Immortality Gu Tao: Start By Refining the Infatuation Gu

Chapter 222: Promoted to Level 3 Dream Soul Gu

Chapter 222 Promoted to Level 3 Dream Soul Gu

 “The fourth form of the True Dragon Sword Technique, the dragon **** its head!”

A cold light appeared in Zhou Sui's eyes. The fourth form of the True Dragon Sword Technique is a terrifying sword move that can only be performed by someone who has understood the True Dragon Sword Intent. With one strike of the sword, it is like a true dragon releasing endless dragon power and bursting out. Out of the will of the true dragon.

This sword is indestructible and indestructible.

 Invisible and colorless, without a trace!

It can also ignore ordinary mana shields and the defense of low-grade magic weapons, and directly attack the enemy's soul.

 With one sword strike, it can easily penetrate the enemy's body.

At this moment, under the influence of the True Dragon Sword Intent, the entire earth began to tremble and buzz, and the gravel and dust on the earth were shaking crazily.

 Not good at fighting? !

Hearing this, the corners of Lin Yazhu's mouth twitched and she didn't know what to say.


 Suddenly, a huge shield rose up, with dense golden patterns appearing on it, like countless runes combined to form many shields.

 Immediately, the souls of all the monks who lost their golden elixir were swallowed up by the dream soul Gu.

It's a pity that Lin Yazhu has been waiting for a long time. She waited for work and seized the moment when the opponent was losing a lot of mana. Naturally, she took the opportunity to take action and beat the drowned dog hard.

 Zhou Sui waved his hand.

 Fortunately, I am cautious and have the habit of destroying corpses and eliminating traces.

 They easily penetrated Jindan Zhenren's shield and blasted directly into their bodies.

Zhou Sui thought, and one of the clones immediately brought Lin Yazhu over and teleported to this place.

Suddenly, Yu Feng and Song Zhiwen let out shrill screams. Their bodies fell from the air, and their escape skills were instantly destroyed.

 This secret method can instantly double your mana.

 Third level low quality!


Chains of golden thunder struck down from mid-air, with lightning speed, like tracking missiles, locking onto the auras of the two people, and then struck Yu Feng and Song Zhiwen fiercely.

These Jindan monks are undoubtedly talking in their sleep if they want to get a few tricks in front of Lin Yazhu.

 In the past, when he was on Xianxia Island, he had achieved great fame with the help of the top-grade magic weapon Golden Thunder Bamboo.

 The only remaining Jindan monks present were Yu Feng, the supreme elder of the Yu family, and Song Zhiwen, the head of the Song family.

Lin Yazhu said with emotion.

 Obviously, this blow also consumed a lot of his golden elixir mana, making him look a little pale.

 “Damn guys, you two bitches.”

Zhou Sui said with a sigh on his face.

 But he couldn't withstand such a violent thunder attack.

 Invisible sword intent blasted away one after another, containing the will of the real dragon.

He will not approach these guys easily until they are confirmed to be completely dead.

After executing this blow, Supreme Elder Yu Feng could not help but reveal a trace of blood at the corner of his mouth.

Even if they all die here, it doesn't matter to him.

There were seven monks in the early stage of the Golden Core and one in the middle stage of the Golden Core. Their eyes widened with astonishment, as if they couldn't believe that they were actually killed by a sword like this. It was really unbelievable.


In an instant, Yu Feng once again activated the high-grade magic weapon Kui Niu Drum. The violent golden elixir mana was poured into the magic weapon, causing it to release a huge thunder field.

 Because this is just a clone of myself.

  Even if many spells are bombarded at the same time, they can easily resist it.

The faces of Yu Feng, the supreme elder of the Yu family, and Song Zhiwen, the head of the Song family, turned completely green. Originally, a dozen monks in the early stage of the Golden Elixir would be enough for them to drink a pot.

At this moment, his hatred was soaring, and he wanted to cut these two **** into pieces.

 “Suzaku Escape Technique.”

 But their storage bags must also carry a lot of treasures, just in time to make a lot of money.

 Zhou Sui was very satisfied.

If it weren't for these two guys, maybe I could really escape.

He also wanted to destroy his body and eliminate all traces of it.


 “It’s just a false name.”


At this moment, Song Zhiwen, the head of the Song family, was wrapped in flames and seemed to have transformed into a red bird. He turned into a big bird and wanted to fly away from here in an instant.

She has never seen such a powerful foundation-building monk in her life. He can kill the golden elixir monk so easily, just like chopping melons and vegetables. It is really unbelievable.

 In the end, I didn't get any benefits, but my life was lost here. It was simply not worth the gain.

 If they are not good at fighting, then aren't they worse than novices? !

“Sir, I want to see the storage bags of these golden elixir monks.”

