Chapter 223 Obtaining the Infant Spiritual Object


Zhou Sui sensed that the power within the Dream Soul Gu was more than ten times stronger than before, and the internal space had been further expanded to accommodate more dream worlds.

Countless dream runes began to emerge from its body, seemingly showing colorful colors.

 Its body also seems to have more colors emerging.

Most importantly, its skill Nightmare has also evolved to form Dream Realm.

 “Dream Realm!”

Zhou Sui's eyes flashed, and he sensed the message coming from the Dream Soul Gu. The skill Dream Domain was very powerful. Once it was released, it would cover a dream domain within ten miles.

 Even money can’t buy it.

 After all, the storage bags of the top ten golden elixir masters, even if it is not all their wealth, but a considerable part of their wealth, are enough for him to make a lot of money.

 Hence, one can imagine how valuable a top-grade magic weapon is.

 She felt that her more than three hundred years of life seemed to have been in vain. This was the first time in her life that a man valued her so much.


As soon as he finished speaking, Zhou Sui waved his hand and immediately took away all the storage bags left by the Jindan monks on the ground, and then used the fireball technique to burn all the corpses into ashes, destroying all traces of the corpses.

 Hence, using elixirs to increase mana has become inevitable.

 At least they have to be promoted to the third level, so that they can teleport millions of miles, and only then can they be considered as stable as Mount Tai.

It was purely because this group of family monks came to die, and they had to fight back.

 Fortunately, I am more cautious about my husband, otherwise I might really get into trouble.

 The creatures who stay in the dreamland will fall into the dreamland.

“On the surface, it seems that the rise of the Yu family and the birth of the five golden elixir monks came from an adventure in Yuanying Cave.”

 Because he knew what a terrifying impact this matter would have if word spread.

 After all, his cultivation level is still too weak now, and he is only in the late stage of foundation building.

“I don’t know how many golden elixir monks want to **** it, but they can’t get it.”

“Even if the other party turns into a charred corpse, we must not be careless.”

“Thousand-year-old moongrass is one of them.”

 Maybe it will also attract the attention of Yuan Ying Ancestor.

I really thought that Yuanying Patriarch was a thug who could make moves at will.

 He stayed in the ancestral temple for a full night, his hair turned gray almost overnight, and he did not dare to leave.

Of course he can't die obediently, he can only let these guys die.

 She felt that the temperature inside her body seemed to be rising.


Zhou Sui was also unable to obtain much useful information from the other party's memory.

 “Rather than trying to please others by compromising yourself.”

“But this also resulted in many impurities being incorporated into the golden elixir monk’s body, containing erysipelas.”

 At this moment, her body couldn't help but tremble, she was extremely excited.

“The problem is that more than 99% of the golden elixir cultivators have mana in their bodies that is full of impurities.”

 But such a domineering Zhou Sui seemed to be full of charm, which made her unable to stop.

Even some relatively poor Yuanying Ancestors only use high-grade magic weapons.

However, we will definitely not waste our troops and troops just for the death of a few Jindan spies.

 “Didn’t you say that this operation was foolproof?”

 Now he can only use soldiers to cover up the water and earth.

Zhou Sui changed the subject and looked at Lin Yazhu very domineeringly.

 “The first level is to break the pill to become a baby.”


At this moment, the communication talisman on Yu Ming's body suddenly rang. His expression changed, and he immediately knew who the other party was. He must be the contact person of the Tianmo Sect.

 He won’t be particularly worried.

Thinking of this, Zhou Sui became even more eager to improve his cultivation.

 At this moment, Yujiadao.

 Every high-grade magic weapon is extremely precious, and basically even if you have money, you may not be able to buy it.

 Now Zhou Sui is also taking stock of this harvest.

If you rely on yourself to practice hard, even if you die of old age and your lifespan is completely exhausted, you will not be able to advance to the perfection of the golden elixir.

Moreover, the ambush and killing of the ten golden elixir monks will definitely cause a sensation within the Wuji Alliance, making Xianxia City a target of public criticism.

 This means that all four Jiedan masters of the Yu family have died.

 Because the Demon Summoning Heart Sutra he practiced seems to have a huge restraint effect on inner demons.

