Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 1406: Emperor Lingtian's Fury 3

Chapter 1406 Di Lingtian's Fury 3

"Emperor, I am Yuyanrou. I am the only person in the entire Nine Nether Realm who has the talent to refine the water mirror spiritual root. You personally taught me to refine the water mirror spiritual root before, and you have to take my refinement every month. The roots of the mirror made of water."

"Three months ago, you said in front of all the Patriarchs that I am the future queen of the Nine Nether World!"

Yu Yanrou was crying, her face pale, and she was shocked.

In her opinion, it was not that Di Lingtian had forgotten her, he was deliberately separating his relationship with her for the sake of Jun Mohuang.

"Di Zun, I have a deep love for you, and I have done so much for you. You can't have a new person, just forget me as an old person, how can I be better than her!"

"Oh it's you."

Di Lingtian finally remembered who Yu Yanrou was.

"Yes, Emperor Zun, it's me..."

Yu Yanrou's face was joyful, and Emperor Zun's change in her words meant that she still had a chance to return to the position of Queen of the Devil.

However, the words of Emperor Ling Tian made Yu Yanrou's heart fall to the bottom.

"That Miss Yujia who has a terrible talent for refining medicine."

Yu Yanrou: "I..."

How could her talent for refining medicine be poor, she is the only person in the entire Nine Nether Realm who can refine water mirror spirit pills!

Di Lingtian's beautiful thin lips raised a sneer, "This deity has never seen anyone with a worse talent for refining medicine in this life, a simple water mirror spirit pill, this deity has all the points and difficulties in the sound transmission jade talisman. Given that Lie is clear, you actually let the deity list you fifty times!"

Then, his gaze toward Jun Mohuang became more gentle than ever.

"Unlike my Huang'er, the deity will repeat the difficult points and she will refine them."

"With my Huanger Zhuyu in front, how could this deity like a stupid woman like you."

Jun Mohuang: "..."

Jun Mohuang was speechless and pinched his waist with his hands.

He deals with his peach blossom debt, is it necessary to praise her so much.

This is simply pulling her hatred, okay!

Being so despised by his beloved man, the object of reference is Jun Mohuang, whom he has always looked down upon.

No matter how thick Yu Yanrou was, she was very embarrassed.

"Qingqing, the deity that Yu Yanrou talked about had personally admitted that she was the future queen of the Nine Nether Realms before she shut herself down, what happened?"

Regarding the personal acknowledgment of Yu Yanrou's identity as the queen of the future, Di Lingtian didn't think about it.

Simply took out the Sound Transmission Jade Talisman and asked Qingqing in the Nine Nether Realm at this moment.

Yu Yanrou, who had been hit hard, regained hope.

Qingdutong didn't follow this time, he didn't know what happened here.

He will tell the truth and tell the truth of the day.

"Um... Your honor, you haven't personally said that Yu Yanrou is the queen of the future..."

On the Nine Nether World Realm, Qing Qing was stunned.

The emperor's eyes were not blind, and there was no problem with his brain, why would he say such things.

What is even more bizarre is why the emperor should ask such questions!

"No, it's impossible! Qingdutong, think about it!"

Yu Yanrou heard the voice coming from Qingqing in the sound transmission jade talisman and immediately shouted.

"Oh, my subordinates remembered. That day, you were talking with the hostess on the sound transmission jade talisman, and finally the hostess asked you to treat your subordinates better."

"You didn't plan to meet the eight households and other ministers at the time. Because of the mistress's words, you changed your mind to meet them. Then you asked them to thank the future queen of the Nine Nether Realm..."

(End of this chapter)

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