Immortal Cultivator Family: I am an old man who has come to marry a wife.

Chapter 292 Stop! I am your brother-in-law (2 updates)

On a snowy night, it seemed that the fifth-level ichthyosaur in the lake pavilion sensed the gathering of the human monk army. As it stimulated endless water waves, those fish monsters that were dormant and stagnant at the bottom of the lake and could not swim at all, had already were awakened one after another.


The sneak attack before dawn was even more difficult to guard against.

When the overwhelming water arrows hit the lake embankment from a mile away, Xu Yuming took action immediately.

The beast tide is coming, prepare for war!

He waved his bare hands, and while swinging his sleeves, thousands of miles of waves surged forward, forming huge water waves that directly blocked the sneak attacks of these water arrows.

In fact, these monsters were able to come so close, not only the Zifu monks, but also the Foundation Establishment monks were aware of their aura.

They just couldn't believe that there were so many of them.

The black-backed bighead carp demon, the speared blue carp demon, the sawtooth carp demon, and the big-bellied carp demon in our world have squeezed out the big-sword carp demon and become one of the four major fishes. I didn't expect that these four major fishes would actually... Everyone is here. Yan Cheng'an, who has lived by the lake all year round, revealed the identity of the beast tide and fish monster that appeared ten miles away in one sentence.

Everyone, be careful. The black-backed bighead carp is good at jumping and attacking. The speared herring monster is fierce and will pierce anyone it sees. The sawtooth grass fish monster likes to skim from the bottom of the boat and use its jagged scales to split the ship in two in an instant. , As for the last big-bellied carp demon, it can cast a variety of water spells. Their number seems to have exceeded one million. Everyone, be careful of large-scale water spell attacks from the opposite side. Yan Chengan shouted at the top of his lungs, and the monks around him Suddenly he was on guard.

No matter how many monster clans he comes, the East Lake Guards and the West Lake Guards will attack together and kill them.

Whoosh whoosh...

The overwhelming spells hit the lake instantly. For a while, countless puddles appeared on the lake. Any fish demon who dared to expose the back of the fish to the water was attacked by the spells. In the blink of an eye, the lake surface was dyed red with blood, covering a ten-mile radius. Inside, countless flesh and blood corpses can be seen floating in it with the naked eye. If you count it carefully, the first wave of attacks from these 180,000 monks killed at least 100,000 fish monsters.

But Xuanjing Lake covers more than half the area of ​​this world, and there are more than hundreds of millions of fish monsters in it. Just hunting these first-order fish monsters is useless.

My lord, I just got the news that the other monks from the three states were also attacked.

Here, Chen Tairan walked over, The 400,000 monks gathered in Beihan Province were attacked by a group of mullet demons. Dozens of third-order mullet demons appeared in the lake carrying more than 10 million mullet roes. They killed and injured thousands of people in one encounter.

In addition, over at Xiaoxizhou Buddhist Gate, they directly sent monk soldiers who had eaten porridge into the water to fight against the monsters. Those large and numerous fish monsters seemed unable to do anything to them at the bottom of the lake. Instead, they used the Buddha's light to shine and killed them. Quite a few, and the ones currently advancing the fastest are those monk soldiers.

On the last side of South Huzhou, they crossed through the airspace, but countless demons flew out from the bottom of the lake to sneak attack. There were also many six-eyed flying fish leaping from the bottom of the lake to attack. Even the nearby bird demons living around Xuanjing Lake also took action. Well, there are currently nearly a thousand casualties here in Nan Huzhou, and they are still fighting endlessly with those flying in the sky and those swimming in the water.

Pass me an order to have the monks of the Xu family pour the contents of the thousand prepared weapon refining gourds into the lake for me.


At Xu Yuming's order, a thousand Qi Refining monks rose into the sky. Without exception, they all carried a huge gourd behind them, as tall as one person. After they unscrewed the mouth of the bottle, streams of hot magma flowed out. It poured down from the sky, and the four giant fish lurking at the bottom of the lake had their flesh and blood melted the moment they touched the magma, turning into a pile of fish bones.


A large area of ​​magma met the steam of the lake water and appeared on the lake surface. The gourd was filled all the way for dozens of miles, and the lake surface along the way was completely occupied by magma. Even Xu Yuming could see through the lake surface the hot water at the bottom of the lake dozens of feet deep. torrent.


The big-bellied carp monsters in the distance took action. They were hiding in the sea water. Millions of carp monsters opened their mouths and spat out the huge lake water. They all gathered together and quickly formed a torrent that swept thousands of miles and was hundreds of feet high, heading directly towards the shore. Bian shot it hard.


