Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 1362: You can't go up to this altar 2

Chapter 1362 You can't go up to this altar 2

The altar is about 100 meters high, and several steps connect the top and bottom of the altar.

On the sacrificial platform on the altar, a transparent heart is suspended.

This heart is completely transparent, without a trace of impurities.

The water element and aura in the entire mirror world continuously and spontaneously poured into the transparent heart.

The aura and water elements of the mirror world resonate with the rhythm of the heartbeat.

The end of the path at the foot leads straight to the altar.

The heart of the slowly beating water mirror, the resonance of the water element and the aura, stretches under the foot to the path that ends at the altar.

Without exception, these are all tempting Jun Mohuang to go up.

"This is the heart of Shui Jing."

Jun Mohuang stood quietly and did not move, carefully observing the heart of the water mirror.

The name "Shui Jing Zhixin", the words "water" and "heart", fits everything she sees now.

What's the explanation for "Mirror"?

Is it just because it was nurtured by this mirror world where all objects are symmetrical?

Jun Mohuang thought for a while and walked straight to the altar.

"Mistress, according to the records, it would be very dangerous to get the heart of the water mirror, so let's go straight."

Chi Chi walked in front of Jun Mohuang and stopped her.

Jun Mohuang shook his head: "No, you can't go up to this altar."

"Ah, this... how is this possible!"

Chi Chi thought that Jun Mohuang's words were just an excuse to personally obtain the heart of the water mirror for Emperor Lingtian.

Classmate Chi Chi didn't believe in evil, and quickly walked up to the altar.

Before the foot had reached the first step, it was blocked by an invisible force.

"Mistress, how do you know in advance, I can't go up."

Chi Chi returned to Jun Mohuang with a depressed expression.

"It's too simple."

Jun Mohuang smiled and explained: "The water element is originally a feminine force. The water element here is extraordinarily pure and rich, and the feminine power attribute is very obvious. You are a big man, of course you can't get up."

For men, whether they are human, demons, orcs or spirits, women are Yin and men are Yang.

Chi Chi's own attributes conflict with those of the heart of the water mirror.

He can walk into the mirror world, and it's pretty good to walk here.

Chi Chi scratched his head: "Uh...this is the truth. But according to previous historical records, the Heart of Shui Jing has never repelled men."

Jun Mohuang made a lot of sense, but it was also inconsistent with the facts.

For example, in this world, there are many male cultivators who have mastered the power of the yin attribute, the power of the water element and the power of the ice element.

There are also many female cultivators who have mastered the Yang attribute powers such as fire element, thunder element, and gold element.

Just like my hostess.

Therefore, attributes are not relative.

The corners of Jun Mohuang's lips twitched slightly: "Perhaps, it's because I've made it's appetite awkward."

In the heart of this water mirror, she sensed the strong breath of Yinyue Xianli.

It seems that in the past two months, she contributed most of the water element and the silver moon fairy glaze essence to increase the production of the water mirror spirit root, most of which were stolen by the water mirror heart below the water mirror mountain.

After obtaining such a pure water element essence, the heart of the water mirror will strongly reject any energy that conflicts with its own attributes.

But... the heart of the water mirror has picked her cheap for so long, and will definitely not reject her.

On the contrary, it should feel very close to her.

She will have no difficulty in obtaining the heart of the water mirror.

A smile flashed in Jun Mohuang's eyes, and he walked to the side of the altar.

Then she found herself tragedy——

(End of this chapter)

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