Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 1493: Long live the queen! 2

Chapter 1493 Long live the queen! 2

The Patriarchs who had a fluke mentality just now were so scared that their faces were scared because of Di Lingtian's words.

Immediately began to tremble, all kinds of begging Di Lingtian's forgiveness.

With a general mind, ask the emperor to Lingtian.

The brains are a little smarter, so he took Jun Mohuang in his words.

The best way to use your brain is to grab your own daughter who is making trouble, crackle and slap your bow and slap left and right, stage a bitter trick, trying to let Jun Mohuang calm down.

All they did was to prevent themselves from being driven out of the City of Ten Thousand Demons.

If the family is only demoted, at least there is still a chance to get up again.

Once he is kicked out now, there will never be this chance.

Di Lingtian made it very clear from the beginning that these families will never be hired from generation to generation.

"It belongs to discipline? It seems that the deity has arranged too many things for you. You are too busy to have time to discipline your daughter."

Di Lingtian was not moved by the plea of ​​these Patriarchs at all.

Jun Mohuang didn't react at all.

These families talked nicely about their neglect of discipline, and all the responsibilities were transferred to their daughters.

Without their acquiescence or even encouragement, these demons would not be so rampant.

None of these Patriarchs are honest, treat her as a fool.

He knocked on the table carelessly, and immediately a palace official took a blood-red memorial and placed it respectfully in front of Emperor Lingtian.

Emperor Lingtian opened it and stamped the seal on the last place of the memorial.

Jun Mohuang took a quick glance and found that this was a list of families who had been exiled.

She discovered that not only the families behind the witches who challenged her will be driven out of the City of Ten Thousand Demons.

The families behind the witches who have mocked her are also on this list.

Including the eight big families who have hunted and killed her in the Bafang Profound Realm.

In other words, none of the families behind the witches who have offended Jun Mohuang are spared.

However, those who immediately agreed with her, such as Yuxue Qinji's family, were spared, but were demoted to one level.

"It just so happens that after you get out of the City of Ten Thousand Demons, you will have plenty of time to take care of your daughter."

Di Lingtian folded the music and threw it down.

The red memorial immediately turned into a few red lights, and each flew into the sound transmission jade talisman among some of the Patriarchs.

I saw the red dots flying into my own sound transmission jade talisman, and felt the sound transmission jade talisman vibrate and become hot.

These "lucky" Patriarchs turned pale, their legs softened, they couldn't even maintain a kneeling posture, and their bodies collapsed.

Their family was ordered by the Emperor himself to drive out of the City of Ten Thousand Demons!

The family that was driven out of the City of Ten Thousand Demons by the Emperor himself, in the eyes of all the demons, had committed a heinous crime.

No matter where they go to take root, they will be consistently bullied and suppressed by all forces in this place.

No one will pity them, and no one will support justice for them.

They will be reduced to street mice, demon screaming and fighting, and can only barely survive in the most difficult and difficult place in the Nine Nether World.

Their respective families have gone through thousands of years of hard work before they stepped into the City of Ten Thousand Demons.

Now, because of his temporary misjudgment, the foundation of the entire family was ruined.

These Patriarchs deeply regretted that they had known that Jun Mohuang was so powerful and that Emperor Zun was so protecting her. They shouldn't allow their daughters to deal with Jun Mohuang in the first place.

(End of this chapter)

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