Beside Xu Yuming, twenty-six Zifu monks took action together. With just one blow, the flood was dispersed. Xu Yuming stood on the same spot, with Chen Bai holding an oil-paper umbrella open for him, without even a drop of water vapor. Can get on your body.

There must be a fish king commanding such a beast tide from behind, maybe a fourth-level fish king. Xu Yuming's heart moved, and his spiritual consciousness spread directly to Wanli. Soon, at the end of Wanli, he saw a fish with a body length of at least three hundred feet. The terrifying black-backed herring.

It seems that after the third level of the herring demon, it can grow one foot in length in a year. The three hundred-foot-plus herring demon is probably already in the late third level. If it is controlling the fish school, the number of fish here will be at least a thousand. More than ten thousand. Xu Tuhe on the side immediately frowned after analysis, But in this Xuanjing Lake, five hundred years ago, there were monks who killed a herring demon that was more than 800 feet long. With all due respect, if you deal with me in Dongzhou, If the monk is really a fish demon headed by four big fish, he should at least have a third-order Dzogchen fish demon commander.

Xu Yuming withdrew his spiritual consciousness and looked towards the water where the fish were densest, from a few feet deep by the lake to a hundred feet deep three thousand miles away, and finally saw the three hundred feet of water where Wu Qianli was, and also saw Surrounded by many schools of fish, a huge black shadow was more than 900 feet long.

found it.

Xu Yuming raised his hand and pointed forward, using the index and middle fingers of his right hand as sword fingers. Almost instantly, he penetrated five thousand miles of void, penetrated the head of the huge herring demon, and blasted its body into pieces all over the sky.


The fish king was killed, and the fish at the bottom of the lake quickly turned around, began to swim, and fled in all directions, like boiling water.

Board on board, hunt down the fish demon, and push towards the island in the middle of the lake.


Xu Yuming tried his best and easily killed a third-order Dzogchen herring demon, but deep down in his heart, he was still a little uneasy. He always felt that if the fifth-order fish dragon Can Nian was at the critical moment of breakthrough, he would at least have to dispatch it. A fourth-level demon king came to deal with him. After all, he snatched a ball of one-yuan heavy water from its hands.

One hundred five-story boats were launched into the water. Even if the monks were packed tightly together, each boat could only accommodate 5,000 people. After the first 50,000 people entered the lake and just sailed a hundred miles, the fish monsters fled in all directions. Attack here again.

Horizontal, turn the steering wheel to face the beast tide, and release the spell.

Whoosh whoosh...

The overwhelming variety of spells, when facing the fish monsters horizontally on the ship, the monks on the ship instantly divided into 5 teams, each with 10,000 people. Three of the teams cast spells continuously to eliminate a large number of fish monsters, while the remaining 2 teams were responsible for intercepting and killing. The fish monsters that come in front of them release their magical weapons for melee combat. Those fish monsters that can threaten the structure of the ship's hull are left to the foundation-building monks to deal with.

Xu Yuming carefully looked at Yang Jiujian, who was commanding the battle. Under his command, the East Lake Guard's combat power was really not low. With only 50,000 people, within an hour, they could withstand the siege of tens of millions of beasts without retreating. Half step.

My lord, Yannan Guard requests to attack these monsters from the air and from the bottom of the lake.

Xu Yuming saw Xu Shanwu taking the initiative to come out and ask for a fight. They were just riding some spiritual beast mounts. Xu Yuming shook his head, It's just used on the blade. It's still hundreds of thousands of miles from here to the island in the middle of the lake. If we do it now, After mobilizing you, when we enter the deep water area and encounter a large number of third-order and second-order fish monsters, what should I do to deal with them?


Xu Shanwu wanted to say that with such a speed of advancement, the other three states would have reached the island in the middle of the lake, and they, Dongzhou, were probably only halfway there.

Send the order, the 100,000 East Lake Guards will continue to attack forward, and the 200 five-story ships are not allowed to take a step back. The five Zifu commanders will guard each ship, and ask Yang Jiujian to be more vigilant for me.



A five-story ship suddenly suffered a violent impact. Xu Yuming lowered his head to look. Among the fish, there was one more than ninety feet tall, which was the ordinary second-order Dzogchen Green Fish Demon. This guy actually used his long The spear continued to strike at the bottom of the ship.

call out……

Without him taking action, Yang Jiujian had already transformed his spiritual consciousness into a sword and instantly killed him at the bottom of the boat.

“Sail under sail, full steam ahead.”

Yang Jiujian knew that he was the vanguard, so he no longer hesitated and ordered to advance.

Fighting until the sky was completely bright, