Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 1440: Various dissatisfaction 3

Chapter 1440 Various dissatisfaction 3

Di Lingtian asked her to change her dress again, and she knew what important occasion she had to attend again.

"I don't want to go anywhere, Ling Tian, ​​I just want to sleep."

Jun Mohuang wanted to cry without tears.

She slept well just now, but when he came back, she could no longer fall asleep.

Jun Mohuang looked at her hands, her hands, there hasn't been a day to rest in these ten days.

What can comfort her a little bit is that this time she finally took the initiative.

"Hey, there are many benefits to take, and I guarantee that I won't lose."

Emperor Ling Tian Xu emphasized his interests.

"Not going."

Jun Mohuang was not interested at all.

What she wants right now, just take it directly at Di Lingtian.

Di Lingtian said: "It's a benefit that I can't give."

"Ling Tian, ​​there are still benefits under the sky that you can't give."

Jun Mohuang's sleepiness and fatigue were wiped out in an instant.

"Of course, I am only the Devil Emperor of the Nine Nether Realm, and I am not the master of heaven and earth. There are benefits that I cannot give, and there are things I cannot do.

Di Lingtian touched her head.

She thought of him too much.

If he could really do everything and omnipotent, so many things would not have happened back then that kept him separated from her for so long.

"I go, I go.

Jun Mohuang turned his passive into an active one and put on his skirt.

The benefits that Di Ling Tian couldn't give her were definitely the benefits of Tian Da.

"Ling Tian, ​​you are my **** in my heart."

Seeing Di Lingtian's slightly sad expression, she thought he was thinking of the dark wound in her anger, and she felt very distressed.

Jun Mohuang took the initiative to stand on tiptoe, and quelled him.

"Huang'er, for your sweetness, I don't care about your prodigal today and spilled a thousand bottles of Grandmaster-level pills."

Di Lingtian squeezed her little face gently.

After she was born again, her character changed a lot.

After I fell in love with him again, I still didn't change at all for him, which was great.

Jun Mohuang quibbly said: "How can this be a prodigal, given those demonic civilians, the strength of the Nine Nether Realms will grow in the future."

Well, a thousand bottles, too much.


The sky is completely dark.

Somewhere in the magic palace is brightly lit.

Countless night pearls are inlaid on the roof, illuminating the hall as bright as day.

Above the main hall is the Luang seat, which is the position of Emperor Lingtian.

The sky above Luang Seat was empty.

On both sides of the lower part of the main hall, the demons of various families in the City of Ten Thousand Demons were sitting upright.

As for those families whose status is too low, they can't get in at all, only waiting to wait in the side hall with gifts.

"The post of the emperor said it was seven o'clock, and it is already eight o'clock now, why hasn't the emperor appeared yet?"

"I don't know, the emperor has something to summon us. It has always been very punctual. It was delayed for an hour. This situation is unprecedented."

When it was time for the banquet, Di Lingtian hadn't appeared yet.

These Mozu ministers began to mutter and discuss.

One of the honest people worried: "Is it possible that something happened to the emperor?"

Another demon sneered: "Are you stupid, what can happen to the emperor, it is clear that the emperor has a beauty, and the beauty is tripped."

"Hmph, that woman is said to be of double bloodlines, and the other half is of spirit race bloodlines. This Patriarch definitely does not accept such a woman as the queen of the Nine Netherworld!"

"Yes, this Patriarch absolutely disagrees. Later, he will surely pretend to be like Emperor Zun, letting Emperor Zun kill this demon on the spot!"

Today's update is complete...

(End of this chapter)

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