“If you can successfully pass the first two levels, then the third level will be a sure bet.”

“Do you think I’m not qualified to be your Taoist companion?”

“But this is just passing the first level, and you may not be able to pass the next two levels.”

 “Don’t do anything wrong to yourself.”

Lin Yazhu explained.

He didn’t believe that the Heavenly Demon Sect would work so hard to kill a few Jindan spies.

“Is Xianxia City really a dragon’s pond and a tiger’s den?”

Zhou Sui asked curiously.

 Because no one can be sure that the five great golden elixirs cannot appear in one family in the same era.

 Caused him a lot of trouble.

  In any case, as long as the Yuanying Ancestor of the Heavenly Demon Sect does not take action, there is nothing to worry about.

 Even the ancestor of Yuanying cannot catch up with him.

Yu Ming, the head of the Yu family, looked extremely sad.

 Zhou Sui touched his chin and felt very satisfied.

“However, this elixir is too precious. It needs to grow for at least a thousand years before it can be formed. Ordinary monks cannot wait until it matures even if their lifespan is exhausted.”

You can’t blame yourself for not being cautious enough.

“But this guy can be regarded as a **** of the Heavenly Demon Sect. After he dies, maybe the Heavenly Demon Sect will really target us.”

 Because such words really make women unable to stop and unable to resist.

“But after reaching the golden elixir realm, there are very few elixirs that can purify the golden elixir monk’s mana.”

  “It can be considered a good harvest.”

 It won’t be as precarious as it is now.

“But the rank of the supreme elder of the Yu family is too low, and it seems that he is not qualified enough to know the inside information about this matter.”

 The power of the Dream Realm alone is enough to sweep away countless monks.

“Is this Yu family’s Jindan Master actually pretending to be dead?”

"What is the origin of the Supreme Elder of the Yu family? Why do I feel that this guy has an ominous aura about him." Lin Yazhu frowned, not hiding her disgust for the Supreme Elder of the Yu family.

Zhou Sui immediately found the origin of this baby-making spiritual object from his memory. It was left by Yu Feng, the supreme elder of the Yu family. He originally exchanged it from the Tianmo Sect for the purpose of having a baby.

 Zhou Sui's face was also a little solemn.

“But such a baby-creating spiritual object is even rarer and more precious.”

Lin Yazhu was also surprised.

Lin Yazhu had never heard of such words before. She looked at Zhou Sui with watery eyes, as if a warmth welled up from deep in her heart. This was the first time in her life that she had felt like this.

Two of the top-grade magic weapons are naturally the Kui Niu Drum and the Suzaku Ring.

“The Heavenly Demon Sect sent its monks to hide in Yujia. What exactly do they want to do?”

Yu Ming, the head of the Yu family, looked ashen. Looking at the four life tablets in his ancestral hall, they were all in pieces.

But he didn’t say it yet.

 She felt that after waiting for so long, she finally saw a glimmer of hope.

“This Supreme Elder of the Yu family is a traitor to the Tianmo Sect.”

“Is this the Millennium Moon Flower Grass, a spiritual creature that produces babies?!”

“We are worried about the Heavenly Demon Sect, but the Heavenly Demon Sect is not worried that we will reveal their plans.”

How could it be so wonderful? !

With such a level of cultivation, using the Demon Summoning Heart Sutra may not be of much use.

“This should be left by Yu Feng, the supreme elder of the Yu family.”

 Fortunately, Lin Yazhu and himself still have a long life span, and we are not in a hurry.

If it can really succeed, then the success rate of Lin Yazhu's birth will increase to more than 80%.

Because he has the teleportation Gu, he can run away with his wife and concubines at any time and teleport thousands of miles.

 After a night's rest, Zhou Sui and Lin Yazhu were both refreshed and felt extremely wonderful. At the same time, each other's cultivation levels had improved a lot.

“Now that they are dead, the Heavenly Demon Sect will not come to trouble us.”

“Anyone who can do this will be called a baby spirit creature.”

“But what is the function of Millennium Moon Flower Grass? Why is it a baby-forming spiritual creature?”

It can be said that, except for the Tianlinggen monks, even the monks with superior spiritual root qualifications cannot rely on hard work to improve their cultivation to the level of golden elixir perfection before their life span is exhausted.

