Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 1167: A piece of grassland overhead 3

Chapter 1167 A grassland above the head 3

Under the claws of a cheetah, he quickly became a blood man.

Seeing his eyes, Chu Han'er bit her lip, not thinking about other things.

Running faster than the rabbit, he ran out of the cave with all his strength.

In a critical moment, your own life matters.

In the cave, Jiang Pei was dragged into the cave by a black cheetah, and Jiang Pei's screams continued to be heard.

Chu Han'er heard his screams and ran faster.

Chu Han'er stopped until he realized that the black cheetah had not been chased out, and then he thought of Jiang Pei.

"Cousin, cousin!"

She stared at her hand blankly, as if, seemingly, at the time of the crisis, she pushed Jiang Pei out as a shield.

In the cave, Jiang Pei's voice weakened, he must have been bitten to death by the beast.

Jiang Pei is dead, who will protect her next? Will she also die in the mouth of Warcraft.

Chu Han'er couldn't help crying with fear.

"Beautiful Miss Chu, why are you crying? It's just that your cousin is too weak. Who can be blamed for dying here."

Yuan Wei walked out from somewhere in the woods and handed Chu Han'er a handkerchief.

A pair of wretched mung bean eyes looked at her up and down and sniffed directly on the side of her neck.

Sure enough, it's a beauty, and it smells so sweet.

"Yuan...Yuan Shao, can you protect me until this round of assessment is over."

Chu Han'er saw Yuanwei as if he saw a savior.

Yuan Wei is the nephew of Yuanba, the master of the third peak, with several inner disciples around him, and it is safe to follow him.

"Yes, Han'er Little Beauty, as long as you are Ben Shao's bedside person, you will be happy to serve Ben Shao, let alone protecting you through this round of assessment, so that you can directly become a core disciple."

Yuan Wei squeezed Chu Han'er's jaw and touched her face with a hand.

"This... this is not possible."

Chu Han'er opened his hand, but there was a bit of excitement in her heart, and she became a core disciple directly. This temptation was really too great.

If he went back like this, Jiang Pei's father, Feiyun City Lord Jiang An would definitely not let her go.

It would be great if you could stay in Lingyuanzong and become a core disciple. Don't worry about Jiang An coming back to make trouble.

"Huh, what can't you do? Your cousin, who is so weak, you are willing to follow him."

When Yuan Wei said this, he glanced provocatively at some bushes on the right, and then continued.

"Ben Shao is the Yuanba nephew of the Third Peak Peak Master. My second uncle cannot give birth. He will never have a queen in this life. From now on, my second uncle will become the Sect Master of the Lingyuan Sect. This young man. No, even the position of the Lingyuan Sect master is also the young one."

Yuan Wei raised Chu Han'er's jaw again and looked at her frivolously.

"As long as you agree, the position of the wife of the future Lingyuan Sect Master will be yours."

"Then, that's all right."

Chu Han'er was finally completely tempted, bowing her head shyly.

She is really fed up with the life of being a commoner, she wants to be the wife of Lingyuanzong, she wants to be a master.

Choosing to be with Jiang Pei was also aimed at becoming the wife of Feiyun City City Lord in the future.

Since Jiang Pei is dead, it is essentially the same as Yuanwei.

"Hahaha, this is good, go, and serve Ben Shao right away."

Yuan Wei hugged Chu Han'er, glanced at some bushes proudly, and walked behind a big tree.

"Young Master Yuan, in broad daylight, in the public, isn't it?"

Chu Han'er couldn't help panicking when he saw that he was about to come for real soon.

"Hahaha, beauty, you don't understand it, it's exciting in the wild in broad daylight."

(End of this chapter)

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