Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 1417: Emperor Lingtian's Promise 3

Chapter 1417 Di Lingtian's Promise 3

Di Lingtian raised her jaw and forced her to look at him.

"I remember that because I risk leaving you, you will cherish our time together and do your best to do your best. If this way I will leave you, then you are willing to bet."

"You said, because I risk leaving me, you have to work hard for me."

"You also said that I am more important than your life."

Di Lingtian's voice was low, slowly speaking what she had said at the time.

The fiery emotions in his **** eyes swept Jun Mohuang once again.

"You all know... if you know, you will know, why do you want to say it."

Jun Mohuang glared at him.

At this moment, her jet black eyes were full of water, and this one's glaring eyes were not lethal at all.

"You must not laugh at me."

At the end, Jun Mohuang added another sentence.

The corners of Di Lingtian's lips raised a chuckle: "Silly girl, you like me so much, I'm too happy to have time, how can I laugh at you."

"You said you don't laugh!"

Jun Mohuang couldn't help but pinch him.

"Remember, no one is more important than your own life at any time in the future, including me."

Di Lingtian stroked her face lightly, and his tone suddenly became more serious than ever.

"decide as things go."

Jun Mohuang didn't answer clearly, and gave him an ambiguous answer.

Before she liked God Ling Tian, ​​this was indeed her code of conduct.

Now that she has Di Lingtian, everything is different.

"Don't look at the situation! Otherwise, I'll get angry and punish you severely."

Di Lingtian's hand squeezed her jaw.

"Well, it doesn't depend on the situation."

The villain in Jun Mohuang's heart rolled his eyes.

This person is really domineering.

If you don't look at the situation, you don't look at the situation. Anyway, she just agreed so casually now, and what will happen to her then.

Di Lingtian couldn't do anything to her.

"Also, Huang'er, remember, you are always a winner with me."

Di Lingtian was very satisfied with her obedient attitude. He looked at her deeply and made his promise.

"Ling Tian, ​​you are too full of words, be careful and slap yourself in the face later."

Jun Mohuang smiled from the bottom of his heart.

What he meant was that she would never lose.

Any willingness to bet and lose will not happen to her.

He will never betray her and leave her.

"Hmph, little villain, you are not moved when you hear this, but you come to tease me."

Di Lingtian narrowed his eyes and squeezed her jaw firmly.

Jun Mohuang covered his chin: "Pain, Ling Tian, ​​I was wrong..."

"Really don't pinch?

Di Lingtian quickly moved his hand away, he remembered that he didn't use any force at all, how could it hurt.

"Hehehehe, of course I lied to you."

Jun Mohuang immediately retreated, with a successful expression on his face.

"Little villain, he is getting bolder and he is lying to me again."

Di Lingtian captured her back.

"Don't be angry, Ling Tian, ​​I will compensate you for the big deal and satisfy you."

Jun Mohuang was not afraid of him now, reaching out his hand to touch his extremely handsome face.

"Compensation, but also my satisfaction? Little girl, a big tone. You are not as strong as I am, the amethyst in your pocket is not as much as mine, and the treasure in the space ring is far worse than mine. What can you do to compensate ?"

Di Lingtian chuckled slightly, disgusting in his mouth, but his **** eyes were extremely fierce, betraying his true mood.

Today is updated...

(End of this chapter)

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