Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 1388: The queen of the future is different 1

Chapter 1388 The future queen is different 1

"What to do, all this day has passed, and we still cannot enter the mirror world. This time the heart of the water mirror, but Emperor Zun gave us the assessment of the eight major families. If we can't complete it, wouldn't it be ashamed of the Emperor Zun's expectations of us? ?"

Han Yiyi's father, the head of the Han family, looked worried.

"Yes, not only is it shameful to let down the expectations of the emperor, and failing to complete the assessment, our family's points are in danger."

Patriarchs of the other six major families all agreed.

It's a trivial thing to look forward to.

Nine Netherworld has always pursued the rule of the weak eating the strong. The ranking of the eight big families is very fierce, and the rankings are all calculated according to points.

Points are divided according to the size of the credit. Great credits can get large credits, and small credits can get small credits.

After completing the assessment by Emperor Lingtian himself, you can get a large amount of points and consolidate the existing power of the family.

If all the eight major families fail this time without obtaining the heart of the water mirror, then all the families will receive a large sum of points.

The points deducted are enough to make them fall out of the eighth family.

Yu Yanrou's father, the head of the Yu Family, said: "Don't worry too much, the girls are all in, maybe they will bring out the heart of the water mirror."

Among the Patriarchs of the Eight Great Families, there is only his expression, he is not worried, but relaxed and happy.

Haha, even if none of the eight families have completed the assessment this time, he is the future father-in-law of the Emperor, and the Emperor will not let the Yu Family fall out of the ranking of the eight families.

His eldest daughter, Yu Yanrou, is among the top demon girls who have entered the mirror world.

The heart of the water mirror will definitely be acquired by her eldest daughter Yu Yanrou.

"Although our daughters are all in the Yuanzong realm, I am afraid it is still a bit difficult to obtain the heart of the water mirror..."

How could the other seven Patriarchs not know what the Yu Family Patriarch was thinking.

To him, there are only two words in his heart-ha ha.

The eight Patriarchs were talking, the foreground of their eyes seemed to be blurred and distorted, and the spiritual energy in the sky rippled.

Two seconds later, Jun Mohuang, Chi Chi, and the group of demon girls appeared on a lawn near the eight Patriarchs.

Except Chi Chi, everyone has injuries and can only lie on the lawn.

When the eight Patriarchs saw someone appear out of thin air, their first reaction was an enemy attack.

When they saw that the people on the lawn were their daughters, they rushed over.

"Yan Rou, how did you hurt like this!"

With a distressed look on the face of the Yu Family Patriarch, he lifted Yu Yanrou up and fed her several pills.

Yuyan softly and tightly covered her heart, she was seriously injured, and her heart was suffering from colic.



The remaining seven Patriarchs walked to their daughters and helped them all up.

The attention of the eight Patriarchs was all on their daughters, and they didn't even notice the extra Jun Mohuang and Chi Chi.

Only Lan Lan saw the two at the first time.

Seeing Jun Mohuang's injury like this, his blue face turned pale in shock.

He immediately walked to Jun Mohuang and Chi Chi's side and asked in a secret language.

"Chichi, what is going on?"

His old lady, didn't the mistress go to steal the Shui Jingshan? How come she went to the mirror world like those demon girls, and she was hurt like this!

If your lord knows, he and Chi Chi will definitely be chopped into meat sauce, and then thrown out to feed the dog.

(End of this chapter)

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