Lin Yazhu’s beautiful eyes showed a hint of excitement.

 But it’s too late to say anything now.

They have been members of the Wuji Alliance for hundreds of years, and they are basically the traitors of the Heavenly Demon Sect. They are responsible for passing on the information of the Wuji Alliance to the Heavenly Demon Sect. With the resources obtained by the two major forces, the Yu family has developed extremely rapidly.

 She saw a large number of elixirs and spiritual materials stored in these storage bags.

“Is it possible that the Demon Sect is targeting us?”

 Unless you are a core member of the Promise Alliance and have made a huge contribution, you can redeem one copy.

 “All may lead to failure of pregnancy.”

Zhou Sui instantly understood what Lin Yazhu meant.

Zhou Sui looked at Lin Yazhu affectionately, with a trace of mystery surrounding him.

Lin Yazhu asked curiously.

 But the second-level teleportation Gu is not particularly safe.

"At this time, we need some special spiritual objects to help us eliminate erysipelas from the body and remove impurities in mana."

 So being able to get so many high-grade spiritual stones can be considered a big profit.

“At the same time, it is quite difficult to cultivate this kind of elixir, and the growth environment is extremely harsh.”

At the same time, it can also use the power of Dream Soul Gu to help digest inner demons.

 In a short time, the Yu family may be completely wiped out and completely extinct.

 Is this the love in the legend?

 She originally thought that the other party was reduced to charcoal and must be dead.

“What I like is you as Sect Master Lin.”

Now his intestines are green with regret.

Even the enemies of the home will take advantage of the situation and launch an attack on the home.

“At the same time, we also claim to be the overlord of this sea area, so naturally we are not allowed to develop and grow in this sea area.”

 Zhou Sui reminded.

Seeing such a look, Lin Yazhufang's heart trembled, her pretty face turned red, and her heart pounded. She couldn't look directly into the eyes of the man in front of her, he was so charming.

“It is an elixir that swallows the essence of the moon, forms the power of moonlight in the body, and finally grows for thousands of years.”

“That’s why he gathered other Jindan monks and secretly attacked us in the name of Jie Xiu.”

Originally, she thought that her small tricks would make this man want to stop.

Zhou Sui sighed.

“It’s enough for you to be yourself. No matter what you look like, I like you very much.”

“Apart from the problems with some golden elixir monks’ techniques, the biggest reason is because of the elixir.”

“As everyone knows, all of these are just excuses that Yu Feng found casually.”

Now she finally understands why women in the world like sweet words and love words.

 Such news leaking is simply not worth the gain.

 At that time, I will become a sinner of the Yu family.

Moreover, there is nothing that can be done about Jindan monks taking elixirs to increase their magic power.

This cannot make up for the mistakes made before coming back.

Zhou Sui has long been accustomed to this kind of thing, and has encountered such monks pretending to be dead several times.

“But before he started using it, it fell into our hands.”

It is true that the other party is the Yuanying Sect, with the Yuanying Ancestor sitting in charge.

Zhou Sui was surprised.

 “Forget it, actually there is no need to worry so much.”

“There are three parts to medicines and poisons, and elixirs are no exception.”

“That’s why a small Jindan family can give birth to five great Jindan real people in the same generation.”

"What do you mean you think I will like it? You are too self-righteous."

 “He is afraid of the development of our Xianxia City.”

“In this case, the Heavenly Demon Sect may think that these Jindan monks were robbed and killed by others.”

“Ms. sir, I should have told you before that conceiving a baby also requires passing three passes.”

Who would have thought that the other party still has a glimmer of hope.

As long as there is no way to leave the dream realm, people will be unable to extricate themselves and cannot distinguish the difference between reality and fantasy.



 The more powerful the Dream Soul Gu is, the better it will naturally be.

“And there are many life-saving spells in the world of immortal cultivation. Who knows which one they are proficient in.”

 “A traitor in the Tianmo Sect? What on earth is going on?”

Even if someone doubts it, no one dares to say anything.

There are a total of 50,000 high-grade spiritual stones in the storage bags of these golden elixir monks. Although this is not the most valuable treasure in their storage bags, it is still quite good.

