Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 1416: Emperor Lingtian's Promise 2

Chapter 1416 Di Lingtian's Promise 2

Jun Mohuang noticed his movement and moved inward as if reflexively.

Cover the quilt tighter.

Di Lingtian said helplessly: "I'm not angry anymore, come here soon."

After hearing the question and answer between the heart of the water mirror and Jun Mohuang in that sound transmission jade talisman, his anger disappeared long ago.

She was so divine and profound to him, and regarded him as more important than her own life, what right did he have to be angry.

Recalling those words of Jun Mohuang in the sound transmission jade talisman, Di Lingtian just wanted to hold her in his arms now.

Jun Mohuang looked suspicious: "Really? My strength is low, don't lie to me."

"You also know that your strength is low. If I really want to clean up you, you think you can get past it by shrinking back twice while hiding in the blanket

Jun Mohuang immediately threw away the quilt, approached Di Lingtian, and hugged him.

Burying his face in his arms, he took intoxicated mouthfuls.

This is what happened. Compared with before, Di Lingtian's breath has not changed. Why did she suddenly feel good smelling when we met this time.

It's the kind of addiction that can't stop at all.

"Bad girl, don't move."

Di Lingtian put her head in her arms, closed her eyes and took a deep breath, buried her head in her hair, quietly feeling the satisfaction and peace of her in her arms.

After a few minutes passed, Di Lingtian just hugged her and didn't make any other movements.

The strangeness in Jun Mohuang's heart, according to what she knew about him, he had already started chewing on her at this time.

When did Di Lingtian become so pure?

Jun Mohuang thought about it left and right.

She didn't know how her brain circuits changed, and suddenly thought of the sound transmission jade talisman that the heart of the water mirror had stuffed into her clothes.

Di Lingtian treated her wounds just now, but she didn't know if she found them.

Hey, what she said at the time was really caused by circumstances.

When she thought of it herself, goose bumps could get up.

If Di Lingtian knew, he would definitely laugh at her.

Jun Mohuang quietly pressed it with his hand, but fortunately, the sound transmission jade talisman was still there.

Since it was still there, Di Lingtian definitely hadn't noticed it.

Jun Mohuang breathed a sigh of relief.

In the next second, Di Lingtian's voice sounded.

"No need to check, I've heard it all."

Because he was buried in her hair, his voice was a little dull.

"What, have you heard of it?"

Jun Mohuang held the sound transmission jade talisman tighter, and a suspicious blush floated in his earlobe.

My god, he heard all her nasty words.

Jun Mohuang's heart beats wildly.

She couldn't help but use complaints to Di Lingtian to cover up the change in her mood.

"Ling Tian, ​​how can you move my things casually without my consent."

"Huang'er, I often touch your things without your consent."

"And, that's not your thing at all."

Di Lingtian left her hair, admiring the secrets in her heart being punctured, with a little panic expression.

"Not only did I listen to it once, but I also listened to it hundreds of times. Now, I can recite everything you said at the time."

His eyes were too fierce, Jun Mohuang lowered his head, not daring to make eye contact with him.

This kind of thing, if you know it, you will know it.

She didn't understand herself, so she was so alarmed.

But in fact, she just couldn't restrain the tension in her heart, and her heartbeat accelerated.

After being together for so long, she never formally confessed to him.

The words said in the small world of the heart of the water mirror are used to express the heart.

(End of this chapter)

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