Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 1411: Crying without tears, extremely regretful 4

Chapter 1411 I want to cry without tears, I regret it 4

Jun Mohuang curiously reached out and poked the spiritual energy beads: "What if it is crushed?"

In addition, Jun Mohuang disliked the dozen or so dark round magic beads.

This thing is full of demons, which makes her very uncomfortable.

But she still accepted all the spiritual energy beads and demon energy beads.

She understood Di Lingtian's meaning in seconds. The devil and spiritual energy beads of these Patriarchs were placed here, and it was Di Lingtian who was supporting her.

Di Lingtian said nonchalantly: "It's just a broken bead, it's crushed when it's crushed."

"Yes, the subordinates obeyed. The emperor, the subordinates... the subordinates did not intend to do this on purpose..."

The six Patriarchs who were deprived of their strength wanted to cry without tears, and regretted not in the beginning.

What is broken beads, they are the beads that seal their strength.

If it is crushed, even if Di Lingtian wants to restore their strength in the future, there will be a lot of extra pain and the recovery effect will not be good.

With the sky above, they really didn't intend to deliberately use lies to deceive Di Lingtian.

At the time they thought that what Chi Chi said was not true.

The hand of Emperor Zun was really cruel.

Before the emperor arrived, they thought that the strength of Jun Mohuang was too low and was not worthy of being the queen of the Nine Nether World.

In a blink of an eye, their strength became the middle stage of the first-order Yuanzun realm, which was lower than Jun Mohuang.

His family was also downgraded to the third level, and this trip to the Bafang Profound Realm was really not worth the gain.

In an instant, the faces of the six Patriarchs became ashamed.

At the thought of trying to please this woman who has both the spiritual and human bloodlines, the six Patriarchs felt that it was better to let them die.

Seeing the six colleagues whose strength had been greatly reduced, the Mu Family Patriarch began to rejoice in his heart and listened to Mu Yaoyao's words.

Otherwise, their fate would be his fate and Mu family's fate.

All the demons were silent, and there was only the scream of the Yu Family Patriarch being burned by the **** soul.

"As for the Yu Family, down to the fifth level, in the future, the deity does not want to see the Yu Family in the deity's sight."

Di Lingtian looked at the Yu Family Patriarch whose soul was constantly eroding, and there was no fluctuation in his heart.

The Yu family present fell into the ice cellar.

The Emperor did not want to see them again, which meant that the Yu Family would never have a chance to make a comeback.

And all this is because Yu Yanrou is self-righteous and thinks she is the queen of the future.

The Yu Family Patriarch became greedy and wanted to kill Jun Mohuang.

Finally, they barely finished dealing with the demons who bullied Jun Mohuang.

With a flick of Di Lingtian's sleeves, a black flying boat the size of a thumb flew into the air from his sleeves.

The black flying boat grew bigger in the wind until it became a huge flying boat with ten stories and hundreds of meters long before it could stop.

The black flying boat has a special luster of metal, and the edges are decorated with simple and mysterious golden flowers, low-key and luxurious.

The flying boat hovered in mid-air, like a big mountain pressing on everyone's head.

Di Lingtian pointed his toes, holding Jun Mohuang onto this huge flying boat, and landed to the top.

Chi Chi and Lan Lan also immediately followed God's steps above the sky.

As soon as Di Lingtian left, the six kneeling Patriarchs, sweaty and soft, almost collapsed to the ground.

Someone immediately stepped forward and supported each of the six Patriarchs.

"Father, we... what should we do..."

Han Yiyi has no masters, completely panic.

The family hierarchy of the Nine Nether World is divided into five levels.

Five is the lowest and one is the highest.

Located at the first level are the former eight families.

(End of this chapter)

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