"It's normal. These monks are all cunning and cunning."

“Could it be that Millennium Moon Flower Grass has the effect of purifying mana?”

Lin Yazhu did not expect that he would be involved in the struggle between the Nascent Soul forces in this sea area so quickly, and he would accidentally break through the Tianmo Sect's conspiracy, which was really bad luck.

To be honest, he is just sitting at home, and trouble comes from heaven.

Unless you leave the scope of the dream realm as soon as possible, you can avoid the influence of the dream realm.

“His cultivation has also reached the late stage of Jindan, and he has the hope of being promoted to Nascent Soul.”

 “That’s right.”

“Not bad, there are actually fifty thousand high-grade spiritual stones.”

If you use this technique yourself, you may be able to swallow your inner demons.

"Why do you still call me master? Didn't I tell you to call me husband-in-law from now on?"

“Eight lower-grade magic weapons and two high-grade magic weapons.”

 But this will also cause difficulties when conceiving a baby.

"Don't worry, this action is purely Yu Feng's own initiative."

 That's why she felt that she was so lucky this time. She actually found a baby-creating spiritual object from a golden elixir monk's storage bag. This was like pie in the sky.

 “Heart Demon Tribulation?!”

“Mr. Sir, what is the purpose of the Demon Sect that day? Is it to deal with the Wuji Alliance?”

Tai Shang Elder Yu Feng and others are also unable to be resurrected.

 But something seems to have gone wrong now.

Lin Yazhu stammered. She was a little panicked and didn't know what she had done wrong.

 No matter how you think about it, there must be something fishy about it.

 Even in the sea area of ​​​​the Wuji Alliance, it is priceless.

“As for the third stage of the Heavenly Thunder Tribulation, I have a high-grade magic weapon, the Golden Thunder Bamboo, which can weaken the power of the Heavenly Tribulation to the greatest extent.”

Although he knew that Dream Soul Gu had endless potential and was extremely powerful, its power began to truly show only after it was promoted to the third level.

If you can advance to the Golden Core Realm, your safety will be greatly guaranteed.

 The next morning, the sun rose in the east.

Each high-grade spiritual stone is a strategic material, and many Jindan masters are not willing to exchange it.

She knew that her husband had a secret soul-searching technique that could search the enemy's soul memory. As long as the opponent had not been dead for too long, he could search the soul. The enemy's memory could hardly be concealed.

“These Jindan monks are actually from the Tianmo Sect, they just joined the Yu family incognito.”

I can't hide any little thoughts from this little man.

“In order to increase the magic power in the body, the Golden Pill monk has to take a lot of pills.”

 After all, if five Jindan masters appear in one family at the same time, the probability of becoming talented is really astonishing.

"Just treat this as if it never happened. No Golden Core monks will invade tonight."

 Whether the other party is dead or not, you will know by devouring the other party's soul.

He naturally joined the Heavenly Demon Sect long ago.

 Every monk needs to compete with heaven for his fate.

 But the Yu family is powerful and can be considered the overlord in this sea area.

 “Your hunch was right.”

 After all, high-grade spiritual stones are very precious.

 But if you are promoted to the Golden Core Realm, it will be completely different.

Lin Yazhu said with emotion.

But even if the ancestor of Nascent Soul really chooses to take action.

This is the magic weapon Golden Thunder Bamboo that comes from my own cultivation. I hate all evil smells in the world and cannot tolerate it.

 But this is not something that can be accomplished overnight.

“Of course, if it’s a magical elixir that can help you survive the second-care catastrophe, it can also be called a baby-forming spiritual substance.”

She knew that for a Nascent Soul Sect like the Tianmo Sect, it would not be as simple as imagined to place some Jindan Daoist people in the outer areas, and there might be a shocking conspiracy.

 It’s a pity that it’s all useless in front of my own Dream Soul Gu.

She never expected that she would actually find a baby-creating spiritual object here. It was really beyond her imagination.

"how so?"

“There are many elixirs in the world that can purify mana.”

  When did this man become so domineering?

Lin Yazhu nodded. She also felt that this approach was the best, as it also avoided irritating the Demon Sect.

“He just knew that he was lurking on Yujia Island in accordance with the orders of the Heavenly Demon Sect.”

