Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 1439: Various dissatisfaction 2

Chapter 1439 Various dissatisfaction 2

Earth Spirit saw Jun Mohuang lying on the bed without an image, and couldn't help but complain.

"Don't worry, you are dumped by Xiao Jin, he won't dump me."

Jun Mohuang hugged the pillow and rolled around comfortably.

These two actually developed affection for each other in the Phoenix space when she didn't know.

"Huh, Xiao Jin won't get rid of me."

The Earth Spirit approached Xiaojin's body by two points.

"Is it."

Jun Mohuang's lips curled up with a playful smile, and then looked at Xiaojin. "Xiaojin, I order you not to be with him."

"Um...Xiaotu, although you are very good to me, the master doesn't allow it, and there is no other way. So... let's break up."

Xiaojin looked embarrassed.

It is not like this to the spirit of the earth, but it can't resist the master's order.

Earth Spirit was injured, then glared at Jun Mohuang.

Jun Mohuang smiled evilly: "How about it."

"You won...huh!"

Earth Spirit glared at Jun Mohuang with his round eyes.

This bad woman, it worked so hard to take care of the medicinal materials for her in the Phoenix Jade Space. She actually relied on her man to be the Devil Emperor of the Nine Nether Realm, so she treated it like this.

Earth Spirit squinted at the two small drops of water that A Miao's two leaves were playing with.

Hmph, then it's a little unusual that it has made in the Phoenix Jade space these days, don't tell her, let her suffer a little.

"By the way, Yinyue, how about Shuijing Mountain and the Shuijing Linggen inside."

Jun Mohuang looked at Lord Yinyue.

"Master, don't worry, Shui Jingshan and Shui Jing Ling Roots are both very good. Benlong has harvested 30 Shui Jing Ling Roots in these days."

Lord Yinyue took out a mature water mirror and put it in Jun Mohuang's hands.

The water mirror Linggen is transparent throughout, exuding colorful halo under natural light.

Both the size and the color are much better than those in the Lingyuanzong.

"It is estimated that in four months, this dragon will be able to cultivate the spirit roots of the middle grade water mirror."

"Yes, I will make you a good meal tomorrow."

Jun Mohuang patted Lord Yinyue on the head.

"Hey, the master is the best."

Lord Yinyue resisted the urge to drool.

"You can play here by yourself. Just remember not to run out. I will sleep for a while."

Jun Mohuang was relieved to solve the problem of Shui Jing's spiritual root.

The next step is to learn the refining of the Water Mirror Spirit Pill and treat the dark wounds to Emperor Lingtian.

This is also her main task for staying in the Nine Nether World during this time.

After all, she was about to leave the Nine Nether Realm, and the Eight Sides Profound Realm still had important tasks waiting for her.

The strength of the Mo people needs to be improved on a large scale, and she needs to expand the operation of Baiyu City and expand her territory.

She is going to make trouble in the Heavenly Spirit Realm in the future, and her background is not strong enough, so how can she do it?

Di Lingtian treated her very well and even gave her a promise.

But Jun Mohuang still had to have her own power, so that she could help him at the critical moment.

A few of them heard Jun Mohuang's words, and instantly strayed into birds and beasts, leaving the room as quickly as possible.

Don't stay here and watch while the owner is sleeping.

After all, the owner’s sleeping posture is not very good,

If he saw something, Di Lingtian would beat them to death.

When Di Lingtian walked into the palace, the picture he saw should not be too beautiful.

Under this kind of picture, it is completely conceivable what will happen next.

Two hours later.

Jun Mohuang was drowsy.

"Huang'er, hurry up, get up, and change your clothes."

Di Lingtian helped her up.

"Why do I want to change my skirt again, haven't I already showed my face."

(End of this chapter)

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