Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 1383: Your emperor doesn't like you at all 1

Chapter 1383 Your emperor doesn't like you at all 1

As the words of the heart of the water mirror just fell, an image suddenly appeared in front of Jun Mohuang's eyes.

The image of this scene, like a high-definition holographic projection, was presented clearly and three-dimensionally before her eyes.

At the same time, Jun Mohuang's whole body warmed, and the energy that had fallen rapidly in her body was stabilized, and even slightly recovered.

Back to the level where she was when the heart of the water mirror tortured her.

Jun Mohuang: "..."

She really wanted to yell, MD, my mother is not a man!

But her energy is limited and she can't waste it anymore.

In the small world of the heart of the water mirror.

After a bitter battle between Yuyanrou and her own mirror image, she was covered in blood and was seriously injured. She was unable to lie down on the ground and could no longer attack.

Yu Yanrou's physical condition at this time was the same as Jun Mohuang, and after several more attacks, she would die.

"Lost strength? Very good, let's change the gameplay."

The voice of the heart of the water mirror resounded in the image.

"I ask you a question, you must answer truthfully, otherwise you will die in five seconds."

"Now, let me start."

After the heart of Shui Jing said, before Yu Yanrou could answer, she started asking questions directly.

"Woman, why did you come to the mirror world, why did you get me? For whom are you doing all this?"

This question is similar to the question that Shui Jingzhi asked Jun Mohuang just now.

After it finished speaking, it started a routine countdown.

Feeling the vitality in the body passing, Yu Yanrou immediately said: "The emperor has a dark wound..."

"No, no, I don't allow you to let all of this out, and don't allow you to show all of this to Jun Mohuang!"

Outside the small world, Yu Yanrou turned pale when she saw this scene, and she stopped loudly.

However, her prevention was futile.

In the small world, the image of Yu Yanrou fell to the ground, and continued: "The emperor needs the heart of the water mirror to heal. I got you to heal the dark wounds of the emperor."

Shui Jingzhi's heart chuckled softly: "Why do you risk treating your imperial emperor's wounds? What else are you trying?"

After it finished speaking, there was a slight aura fluctuation in the air, and the vitality of Yu Yanrou's body began to flow away again.

"I... I hope that the dark wounds of the emperor are healed. I want to get the heart of the water mirror and increase the weight in his heart. I want him to like me and fall in love with me. I want to be the queen of the Nine Nether World Realm, and I want to get The favor of the emperor!"

Yu Yanrou was a little shy at the beginning, but at the end, her expression became extremely excited, and she didn't know what shyness was.

Heart of Shui Jing: "It turned out to be for men. Does your emperor like you?"

Yuyan's soft tone was sure: "Of course I like it. The Emperor himself promised that I will be the future queen of the Nine Nether World."

Even with the appearance of Jun Mohuang, her self-confidence in herself remained undiminished.

"Tsk tusk, for you as a man, to make yourself like this, and you will die from serious injuries, is it worth it?"

Shui Jingzhi said with a bewitching tone.

"In this world, the most unreliable thing is the heart of a man. You are not afraid, he will be darkly wounded and betray you and betray you, and like other women? Marry another woman to be the queen of the devil?"

"You are working hard here for him, making yourself so miserable, where is he? If he loves you a little bit, he will not let you come to my mirror world."

"Your emperor doesn't like you at all. He is just using you to get me. You are so pathetic and pathetic."

(End of this chapter)

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