I could only look at these clones of Zhou Sui helplessly, with a look of reluctance and regret in my eyes, regretting why I would lie down in the muddy water.

  Anyway, now my clone has consumed the opponent's strength to 778%.

The Yu family was originally in a good situation, but now it has turned into this, with the number of people declining and heavy losses.

 At present, only two of the five golden elixirs of the Yu family are left.

 Dong dong dong! !

Immediately, hundreds of purple thunders erupted and struck Zhou Sui's eighteen clones fiercely.

"If this matter spreads, it will definitely shock the entire Wuji Alliance."

Now there is actually another female cultivator in the late Jindan stage.

 Ordinary monks in the early stage of the Golden Elixir will be split into pieces by a purple thunderbolt.

 When you go out to hang out, you always need to pay it back.

The monks in the early stages of the Golden Core let out shrill screams. They were unable to withstand the sword at all. Their entire bodies were easily pierced, and a huge blood hole immediately appeared in their bodies.

 “Lest any of these guys pretend to be dead.”


 Suddenly, Dream Soul Gu's body shook slightly, and the huge soul power instantly helped it break through the huge bottleneck on its body, and began to enter a new realm.

I have never seen such a vicious monk in my life, and I will not let him go until death.

Yu Feng, the supreme elder of the Yu family, changed his expression greatly. He sensed the fatal crisis and once again activated the low-grade magic weapon, the gold-patterned round shield.

 One is in the late stage of Jin Dan, and the other is in the middle stage of Jin Dan.

However, from the opponent's point of view, he felt that he had killed six monks who were in the early stage of the Golden Core. He felt that this blow was a huge profit and had already caused heavy losses to the opponent.

 The remaining twelve clones were more or less seriously injured, with many cracks appearing on their skin.

 “We are not cultivating immortals to show off evil and fight with others.”


 But no matter whether they regret it or not, they can't change any outcome.

 But now he is completely finished.

 Suddenly, his whole body seemed to turn into a red light, and he fled towards the distance at several times the speed of sound.

"My Yu family will not let you go. Sooner or later, you, Xianxia City, will be destroyed by us."

 It was clear that he wanted to put them to death.

 Indistinctly, the roar of a real dragon seemed to be heard in the void, shaking the eardrums and shaking the earth.

It would be best if my Taoist companion comes to clean up the mess.

 But now, after obtaining the souls of these golden elixir monks, it is like taking a great tonic, which immediately helps Dream Soul Gu gain a huge improvement.

Especially the Jindan monks who were killed by Zhou Sui just now, their soul energy belongs to Dream Soul Gu.

 But they still underestimated the power of the third-level swordsmanship True Dragon Sword Intent.

 After several years of double cultivation with Zhou Sui, the side effects of the Aoki longevity technique have been alleviated. This has also more than doubled her mana, and her combat power has been greatly improved.

If the few Jindan monks who were killed by a sword heard these words, they would probably be so angry that they would come back to life.

 “You bastard, I will fight with you.”

Other Jindan monks also used the defensive magic in their bodies - shielding, trying to block this attack.

 “No, no, no, the master is still awesome.”

With a thud, their bodies fell to the ground. Their eyes were wide open, as if they were staring into death, and their entire bodies were turned into charcoal, losing the breath of life.

 So Yu Feng’s desperate move was just a waste of effort.

 Even though his clone is already comparable to the early stage of Jindan's physical cultivation.

 “Blood-burning escape method.”


Zhou Sui ignored Yu Feng's cry before his death and immediately activated the power of Dream Soul Gu to devour the opponent's soul.

“It seems like Taoist companions need to take action.”

Countless creatures and monsters in the forest are trembling and trembling.


“Behead seven monks in the early stage of the Golden Core and one monk in the middle stage of the Golden Core, severely injure one monk in the middle stage of the Golden Core and one monk in the late stage of the Golden Core.”

 Otherwise, how could there be such a level of combat effectiveness?

Immediately, Lin Yazhu took out the top-grade magic weapon Golden Thunder Bamboo from his body. This is the inheritance magic weapon of Qingmu Sect. It has infinite power, specializes in destroying evil, and is unparalleled in strength.

The power of the huge Yimu Divine Thunder penetrated into their bodies, filled with terrifying destructive power, and their internal organs suffered unprecedented damage.

 Suddenly, she held the top-grade magic weapon Golden Thunder Bamboo and waved it gently.

Although it will consume a certain amount of life, at the critical moment, it can counterattack the opponent and save one life.

A streak of purple thunder descended, each one as thick as a bucket and extremely powerful.

 Not long after, each of them fell into a pool of blood, and the breath on their bodies gradually disappeared.

At this moment, they completely lost the courage to fight and immediately wanted to use escape skills to stay away from this area.

