Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 1387: Unbreakable, the mystery of mirroring 2

Chapter 1387 can be broken, the mystery of mirroring 2

At the same time, the golden dagger in Jun Mohuang's mirror image hand inserted into her neck aorta.

Jun Mohuang took two steps back, her neck was white and delicate, with no wounds.

With a soft "bang", her mirror image shattered into countless transparent fragments, falling on the space boundary below.

"Bang, bang, bang..."

Countless crisp sounds came, and the entire mirror world, like a broken mirror, shattered into countless pieces.

"Ahhhh, master, master, I have waited for so many years, and finally waited for you...uuuuuu..."

The heart of the water mirror on the sacrificial stage, with excitement, flew into Jun Mohuang's arms automatically.

Unexpectedly, really unexpectedly, she actually penetrated the mystery of mirroring at the last moment!

Jun Mohuang looked at the heart of the water mirror that was beating in her hands, she was really sure at this moment, she guessed it right, she succeeded!

She got the heart of the water mirror for Di Lingtian.

She also almost died.

Jun Mohuang's legs softened and fell to the ground.

Her body is already at the end of the crossbow, but it has been supported by willpower.

Could it be that in the heart of the water mirror, the tight string in Jun Mohuang's mind suddenly broke.

She didn't even hear what the heart of the water mirror was saying when it fell into her arms.

"Master, I'm sorry, Lao Tzu was too ruthless just now, but this is a necessary procedure, and I can't help it!"

The heart of the water mirror yelled, and at the same time, it immediately delivered aura and began to repair Jun Mohuang's body.


Because of the acquiescence of the heart of the water mirror, Chi Chi rushed onto the sacrificial platform and directly rushed into the small world of the heart of the water mirror.

On the sacrificial stage.

Because of the shattering of the mirror world, the altar also collapsed.

The demon girls are in a hurry, eager to flee for their lives.

While fleeing, Yu Yanrou shouted unacceptably: "How can this be! How can the mystery of the heart of the water mirror be so simple!"

Han Yiyi's expression collapsed: "No, Jun Mohuang actually managed to get the heart of the water mirror, no, I don't accept it! I don't accept it! Why can she get it, I can't!"

Mu Yaoyao suddenly said, "Mirroring, mirroring, when the eyes can't see, mirroring is illusion. That's it, it's that way! It's so simple, why didn't I expect it!"

The principle seems really simple.

However, when faced with a reflection attack, which has a substantial mirror image, who dares to blindfold his eyes.

Only Jun Mohuang, who is desperate for his goals, has this kind of courage.

In the small world of the heart of the water mirror.


Chi Chi saw that the wound on Jun Mohuang's body was gradually healed, and wiped the cold sweat on his forehead, finally heaved a sigh of relief in his heart.

Chi Chi said to Shui Jingzhi: "Hurry up and send us out towards the direction of Baiyu City."

The less trouble, the better.

It's better to see the master as soon as possible to completely guarantee the mistress's comfort.


As the heart of the water mirror said, Chi Chi's eyes twisted in front of his eyes, and his vision changed.

Three seconds later, Jun Mohuang, Chi Chi, and the group of demon girls left the mirror world and came to a dense forest.

Here is the dense forest near Lingyuanzong.

The Patriarchs of the Mu Family, the Han Family, and the Yu Family and their respective forces are gathering in this dense forest.

After they took the initiative to jump into the hole under Shuijing Mountain more than a day ago, they did not enter the mirror world, but were transported to this dense forest.

The eight Patriarchs and Lan Lan didn't know what was going on, so they decided to wait here on the spot and react accordingly.

Today's update is complete...

(End of this chapter)

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