Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 1108: Sinister Recognition 4

Chapter 1108 The sinister confession 4

"Yes, Mo Huang, the portrait in your hand is my sister Mo Luo. She is your mother. You should call my uncle."

Mo Shao looked at her with soft and loving eyes, as if seeing Mo Luo through her.

"What about the concrete evidence?"

Jun Mohuang suppressed the impulse in his heart.

She has always wanted to figure out her life experience and find her parents and relatives.

Unexpectedly, without any clues, he would meet his relatives as soon as he arrived in the Bafang Profound Realm.

Relatives can't confess randomly, Jun Mohuang is very cautious about this matter.

"You stabbed a drop of blood out."

Mo Shao suddenly felt sad when he heard this.

It wasn't that the sad Jun Mohuang didn't believe him, but that she was so vigilant that she must have had a bad time in Cangyuan Continent these years.

There is no one to protect her, but to be more vigilant and protect yourself.

Jun Mohuang immediately pricked a drop of blood with a needle.

In the 21st century where science is concerned, it is not advisable to drop blood to recognize relatives.

But here, it is true that only the blood of people of the same blood can fuse with each other.

While Mo Shao spoke, he was already stabbing a drop of blood.

Sister Mo Yaxi also stabbed a drop of blood when she was curious.

In the air, four drops of red blood quickly merged together.

A strong sense of blood connection connects the four people closely.

With a soft "chi", after the four drops of blood merged, it immediately turned into a palm-sized ink-colored phoenix phantom.

After this miniature phoenix phantom flew a few times in the study, it disappeared.

"Master, they are really your family."

In the phoenix jade space, the old turtle, through the contract with Jun Mohuang, also felt this kind of blood bond that only exists in the bloodline of his dearest relatives.


Unexpectedly, he found his relatives on the first day of coming to the Bafang Profound Realm. Jun Mohuang looked at the sisters Mo Yan and Mo Yaxi, and was already speechless.

"Sister, I didn't expect you to be my sister, hahaha."

"I have two younger sisters!"

The two sisters Mo Yaxi happily grabbed Jun Mohuang's hand.

"But sister, why don't you look like your aunt?"

"That's because of this."

Jun Mohuang's heart couldn't be more joyful, she took off the disguise mask that was as thin as a cicada's wings.

Outside the study, the black-clothed man heard this and took out a small notebook and wrote: "Mo Jie, the patriarch of the Mo clan, is the uncle of Jun Mohuang. Jun Mohuang's easy-going appearance is unknown.

Hey, wait, something is wrong.

The man in black with a bad memory couldn't remember what was wrong, so he quickly flipped the little book in his hand.

Turning to the precautions in the red pen, one of them has the largest handwriting and is particularly eye-catching-"Kill the people who recognize relatives of the Laimo ethnic group."

At the moment in the study, isn't it the scene of acknowledgment being performed!

This Jun Mohuang should be killed immediately.

In an instant, the eyes of the man in black became extremely sharp.

He took out a dagger, broke in at the fastest speed, and slashed towards Jun Mohuang with the sword head.


Chi Chi and Lan Lan came to the city lord mansion following the breath of Jun Mohuang.

As soon as he arrived in the city lord's mansion, Chi Chi had a very bad premonition.

Why did the hostess be in the city lord's mansion in Baiyu City? Couldn't it be that she really offended the city lord of the white jade city, and was arrested and locked up in the city lord's mansion?

If Jun Mohuang really wants to have a long and short life, let alone his wife, he will be in debt for the rest of his life, and he will never be able to marry a wife.

Chi Chi was tense in his heart, following the aura of Jun Mohuang, heading towards Lin Zifan's study.

(End of this chapter)

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