Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 1412: Let Jun Mohuang fall out of favor

Chapter 1412 Let Jun Mohuang fall out of favor

The Han family was downgraded to the third level, and it was only a second-level family.

Her identity as Han Yiyi has plummeted.

For the witches, their status is not noble, and no matter how pure the blood is, they are still not qualified to compete for the position of the queen.

After all, not everyone is the Emperor Mohuang, who is like a fox in words and thoughts, can deceive the emperor into a daze.

Patriarch Han sighed heavily without answering.

Nine Nether World advocates the strong eating of the weak, and the competition between families is very fierce.

The family was downgraded to three levels in a row, leaving only the first level of Yuanzun realm in strength.

This means that they are far away from the power center of the Nine Nether Realm, and they can't even see Emperor Lingtian's face, and they have also lost the qualifications of the upper court.

Not to mention half a year, even after half a month, the emperor would not remember who they were.

There are too many families in the Nine Nether Realm who want to get ahead.

Once the group of strong people and families at the top of the pyramid are replaced, other families and strong people will soon be on top.

The other five Patriarchs also looked ashamed.

Seeing the end of the five people, Patriarch Mu didn't show his face, but he laughed triumphantly in his heart.

Hahahahaha, that's great!

The eight major families were downgraded to seven, and the families of the next level wanted to make up for these seven vacancies. They would not be able to get up again for a while, and could not compete with the Mu family.

As Mu Yaoyao said, Mu Family has become the largest family in the Nine Nether Realm!

It is only temporary.

But how can this be enough for the temporary largest family.

The Patriarch of the Mu family wants the Mu family to become the largest family in the Nine Nether Realm forever.

Therefore, the Patriarch Mu spoke to the other five Patriarchs in secret words with a very regretful and distressing tone:

"Dear colleagues, the Patriarch also feels very heartbroken for all of what you have encountered. All this is caused by the woman Jun Mohuang!"

"My colleagues don't need to be discouraged. As long as we work together to make Jun Mohuang lose the favor of the emperor, the status of all colleagues can definitely be restored."

Just take advantage of the hatred of these families towards Jun Mohuang and design to make Jun Mohuang fall out of favor.

After allowing his daughter Mu Yaoyao to become a demon, the Mu family will always be the largest family in the Netherworld Realm!

The Patriarch of the Mu family thought that his proposal would respond to everything.

Unexpectedly, the five Patriarchs glanced at him, without saying a word, each flew onto the black huge boat in the air.

The only way to quickly restore status is through Jun Mohuang.

After all, the Spirit Qi and Demon Qi beads that seal their strength are all in Jun Mohuang.

Only when she is satisfied and happy can they take shortcuts.

They didn't dare to break the jar, desperately to kill all the family background to kill Jun Mohuang, nor did they dare to look for Jun Mohuang's bad luck.

Haha, let Jun Mohuang fall out of favor...what a joke.

Before Jun Mohuang fell out of favor, he would crush the spiritual energy and demon energy beads that sealed their strength.

Soon, only the Mu family remained on the ground.

The Patriarch of the Mu family snorted dissatisfiedly: "Hmph, these people are really courageous than mice!"

"It is the emperor who has thought and thought for Jun Mohuang. They dare not think about Jun Mohuang now."

Without outsiders, Mu Yaoyao finally stopped suppressing her emotions, her eyes were full of jealousy.

The Emperor was really kind to Jun Mohuang, and even these aspects were considered for her.

Unfortunately, she still has a way to pull Jun Mohuang from her current position and replace it!

(End of this chapter)

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