“But if you think about it, the magic power of the golden elixir must be extremely pure, as long as there is a trace of impurity.”

 Yujia may not be able to keep living on Yujia Island by then.

 This is almost inevitable.

 One of the elixirs is extremely precious, which is the Millennium Moon Flower Herb.

Thinking about it carefully, there is indeed something fishy about this matter.

 “I, I thought you would like it.”

If he had known that Xianxia City contained such unfathomable power, he would not have dared to provoke Xianxia City even if he was beaten to death.

Zhou Sui squinted his eyes and immediately made a decision, that is, to stand still and act as if nothing had happened, so as to buy himself some time to develop to a certain extent.

Such an exchange of souls is of great benefit to both parties.

“So he also spent a lot of money to exchange for a baby spirit item from the Heavenly Demon Sect.”

 So the golden elixir monks need to take a lot of elixirs to improve their cultivation and magic power.

“I really want to deal with the Wuji Alliance.”

 “Wait a minute, sir.”

“Most of the Golden Elixir monks can’t even pass the first level, let alone the second or third level.”

At this moment, Lin Yazhu couldn't help shouting, her beautiful eyes widened, she couldn't believe her eyes.

Even if you have a magic weapon that can resist the soul's secret technique, it is difficult to compete with the power of the dream realm.

Lin Yazhu is a little worried about this.

Then he hugged Lin Yazhu, cast the teleportation Gu, and returned to Lin Yazhu's boudoir again. It is self-evident that the two of them have a lot of fun together.

This is also the message he got from Yu Feng's soul. To be honest, when he got this message, he couldn't help but be shocked. He didn't expect the other party's identity to be so shocking.

“The third level Dream Soul Gu has actually reached this level?!”

  Obviously, I am peacefully developing in the Sanxing Island Group, but who would have thought that these guys would come to attack Xianxia City and kill Xianxia City regardless of life and death. Isn't this asking for death?

“This is already pretty good, it can increase the probability of having a baby by 10%.”

Zhou Sui said in a deep voice.

 “Okay, Master.”

“So this also leads to the fact that there are very few thousand-year-old moonflowers and grasses, which are extremely precious.”

"Once taken, the huge power of the moonlight will help the golden elixir monks to eliminate impurities in the magic power, and even cleanse the marrow and cut the menstruation, and eliminate the erysipelas in the body. It can be said that it has endless wonderful uses."

Zhou Sui smiled slightly. These magic weapons were all the natal magic weapons of Jindan monks. Now after they die, they naturally become ownerless magic weapons and can be sacrificed by others.


 So his main goal now is to improve his cultivation level and be promoted to the Golden Core Realm as soon as possible.

Of course, he is not particularly worried about the threat from the Demon Sect.

“Why did the Supreme Elder and the others all die this time? What happened?”

 Because every piece of the baby spirit is precious beyond imagination.

Lin Yazhu was also very surprised when she saw this scene.

 Originally, he thought that the other party was just an ordinary family monk. Who knew he had a close connection with the Tianmo Sect.

 Of course it is a good thing for him.

 In the battle last night, these two high-grade magic weapons really shined.

Basically, the core members of the Yu family are all monks of the Tianmo Sect.

 She felt that she was completely manipulated by this man.

 Compared to practicing hard work alone, I don’t know how many times faster it is.

 It’s better to pretend that nothing happened.

 I hope that the Tianmo Sect will not launch a large-scale attack on Xianxia City because of this incident.

However, they never expected that Zhou Sui and Lin Yazhu would be advantaged.

"grown ups."

Hearing this, Zhou Sui squinted his eyes, revealing a glimmer of light. He felt that he might be able to help Lin Yazhu overcome this difficulty.

You can't take the initiative to commit suicide just to avoid offending the Heavenly Demon Sect.

Yu Ming, the head of the Yu family, did not hesitate and immediately connected the communication talisman. Immediately afterwards, a charming voice came from the communication talisman, the kind that charmed people into their hearts.

"Tell me, what is going on? Why did four Jindan monks die in your Yu family? What did you do?" On the other side of the conversation was a female Jindan cultivator from the Tianmo Sect.

 (End of this chapter)

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