had long been beaten by the head of the Jin family and beaten them into pigs.

"The emperor, the queen, his subordinates and his two daughters all know their faults. No matter how the emperor punishes our Jin family, the emperor can not drive us out of the Jin family!"

The head of the Jin family grabbed the two daughters and knelt down with a pleading expression.

(End of this chapter)

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