Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 1459: Various hanging 3

Chapter 1459 Various slings 3

"Jun Mohuang, don't deliberately delay time here, no matter if you say ten or a hundred sentences, you will fail if you can't change it..."

Among the crowd onlookers, a demon girl also sneered.

But she hasn't finished her sentence "none can change the fact that you failed".

Jun Mohuang's eyes flicked a playful smile, and with a small hand, she opened the Tunjin Ding.

There is no dazzling treasure.

Everyone only saw a weapon glowing with **** cold light, flying out of the gold swallowing cauldron, drawing a dazzling horizontal red arc in the air.

There was a crisp sound of "Zheng".

Jun Mohuang's weapon struck a round red, and he cut into two pieces the cyan long sword that Jin Linger was proud of.

The original floating position of the cyan long sword was now replaced by a scarlet scimitar.

The scarlet scimitar was shaped like a crescent moon, and its blade shone with a chilling sharp light.

The blade is slender and smooth, with a **** color.

The scarlet scimitar was suspended in the air, looking down high above the ground, and was broken into two cyan long swords.

There was a clear voice, as if cheering for his victory.

The audience was silent.

All the demons saw the cyan long sword broken in two on the ground, their eyes widened, and their mouths were big enough to fit an egg.

On the sword body of the cyan long sword, eight blue six-pointed stars arranged neatly are clearly visible.

At this time, the sword body of the row of eight blue six-pointed stars, representing the eight-star fairy weapon, the cyan long sword that was praised by everyone, fell to the ground and broke in two.

During the whole process, they didn't even see the look of the weapon that Jun Mohuang refined.

It wasn't until the cyan long sword was cut off and the scarlet scimitar floated above everyone's heads, that everyone could see how Jun Mohuang had refined this weapon.

Even more bizarre is that this weapon does not have any star signs at all.

With the level and vision of the craftsmen present, it is impossible to tell at all what level it belongs to.

The facts that happened in front of me were caught off guard and out of the expectation of all demons.

All the demons forgot their words at this time, no matter whether they are a craftsman or not, whether they hate Jun Mohuang or not, their hearts are crazy.

How can this be!

Jin Ling'er is the most talented and strongest refiner of the younger generation in the Nine Nether World, and she has understood the power of the golden element since she was born.

As for Jun Mohuang, perhaps he would have a little bit of refining skills before, but he was definitely not proficient.

Otherwise, how could she not even know the attributes and parameters of most of the refining materials.

The process of refining is also ignoring the standard process.

Just like this, Jun Mohuang made a gradeless scimitar and cut off Jin Linger's tenth-level eight-star magical weapon.

But Jin Linger's Eight-Star Immortal Tool had no resistance at all.

All this is really too weird, too incredible.

All of this, no matter if it is Jun Mohuang's chaotic refining, a sharp weapon was refined;

It was Jin Linger's Eight-Star Immortal Tool that was chopped off by a gradeless scimitar, all of which were beyond their ability to understand and accept.

The brains of the demons crashed, and the hall became quiet, and the needles fell.

But this silence did not last long, and Jin Linger stared at the cyan long sword that had been cut in half on the ground.

He clutched his head and let out a low growl.

This was the highest work she had refined in her life, so it was chopped off by Jun Mohuang's scimitar who had no level.

(End of this chapter)

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