Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 1443: Golden Ling 1

Chapter 1443 Jin Ling 1

Di Lingtian saw that she was happy, a petting smile appeared in his **** eyes, and squeezed her little hand.

"It's more than not losing money, it's really making a lot of money."

Jun Mohuang held Di Lingtian's arm, and habitually raised his head and wanted to qin him.

The veil on her face reminded her of the occasion in time.

Jun Mohuang coughed dryly, let go of Di Lingtian's arm, and lowered his head to count the sorted gifts.

She didn't mind being intimate with Di Lingtian on such occasions, she was afraid that she would not be able to stop at first.

Di Lingtian's temptation to her was really too great.

In order to remind himself at the banquet, Jun Mohuang simply put on a veil that could cut off the breath of Emperor Ling.

Di Lingtian originally expected her qin to come up, but when she saw her suddenly withdraw, disappointment was actually born in her heart.

Forget it, when the banquet is over, he will get it back with profit.

"It's really shameless, I slam my nose and eyes, I actually want to be intimate with the emperor on this occasion!"

"This woman clearly wants to demonstrate to us in this way!"

"Fortunately, the emperor was wise and stopped her, so that her treacherous tricks did not succeed."

The demon girls below the hall were watching Jun Mohuang's actions all the time.

When seeing the action she just wanted to do, every Demon girl was filled with righteous indignation and gritted their teeth.

"Really ignorant, these low-level family gifts can make her happy like this, and I don't know what the emperor is after her!"

Seeing Jun Mohuang happily counting the gifts around him, the Demon girls felt a jittery crook in their hearts.

"What's the matter, half an hour has passed, why haven't the people who slapped Jun Mohuang come out."

"These low-level families are so courageous."

Among the group of Demon girls headed by Mu Yaoyao, some of them became impatient.

Not only those fifth-level, fourth-level families dare not make trouble.

Even the several third-tier families in the main hall would just send gifts to them, and they had no intention of targeting Jun Mohuang at all.

"Don't worry, the face slappers will be here soon."

Mu Yaoyao saw a demon girl standing diagonally across from her family position, immediately showing a good show.

Upon seeing this, Han Yiyi said, "Yes, now it's the turn of the powerful family in the third-tier family to play."

The powerful family in the third-level family would definitely not just watch Jun Mohuang continue to be proud.

A young demon clan girl, holding a brocade box, moved her lotus steps gently, and slowly walked under the Luang seat of Emperor Lingtian.

Salute Di Lingtian respectfully, and hold the brocade box in his hand above his head.

"Di Zun, in order to show respect to Miss Jun, this time our Jin family presented the family heirloom-Jin Zhi Ling."

This demon girl has a beautiful appearance and a sweet voice, which instantly attracted the attention of most people in the hall.

They looked at this girl, and secretly said in their hearts that it was the Jin family.

The Jin Family is a family that has only risen in the Nine Nether Realm in recent decades, and its birthplace is in the southern part of the Nine Nether Realm.

If it were not for the short time for the family to take off, the Jin family would have lost the accumulation of family heritage in just a few decades.

Give them another one or two hundred years, and the Jin family can definitely rank in the second-tier family and occupy the core position of the second-tier family.

Don't look at the Jin family in all the family rankings, only ranked third.

Their attainments in refining tools are unmatched in the entire Nine Nether Realm.

(End of this chapter)

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