Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 1160: Warcraft cannibals

Chapter 1160

I feel that Ling Yuanzong likes to do the opposite. The road on the mountainside is safe and there are so many good things, which is absolutely abnormal.

Jun Mohuang and his party entered the bottom of the valley.

This valley is very big, even if most people choose the valley, they still haven't seen anyone.

At the bottom of the valley, the trees are dense and the light is dim, and the foot is on the fallen leaves and dead branches, making a light click.

A roar and roar of the beast came out from the dense forest not far away, making the scalp numb.

The four people who were only capable of transforming the spirit realm shuddered and huddled together behind the former Jun Mohuang and Mo Ranchen.

At the bottom of the valley, not only were the beasts roaring frequently, but also the blood grass was pitiful.

Jun Mohuang and his party walked for fifteen minutes, and they didn't even see a single qi and blood grass. There weren't many qi and blood grasses as the map said.

Jiang Pei and Chu Han'er had very good luck.

Even if they choose to walk the mountainside, there are only a few teams.

After walking only 500 meters, the two of them found a large number of Qi blood grass and ten green spirit fruits in a small forest not far from the road.

The two of them collected more than one hundred qi blood plants at the fastest speed.

All of Jiang Pei's more than a hundred plants of Qi and Blood let Chu Han'er.

Seeing the more than 200 points in the jade pendant, Chu Han'er felt proud.

"Cousin, you also said that I am self-willed. Facts have proved that my choice is correct. Jun Mohuang is just a blind cat and a dead mouse."

"Yes, yes, my Haner is the best."

Jiang Pei was very happy to see that Chu Han'er's score suddenly increased.

For a long time, Jiang Pei's father, Jiang An, disliked Chu Han'er from a bad background. He was just a commoner, and he never agreed to stay together.

If Chu Han'er could become the core disciple of Lingyuanzong this time and prove his potential, the two could get married.

Jiang Pei seemed to see the good life beckoning to him.

The two of them continued to collect Qi and Blood Grass while walking forward.

The heavens seemed to take special care of the two of them. After half an hour, the two found two qi and blood plants, each with more than one hundred plants.

There are various other medicinal materials.

On the contrary, at the bottom of the valley, Jun Mohuang and his party had very bad luck.

Within this half an hour, they found ten qi blood grasses.

I also encountered a group that kept dropping out.

These people cursed as they withdrew, feeling that they were deceived by the map.

There are many qi, blood, and grass at the bottom of the valley, and it is a lie to grab a lot.

These teams are planning to retreat from the valley before going deep, and return to walk the mountainside.

"Miss sister, what should I do?"

"Why don't we go back very far and go back down the mountainside road."

The four cultivators in the spiritual realm followed behind Jun Mohuang, and they were quite worried when they saw it.

Not only was there no Qi and Blood Grass in this ghost place, but the atmosphere was strangely terrifying.

Jun Mohuang was about to answer, when a terrified scream came from the front.

"Help, help!"

A person covered in blood rushed out of the dense forest in front of him, his facial features were twisted, his eyes were loose, and he was very frightened.

The most striking thing is that there are countless claw marks on this person's chest, apparently caught by the sharp claws of Warcraft.

The blood man ran past Jun Mohuang and his group in a panic, rushing towards the entrance of the valley.

"Help, monsters cannibalize!"

Another blood man appeared, and this blood man was even more miserable. One hand had been broken, exposing Bai Sensen's bones, and he rushed to the entrance of the valley in a panic.

(End of this chapter)

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