Now he simply wants to cut these guys in front of him into pieces.

At this moment, she was like a Valkyrie who controlled thunder. She exuded an awe-inspiring divine aura and possessed the power to destroy all laws.

 Unexpectedly, this old guy is not dead yet. He even pretends that he is dead and unable to move.

Yu Feng, the supreme elder of the Yu family, shouted loudly, not caring that this escape method would waste his lifespan. After all, if he didn't escape now, he would be dead and would have no lifespan at all. Who cares about the loss of lifespan.

“Essentially, I am just a monk who is not good at fighting. I only killed them first out of self-defense.”

An area of ​​dozens of miles in radius was instantly surrounded by the Thunder Law Domain, and the sky was covered with dark clouds.

Zhou Sui's body in the distance naturally sensed this scene, but he just watched the other party's actions with interest.

Yu Feng, the supreme elder of the Yu family, was shocked and angry.

 Otherwise, I might have been plotted by the enemy just now.

 As long as you give it a period of time, you can give birth to a new clone again.

 “The purpose is just to achieve enlightenment and live forever.”

In the blink of an eye, six clones were blown up instantly and turned into cokes.

 “There are actually enemies?”

 Having to say, she now increasingly suspects that this man is simply an immortal descended from the earth.

He could sense the power of Lin Yazhu's cultivation. Although he did not dare to say that she was invincible in the Golden Core realm, there were very few people who could defeat her in the Golden Core realm.

 “Don’t be in a hurry, don’t get close, I want to destroy these guys before leaving any trace of them.”

 They opened their mouths, trying to say something.

 “Yimu Shen Lei.”

 With this escape technique, he also escaped from death many times.

 Its power itself has reached the realm of second-order high-grade perfection.

 Once he escapes from this area, it will be almost impossible to catch up with him.


Thinking of this, he waved his hand and immediately controlled the Dream Soul Gu to devour these dead Golden Core monks. The soul fragments scattered around were all swallowed up by the Dream Soul Gu and entered into his stomach.

Suddenly, the body of Yu Feng, the supreme elder of the Yu family, which had been reduced to coke, let out a shrill scream, seeming to have suffered unimaginable pain.

Hearing this, Lin Yazhu was immediately shocked. It was simply unbelievable. He had obviously been struck by the Yimu Divine Thunder and should have been wiped out long ago.


 At this time, Zhou Sui's body flashed and teleported to Lin Yazhu's side.

 Suddenly, his face turned red, and he immediately activated a secret magic technique—the secret technique of burning blood.

"This this!"

Seeing this scene, Yu Feng, the supreme elder of the Yu family, was so stunned that he went crazy.

 He watched helplessly as the three Jindan masters of the Yu family were killed with one sword.

At this point, the ten golden elixir monks who invaded Muling Island have also been wiped out, leaving no one behind.



 His whole body's energy and blood began to burn, and the golden elixir mana all over his body burned like a raging flame, as if it were a jet plane, producing unparalleled explosive power.

 “This female cultivator is Lin Yazhu, the leader of the Qingmu Sect.”

 Only a dead enemy can be considered a good enemy.

Lin Yazhu looked at the corpses of the Golden Core monks who fell on the ground with great interest, although these Golden Core monks did bring a certain degree of trouble to the Qingmu Sect.

 “This guy is not dead yet?!”


“As expected of the leader of the Qingmu Sect, he can indeed deal with them easily.”

Not to be outdone, Song Zhiwen, the head of the Song family, immediately used a powerful escape technique acquired by the family - the Suzaku Escape Technique. This escape technique is also quite powerful.

 It is as if a superior creature has descended.

It can make the cultivator turn into a vermilion bird, escape far away, and fly into the sky quickly, making it too late for the enemy to catch up.

To be honest, she only read about some ancient monsters from some ancient books that had such fighting power.

 But the severe pain spread all over their bodies instantly, making them unable to say a word.

Zhou Sui's eyes shone brightly. He felt that after the Dream Soul Gu devoured the souls of seven early-stage Jindan monks, his body's strength had increased exponentially.

 It can be regarded as a life-preserving secret method.

With just one sword strike, seven monks in the early stage of Golden Core and one in the middle stage of Golden Core were killed instantly, leaving no resistance.

He had no idea that these two dogs were so cautious, even though he had been reduced to charcoal, they still wouldn't let him go.

 “It’s just a foundation building level, but it can actually surpass the level challenge.”

Huge deep pits also appeared on the ground, with mud flying and smoke billowing.

There is no doubt that the Dream Soul Gu at this moment has been promoted to the third-level low-grade realm.

 This is simply a qualitative improvement, and the strength has also undergone earth-shaking changes.

 (End of this chapter)

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