Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 1382: For my future husband 4

Chapter 1382 For my future husband 4

Holding the sword, Jun Mohuang stood up slowly and hard, making a preparatory attack.

As she got up, a few more drops of blood dripped from her body.

Jun Mohuang pointed the tip of his sword at the mirror image of himself, and said slowly.

"Come on, start your five-second countdown."

"Your body is really going to die if you are injured three more times. Just a man, is it more important than your life, and it is worth your life?!"

The heart of the water mirror is simply incomprehensible.

"Yes, he is more important than my life! Less nonsense and a quick fight."

Jun Mohuang's body was severely injured, and his energy was not sufficient.

Having said so many words with the heart of the water mirror, the spirit has dropped sharply.

She was afraid that if she dragged it down, she would really be unable to hold it down.

The heart of the water mirror is silent, and I don't know what I am thinking.

"Mistress, why are you so stupid..."

Under the sacrificial stage, Chi Chi couldn't help but burst into tears.

He suddenly hoped that Jun Mohuang would have less love for his deity and be more selfish.

So she can walk out of the mirror alive.

Chi Chi wiped two more tears. With such a good hostess, it is worth it for him to be chopped into meat sauce this time.

He was red, he didn't come to this world in vain!

"This woman, she... She accepts all the torture of the heart of the water mirror!"

Outside the small world, Yu Yanrou squeezed the sound transmission jade talisman in her hands, and couldn't believe what she saw.

"No, this is impossible! She is just a lowly and dirty double bloodline, why can her love for the emperor be tested by the Lord, but I can't!"

"It's not fair, it's not fair!"

"I'm not convinced. It must be Shui Jing's heart that favors her and deliberately releases water to her to reduce difficulty.

Han Yiyi didn't believe that Jun Mohuang could do better than himself.

She also didn't believe that Jun Mohuang's feelings for Emperor Zun were deeper than her own.

She kept muttering in her mouth, and slammed the sound transmission jade symbol in her hand to the ground.

There are all the words that Jun Mohuang said just now, and the emperor must not let the emperor know these words.

Otherwise, this woman's position in the emperor's heart will be more difficult to replace.

Yu Yanrou reacted with the other demon girls and immediately squeezed the sound transmission jade talisman into pieces.

When the sound transmission jade talisman is broken, the sound recorded in it will automatically disappear without a trace.

Seeing that the sound transmission jade talisman in Han Yiyi's hand was about to fall on the sacrificial platform, breaking into pieces.

In the small world, the heart of Shui Jing, who didn't know what he was thinking, suddenly moved.

It controls the mirror image of Jun Mohuang, and with a flick of his sleeves, Han Yiyi's sound transmission jade talisman suddenly turns, floats into the small world of the heart of the water mirror, and flies into Jun Mohuang's clothes.

"Your friendship with your man touches me a lot, although I don't know what it is."

The tone of the heart of Shui Jing suddenly changed, with a deep regret.

"But Jun Mohuang, I respect you as a man! You are going to die, but your friendship with your man should not be overwhelmed, he should know it."

Hey, what a pity.

It doesn't want to kill her anymore.

Jun Mohuang is so affectionate and will be a good master, so good that it can't wait for thousands of years.

Unfortunately, she couldn't break its mirror image, and she was unwilling to agree to its conditions. She was doomed to die.

Shui Jingzhi felt regretful, but had to act according to the rules.

"Before you die, Lao Tzu will give you some benefits, look at the hypocritical faces of your dozen or so rivals, and I will give you a ride."

(End of this chapter)

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