Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 1442: Various dissatisfaction 5

Chapter 1442 Various dissatisfaction 5

Nine feathers and phoenix patterns... The two were not married yet, and Emperor Zun even put on Jun Mohuang clothes with this pattern.

The emperor really believed that she was the queen of the future.

In an instant, all the demons automatically raised the threat of Jun Mo Phoenix by several levels in their hearts.

No, no, they must prevent this from happening.

This time not only for their own desires, but also for the entire Nine Nether World.

All the demons have this thought,

After Di Lingtian sat on the Luang seat, he got up, lowered his head and sat in his seat again.

For the first time, the goals of all the girls of the Demon Race were not placed on Emperor Ling Tian.

They lowered their heads and looked down, seeing Jun Mohuang wearing a veil from the corner of their eyes, and a deep disdain flashed in their hearts.

This woman was a little self-aware, knowing that she was not very good, so she covered her face.

Hmph, do you think you can get through by covering your face.

Later they will make her have to take off her veil, not ashamed of her mediocre appearance!

"This deity asked you to prepare gifts for the future queen, hurry up"

Di Lingtian squeezed Jun Mohuang's small hand, his **** eyes drooped, and he glanced at the audience slowly.

He went straight to the subject, obviously not wanting to waste time on these demons.

Jun Mohuang wore a veil and sat beside Di Lingtian obediently.

Looking at the huge swarm of demons below.

The number of these demons is at least two thousand people, and the number of families is estimated to exceed one hundred.

Among the families that can sit here, they must be able to rank in the magic city, at least the third-level family.

There are also some families that are not ranked and are below the third level.

Di Lingtian's Nine Nether World Realm is indeed a big family.

Those who will come to her to find faults must be endless.

"Yes, the emperor, the subordinates will submit it immediately."

The Mu Family Patriarch said immediately.

The order in which gifts are given to Jun Mohuang is from low to high according to the rank of the family.

First is the fifth-level family, then the fourth-level, third-level, second-level, first-level.

There are a large number of family forces in the City of Ten Thousand Demons, and the fourth and fifth levels, as well as some third-level low-ranking families, are waiting in the side hall.

These families usually don't have the opportunity to meet Emperor Lingtian at all. The family power is weak, and they don't dare to find fault at all, so they will withdraw immediately after offering a gift.

Even if they didn't accept Jun Mohuang as the future queen, what could be done for their low status.

Still don't beep anything, leave a good impression in front of the emperor, maybe there will be a chance to rise in the future.

Jun Mohuang excitedly lit these gifts.

All kinds of medicinal materials, all kinds of special spar, ore metals, all kinds of special spirit fruits, and weird heaven and earth treasures.

Only she can't think of it, there is nothing that these demons can't come up with.

The gifts given by these families are better than God’s family background, but not worse.

But she could give these things to Feng Yunqi and the others, to her uncle's cousin Xiaoxi and sister Yaxi, as well as the Mo people.

Take it for auction, or use it as a reward to attract more powerful players to join Baiyu City.

In short, it's useful.

Moreover, the gifts given by these people were not taken from Di Lingtian's space ring, and there was no sense of guilt at all after spending it.

This kind of feeling is refreshing when you think about it.

"How about it, is there a feeling of not losing money with me."

(End of this chapter)

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