Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 1407: Depressed to internal injury

Chapter 1407 Depressed to internal injury

Qingqing thought for seven or eight seconds, suddenly realized, and then looked very strange.

At the time, Di Lingtian didn't want to see him alone.

After speaking with Jun Mohuang, he was in a good mood, first showed Yu Yanrou a back, and then met with the ministers.

It was because Yu Yanrou went in first, and then Emperor Lingtian said something like that when he received the minister.

These people actually think that Yu Yanrou is the future queen of the Nine Nether World!

Qingqing said that he also accepted the brain circuits of these demon ministers.

Even Chi Chi, the dumbest of their seven secret guards, would not be so dumb.

In the Bafang Profound Realm, Chi Chi, who was lying down with a gun, suddenly wanted to sneeze very much.

Chi Chi tried desperately to cover his nose and mouth, no, no, no, no matter, no matter how serious the occasion was to prove to the hostess, the Lord must not sneeze to destroy the atmosphere.

Poor classmate Chi Chi, endured this sneeze and suffered internal injuries, not to mention how uncomfortable.

All the demons present, secretly aiming at Jun Mohuang from the corner of their eyes, their hearts are complicated.

What happened that day was actually like this.

They just said, Dizun and Yu Yanrou have never intersected except for the Shui Jing Ling Dan.

The Emperor had never been close to any woman when he was in the Nine Nether World, and even taught Yu Yanrou to refine other water mirror spirit pills through other means, and had never met her.

How could it suddenly announce that Yu Yanrou is the mistress of the Nine Nether World Realm.

After a long time, it turned out to be such a big oolong.

Thinking that they were summoned by the emperor because of Emperor Mohuang that day, these Patriarchs felt quite unhappy.

Humph, so what!

Jun Mohuang had a lot of scheming in his heart, and he must have known in advance that they could not accept her as the queen of the Nine Nether Realm, so he used this method to please them in advance.

Not worthy is not worthy, no matter how she helps them please the Emperor, it is useless.

They would not admit or accept that she was the future queen of the Nine Nether World!

"No, it's impossible... it's not like this! Qingdutong, if you recall it carefully, you must remember it wrong..."

Yu Yanrou's eyes widened, completely unable to accept this fact.

Obviously, Emperor Mingming was talking about her, how could it be Jun Mohuang.

"Miss Yu, the capital will remember it wrong, can the emperor remember it wrong? If the emperor really said something like that, and the emperor doesn't remember it, it means that he has never said such a thing."

On the Nine Nether World, a flash of disdain for Yuyanrou flashed in his green eyes

"No... not like this... not like this!"

Yu Yanrou covered her head, unable to accept the cruel facts.

A second, she was still the queen of the future.

In the next second, she became a pirated version of the Queen of the Future.

No, she was misunderstood as the Queen of the Future because of a misunderstanding, and she was worse than pirated.

Qingqing explained the ins and outs of the matter clearly, but Di Lingtian's attention was not on the business at all.

"Qingqing, you are so courageous, you dare to eavesdrop on the conversation between the deity and Huang'er!"

Di Lingtian's eyes narrowed slightly, and the breath of his body suddenly became cold.

"Subordinate... Honorable, you were in a good mood that day, and you took the initiative to reveal to me what the hostess said at the end, and said that the hostess finally had the attitude that the hostess should have towards our Nine Nether Realms. In addition, the belongings I really don't know anything."

Qingqing was depressed to internal injuries.

"Well, come to think of it, the deity did say such things."

Di Lingtian's cold breath suddenly disappeared.

Today's update is complete...

(End of this chapter)

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