Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 1361: You can't go up to this altar 1

Chapter 1361 This altar, you can't go up 1

Han Yiyi felt that the current here was not as strong as the previous paragraph, and immediately reminded everyone.

The demon girls also felt that the impact of the current here was much lighter, and they all relaxed their vigilance.

But their vigilance relaxed for less than a second.


A scream suddenly sounded.

Next to Yu Yanrou, a demon girl clutched her left shoulder.

A cucumber-sized icy pillar pierced straight from her left shoulder until it reached the girl's heart.

The red blood gushed out like a fountain, and it just came out, before the group of demons could see clearly, they were taken away by the rapid current.

When this demon girl was injured, her body was unstable, and her whole body was taken away by the water like blood flowing from her heart.

The speed was so fast that everyone did not react.


The demon girl closest to the injured girl made a shot without even touching a corner of her clothes.

Yu Yanrou was shocked and immediately moved away from the place where the incident occurred.

It's so dangerous. She was less than one meter away from the injured person just now.

She was the one who was almost injured.

"What exactly is going on!"

Someone exclaimed when seeing this situation.

However, the woman's words did not fall, and not far from her, there was another cry of pain.

Another demon girl was stabbed by an ice pillar.

But her luck was better, only the arm part was stabbed.

The icicle that pierced her was not big, but it pierced a blood hole through her arm.

"Be careful, everyone. The momentum of this current is not as strong as before, but there are many icicles in the current, and you will get injured if you are not careful."

Mu Yaoyao was the first to discover the tricky in the water.

"Then what should I do, Sister Yao Yao, this waterfall is so dangerous, should I continue?"

When a timid Demon girl saw this, she retreated.

The icy pillar hidden in the water is simply more terrifying than the flying sword issued by the eighth and nineth-order strongmen of Yuanzong Realm.

The flying sword has at least traces to follow. The ice pillars hidden in the water are completely hidden weapons.

Yu Yanrou scolded: "What a joke, of course you must continue!"


If you continue under this situation, it will really be life-threatening.

Just like the companion who was stabbed in the heart for the first time and was washed away, to a large extent, it must be impossible to survive.

It is important to get the heart of the water mirror for the emperor, but his life is more important.

If you die here, you will never have a chance to grab the position of the queen.

Han Yiyi said: "What are you afraid of? It's just a little bit dangerous. Jun Mohuang's current situation is definitely a hundred times more miserable than ours. She is insisting, and she has not flinched. Could it be that we are no better than a man with dirty and lowly blood flowing in her woman!"

Han Yiyi's words successfully ignited the fighting spirit of these demons.

They are the beauty of the heavens in the Nine Nether Realms, whether they are bloodline or their status and status are abnormal.

How could it be that Jun Mohuang's double bloodlines can compare to both.

When I think that Jun Mohuang is more happy than them now, they must have been hurt by many icy pillars, and their hearts are full of strength.

This group of demon girls continued on.


Jun Mohuang over there.

Behind the waterfall, there is still a dense forest with a path in the dense forest.

Similar to the previous scene.

After Jun Mohuang walked for a few minutes, he turned a bend, and the scene in front of him changed suddenly.

In the dense forest, suddenly there appeared an altar like a Mayan pyramid.

(End of this chapter)

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