Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 1464: Pursuit of craftsmen

Chapter 1464 The pursuit of refiners

But anyway, when the two swords fought, his sword was completely broken.

Jun Mohuang's sword almost broke, and he lost.

"Miss Jun is really amazing, this time the owner of the family lost."

Patriarch Jin couldn't say anything anymore, he confessed that he had lost, took the dagger away, and stepped down dingy.

Back to the family with an ugly look.

The faces of the entire Jin family are not very pretty.

Jun Mohuang returned the long sword that was almost abolished to the space ring.

"Miss Jun, how did you cut off the three-star artifact with a gradeless long sword?"

"Ms. Jun, do you have any unique secret recipe for refining, please share with us."

"Miss Jun, you are the queen of the future, share it with all of us. We make better weapons for the Nine Nether Realm, and serve the emperor, that is, for you!"

"Yes, Miss Jun, just tell us."

There were all kinds of irony before, and the crafting masters who looked down on Jun Mohuang had already taken a 180-degree turn.

"Want my refining method? I remember that you, like those witches who provoked me, refused to accept me as the queen of the Nine Nether Realm."

Jun Mohuang looked at the refiner who was enthusiastically surrounding her, his lips twitched.

"The Queen, you must not go to your heart. The subordinates were blinded by some people with ulterior motives, so they made a big mistake. Please forgive the Queen."

"Empress, we had no eyes for a while, and now we know that we were wrong, please give your subordinates another chance."

"Queen of the Devil, whoever says you are not qualified to be the Queen of the Nine Nether Realm, we will be anxious!"

Except for the Jin Family, these refiners changed their mouths as if they heard Jun Mohuang's words.

At this moment, no matter how stupid they are, they already understand that Jun Mohuang must have a unique refining method.

They have no knowledge of this method, but the attack power of the refined weapon is very powerful.

If they can learn Jun Mohuang's unique refining method, then their refining career will take a big leap.

In the future, the level of refining equipment will surpass that of the Jin family’s refining masters, and becoming a refining master, it is not a dream to reach the pinnacle of life after becoming famous.

In the face of this extreme temptation, who is still in charge of half of the blood of the spirit race on Jun Mohuang's body.

Just relying on Jun Mohuang's refining method to improve the quality of Nine Nether Realm's weapons by N levels, she has this qualification.

Anyway, in the refinery world, whoever has the best skills is the boss, and you have to hold back if you are not satisfied.

Jun Mohuang looked at Emperor Lingtian.

Well, when she was refining weapons and slinging Jin Ling'er, she did discover a very big loophole in the Nine Nether Realm refining tools.

It was so big that Jun Mohuang was really unimaginable, that the Nine Nether Realm was still fighting against the Heavenly Spirit Realm and the Profound Capital Realm under such harsh weapon conditions.

Her Ling Tian is really hard.

When Jun Mohuang saw Emperor Lingtian nodded slightly, he said to the group of refiners:

"Wait a minute, everyone, I still have challenges to complete. When I complete these witches' challenges, I will systematically teach you these methods."

"Queen, ignore the group of witches, they just envy you and hate you and deliberately engage these moths out."

When the refiner heard her say this, his heart itched even more.

I hope that the Emperor Mohuang will immediately push away the challenges of these demons and immediately teach them their unique refining methods.

The refining master said this, and the success made the face of the large group of demon girls who threatened to challenge just now darkened.

(End of this chapter)

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