Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 1109: Sinister Recognition 5

Chapter 1109 The Sneak Affection 5

On the other side, in Lin Zifan's study.

Jun Mohuang unexpectedly found his relatives and was very happy. He was talking with sisters Mo Yaxi and Mo Yan.

Unexpectedly, the door of the study room was knocked open, and a man in black was holding a dagger, a sharp dagger, the natural light shone coldly.

The dagger of the man in black was unambiguous and delivered it directly to Jun Mohuang's heart.

Unexpectedly, no one expected this to happen.

Jun Mohuang's eyes narrowed slightly, and she stretched out her hand to push Mo Yaxi and Mo Xi, and they were immediately separated from the danger zone by her.

Her strength is controlled just right, not only to ensure that they will be sent out of the danger zone, but also that they will not be injured.

The two sisters Mo Yaxi and Mo Xi were too close to her. If they did not push them away first, even if she escaped, the man in black would definitely hurt them.

After that, Jun Mohuang's hands sealed, and immediately moved away.

Almost immediately after she teleported away, the man in black's dagger attacked.

It's just a pity that the black-clothed man's killer tactics were simply and neat. When Jun Mohuang's teleport was encountered, his dagger pierced the air.

"Who is your Excellency?"

Mo Jie protected Jun Mohuang and Mo Yaxi's sisters behind him, summoned his spear spirit, and attacked the man in black without hesitation.

Recalling the scene just now, a layer of cold sweat broke out behind Mo Shao.

The assassination speed of the man in black was too fast. If Jun Mohuang hadn't reacted quickly, he would not be able to save her if he was there.

Almost, the niece he had just recognized became a ghost under the sword.

The man in black was silent and did not answer, and his posture dodged Mo Shao's attack lightly.

The figure of the man in black resembled a ghost, and instantly moved behind Jun Mohuang.

Including Jun Mohuang, no one at the scene could see exactly how he moved.

The dagger in the hands of the black man has only one goal, and that is Jun Mohuang!

"Master, let this dragon come out quickly, this person is very powerful, and his strength should be in the Yuanhuang Realm!"

Lord Yinyue saw that Jun Mohuang was in danger and immediately shouted in the Phoenix space.

The level of cultivation above the Lingering Realm is Yuanjun, Yuanzun, Yuanzong, Yuanhuang, Yuansheng from bottom to top, until it breaks through Yuansheng Great Perfection and cultivates into the divine realm.

The Yuanzong realm was four realms higher than her, and three realms higher than her uncle Moxie.

The ten Jun Mohuang and ten Mocha are no match for the man in black.

Jun Mohuang was about to teleport away again, so he released Lord Yinyue and Old Turtle Myrtle.

It's not that she didn't let it go, but that the speed of the man in black was so fast that she didn't have time.

At this time, the accident happened again.

There was a loud bang again in the study, and two people broke through the window and fought with the man in black who assassinated Jun Mohuang.

The newly joined two people attacked fiercely, and their body skills were all fast. The two sisters Mo Xi and Mo Yaxi only felt dazzled.

Jun Mohuang clearly saw every move and every style they played against.

The terrifying aura kept surging, and the auras of the three people kept clashing fiercely.

The energy of the powerful collision of auras lifted the study room into the sky in an instant.

At the same time, she also saw clearly who these two people were.

These two people are Chi Chi and Lan Lan.

It is said that when Chi Chi first arrived outside the study, he happened to see through the window, the man in black with the middle stage of Yuan Huang's second-tier stage, holding a gleaming dagger, slammed into Jun Mohuang's back.

The update is complete today. . .

Thank you [Desolate Island-Paradise] for your reward.

(End of this chapter)

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