Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 1166: A piece of grassland above head 2

Chapter 1166 A grassland above the head 2

Chu Han'er didn't feel that there was any problem with her words.

Jiang Pei was really too weak. He was wounded facing a fifth-order beast of Yuanjun realm and was almost killed.

She also felt that Jiang Pei's contribution to herself was taken for granted, because it was like this since she was a child.

Chu Han'er had never been out of Feiyun City since she was a child, and always thought that Jiang Pei was very good.

This time, she knew that this was not the case at all, and she couldn't help being very disappointed with Jiang Pei in her heart.

"It hurts. There are so many long wounds, I will definitely leave scars in the future, cousin, I blame you."

When Chu Han'er lifted the skirt, there were several finger-length wounds on her tender calf.

Just now when she ran away embarrassedly, her calf was scratched by the branches and thorns.

Even if the medicine is applied, it will be hot and painful, and it will definitely leave scars in the future and destroy the appearance.

As a man, how can he let his own woman be in a state of fear and hurt his own woman? It is really unqualified!

Jiang Pei was silent, he was desperately paralyzing himself in his heart.

Chu Han'er was right when he said that everything is because he is too weak to become like this.

But Jiang Pei still felt a wave of sadness in his heart.

His entire arm was almost bitten off, but she was concerned that the small wounds on her calf would leave scars and affect her appearance.

In her mind, his whole arm is not as important as the skin on her calf?

Thinking about this, Jiang Pei was a little thirsty because of the blood loss in his arm under the irritability.

"Han'er, I'm thirsty. There is a spring not far from this cave. You can find some water for me to drink."

"No, cousin, you can endure it. It's so dangerous outside, and people are only in the first stage of the Yuanjun realm. How can you bear to let the family go out and take water."

Chu Han'er's attention was still on the wounds on her calf.

"You make a lot of sense."

Jiang Pei gritted his teeth, he could only endure what he could do.

"Tsk tusk tusk, this little beauty is really wolf-hearted, but it just so happens that the young master likes this kind of girl."

Yuan Wei took a few followers and followed closely behind Chu Han'er and Jiang Pei.

He was in a hidden corner outside the cave, and he could see clearly the dialogue and interaction between Chu Haner and Jiang Pei.

Yuan Wei and his entourage wear special sachets on their bodies, and the monsters will avoid them when they smell, and they will be safe and unimpeded along the way.

"The time has come, do it now."

Yuan Wei winked at one of his followers.

The attendant immediately took out a jade whistle and blew it gently.

A cry resembling a bird's song sounded, and suddenly there was a tremor and a roar of monsters in the cave where Jiang Pei and Chu Han'er stayed.

The mud and rocks on the top of the cave fell down, and a black cheetah suddenly sprang out from the depths of the cave and rushed towards Chu Han'er, the nearest to it.

The black cheetah is as fast as rushing to thunder, Jiang Pei and Chu Han'er have no time to escape.

When entering the cave, Jiang Pei deliberately let Chu Han'er stay in for safety, but he did not expect Chu Han'er to fall into danger.

Seeing that the black cheetah was about to throw Chu Han'er down, Jiang Pei was about to push her out of the cave and let the black cheetah pounce on him, trying to sacrifice himself to protect her integrity.

Unexpectedly, Chu Han'er got up instantly in panic and fear, and pushed Jiang Pei under the claws of the black cheetah.

Jiang Pei was thrown down by the black cheetah, his handsome face was full of shock and disbelief, as well as extreme disappointment and anger.

(End of this chapter)

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