Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 1159: Choose me or her 2

Chapter 1159 Choose me or her 2

Jun Mohuang thought for a while, and carefully read the map again.

His eyes focused on a line of black dots on the edge of the map that were as small as needle-points.

Jun Mohuang said: "I choose the bottom of the valley."

"We are the same as Miss Sister."

Those four people with only the ability to transform the spirit realm were the same as her choice.

For them, the young lady in front of them, the two previous things about the red blood Poria and giving Yuanwei’s amethyst stone were all right, and they did not dislike them like Chu Haner. Of course they support Jun Mohuang. select.

Mo Ranchen said, "I agree with my sister's choice."

Jiang Pei was about to agree to Jun Mohuang's proposal, the road at the bottom of the valley was very dangerous.

But Jun Mohuang's judgments were very accurate the first two times. Jiang Pei did not follow her advice twice and suffered a lot.

So this time he decided to listen to Jun Mohuang.

Jiang Pei was about to speak, and Chu Han'er pulled his sleeve and said first: "I don't agree, the valley is so dangerous, so fools will choose the valley. We choose the middle of the mountainside, not the bottom of the valley."

Chu Han'er glanced at Jun Mohuang.

She just couldn't understand that Jun Mohuang was right no matter what she said, she just wanted to confront Jun Mohuang.

Moreover, her choice this time is well-founded and convincing.

Her choice is absolutely correct!

"Han'er, don't be self-willed. Miss Jun has said it correctly the first two times, and you have seen this. This time, I will listen to Miss Jun." Jiang Pei was unmoved.

"I'm not self-willed. Cousin, she just got a blind cat and a dead mouse twice, she just guessed right!"

Chu Han'er put away Chu Chu's pitiful expression, and began to make a savage and wayward lady score.

"Cousin, I hate her, I just want to choose the opposite path to her. In your eyes, whether she is important or me is important, you choose yourself."

Chu Han'er shook off Jiang Pei's hand and walked aside in anger.

Hmph, Jun Mohuang tried to attract the attention of his cousin repeatedly, and she absolutely couldn't let her trickery succeed.

Separate Jiang Pei from Jun Mohuang and see how she seduce her cousin.

Jiang Pei tried to persuade Chu Han'er first, but it didn't work at all.

He again tried to persuade Jun Mohuang to take the mountainside road, but Jun Mohuang was unmoved.

Finally Jiang Pei had no choice but to say: "Miss Jun, everyone, pay attention to safety."

Jun Mohuang looked at Jiang Pei faintly: "Young Master Jiang, I solemnly advise you not to go to the mountainside."

"Huh, why don't you walk the mountainside. Jun Mohuang, don't pretend to know everything here. I tell you, my cousin and I walk the mountainside road safely, and the harvest is definitely better than you. Great. I can definitely become a core disciple, and you can be a handyman disciple if you die."

Chu Han'er snorted coldly, took Jiang Pei's hand and walked in the opposite direction of the mountainside.

"Really, let's speak on the basis of facts."

Jun Mohuang looked at Jiang Pei's figure and pressed the corners of his lips.

Having said that, her reminder duty has been fulfilled.

Jiang Pei was so obsessed that she didn't care about what happened next.

Jun Mohuang led the group down into the valley.

The eighty-seventh group is divided into two.

This kind of situation happened in many groups.

These groups are made up temporarily, and everyone did not know them before, and the assessment results are not based on the group results, and of course they are not united.

But most of them chose to go to the bottom of the valley.

After yesterday's incident of Scarlet Poria, everyone had a psychological shadow on the assessment of Lingyuanzong.

(End of this chapter)

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