Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 1458: Various hangings 2

Chapter 1458 Various Slings 2

"Sharpness level ten, Miss Ling'er really deserves to be the most talented and powerful refiner in the young generation of our Nine Nether Realms. At such a young age, she has developed a sharpness level ten weapon. The future is not!"

"Look, the star of this cyan long sword is not low, it's an eight-star fairy!"

"Eight-star fairy weapon! Miss Ling'er can only practice the seven-star fairy weapon in the past, this time she breaks through her refinery star again!"

"While raising the star of my refining device by one star, it also guaranteed the tenth level of sharpness. Miss Ling'er is really amazing!"

"Miss Linger, really a super genius!"

Below, not only the refining masters but also other demons were completely impressed by Yue Linger's superb refining standards!

Once a weapon reaches the fairy weapon level, in addition to relying on the weapon's own star level, there is an important parameter, which is the sharpness level of the weapon.

Level 1 is the lowest, and level 10 is the highest.

The higher the sharpness, the stronger the attack power.

There is no doubt that Yue Ling'er will win this time.

Yue Ling'er felt the compliments of the demons around her, and she was very proud of her.

She Yue Ling'er had this kind of self-confidence since she was a child. In the Nine Nether Realm, her refining level has no rivals among her peers.

To achieve such an achievement, it is an inevitable result.

Yue Ling'er looked at Di Lingtian above the Luang Seat and saw that so many people were praising her, and she had performed so well, Emperor Zun must have noticed her too.

This is a great time to brush his face in front of the emperor to brush his favor.

But what made Yue Ling'er extremely disappointed was that Di Ling's **** eyes drooped, with rare tenderness and pampering in it.

It wasn't her who looked at her, it was indeed Jun Mohuang who was opposite her.

Yue Ling'er was suddenly out of breath.

This half-hearted Jun Mohuang didn't even know the attributes and parameters of the raw materials before refining, so the emperor actually spoiled her so much!

She is not convinced!

Deep jealousy flooded Yue Ling'er's heart.

At this moment, under Jun Mohuang's gold swallowing cauldron, the black flame just extinguished.

"Hmph, Jun Mohuang, you have self-knowledge. Knowing that you can't make anything through blind practice, when I saw this lady became an Eight-Star Immortal, I automatically stopped and gave up."

Yue Ling'er looked at Jun Mohuang's Golden Swallowing Ding with a look of contempt.

"In your tripod, I am afraid that even the various raw materials have not been thoroughly tempered and melted by fire."

"It doesn't matter if you lose, after all you have to lose. This is an established fact."

"Quickly open your cauldron and let this lady see the broken copper and broken iron in your cauldron. This lady can also take advantage of this pile of broken copper and broken iron to explain to you the reason for your failure and teach you The correct way."

Yue Ling'er thought that Jun Mohuang hadn't cultivated anything at all.

The demons who were onlookers all looked at Tunjinding Ding with scorching eyes, and couldn't wait to see what was going on inside.

"Jin Ling'er, since you want to see that so much, then you can keep your eyes wide open. It's best not to blink your eyes at once, lest you don't know clearly. Later you will say that I am cheating, which is not good."

Jun Mohuang placed his hand on the lid of the gold swallowing cauldron, a thought-provoking smile appeared in his eyes.

"Hehe, this lady wants to see, it's just a mess of broken copper and iron, what tricks you can make! No matter what you say here now, you will be destined to become this lady's defeat!"

Jin Ling'er disagrees, her eyes are full of contempt for Jun Mohuang.

(End of this chapter)

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