Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 1463: Cut off artifact 2

Chapter 1463 Cut off the artifact 2

The levelless weapons that Jun Mohuang refined on the spot are no matter how powerful, can they be more powerful than a three-star artifact?

The Patriarch of the Jin family made it clear that he knew that the emperor needed their Jin family and would not do anything to the Jin family, so he made this request unscrupulously.

If you bully Jun Mohuang, just bully, and even pretend to pretend that I am not bullying you, but I am just talking about refining equipment.

Since you are so interested in refining tools, you have the ability to discuss with Emperor Zun!

I knew that I was looking for a soft persimmon to bully Jun Mohuang.

The demons of the Nine Nether Realm pursue the survival strategy of the weak eating the strong, but they will not attack the weak who are too far from their own strength.

Therefore, some demons feel disgusted with the behavior of the Jin Family Patriarch.

"Okay, it just so happens. I also want to know where the weapon limit of my refining weapon is, so I'll try it."

Jun Mohuang said yes.

"In order to save time, let's try the previously refined artifacts of the Jin Family Patriarch."

Jun Mohuang took out a long sword.

This long sword was made during her second test with Jin Ling'er. Jin Ling'er's weapon was cut off, and there was no damage on the long sword.

"Also, Miss Jun is really quick to talk. Then the owner of the family is offended."

In the depths of the Jin family's eyes, a triumphant smile evoked.

Humph, how good this little girl is.

He didn't believe that the levelless weapons she refined could compare to his three-star artifact!

Sacred artifacts can be a level higher than fairy artifacts.

The two are basically a world.

Jun Mohuang, you are ready to surrender this time!

The Patriarch of the Jin Family and Jun Mohuang simultaneously threw their weapons into the sky.

In order to show his fairness, Patriarch Jin also took out a long sword similar to the appearance of Jun Mohuang.

"Zheng" sound.

The two weapons struck each other in the air, sparking a string of sparks.

There was a crisp sound again, and there was a long sword in the air, broken into two pieces.

"Hahaha, Miss Jun, the owner of the family has taken over."

The Patriarch of the Jin family glanced at the two broken swords that fell to the ground, unable to conceal his pride.

He didn't even look at the broken sword carefully, and he started to cry.

Hum, how good Jun Mohuang is.

Not inferior to the Jin Family's refining technique.

Apart from Emperor Zun, their Jin Family's refining technique is the strongest in the entire Nine Nether World!

Jun Mohuang: "..."

The demons in the hall: "..."

Some demons have covered their faces speechlessly, expressing that they cannot bear to look straight.

I said, elder brother, can you please read it clearly before you sigh.

The broken sword, it is clearly your three-star artifact!

"Patriarch Jin, it is your sword that broke."

Jun Mohuang retracted the long sword.

Her sword was the long sword that cut off the head of the Jin family, but this sword was also abandoned.

"Hahaha, Miss Jun is really joking..."

The head of the Jin family laughed twice, and then he couldn't laugh after the two-cut sword floating on the ground.

This time he saw clearly that there were three purple six-pointed stars on the two broken swords on the ground.

It is the symbol of Samsung's artifact.

It was his own sword that broke.

"This... how is this possible!"

The Jin Family Patriarch was unbelievable, his expression ugly, stared at the broken sword on the ground for several seconds, then looked at the long sword in Jun Mohuang's hand.

The place where her long sword was hit by the three-star artifact, the blade was already torn apart, jagged like canine teeth.

The long sword dangled softly, and the two pieces were joined by the sword skin only one centimeter wide.

(End of this chapter)

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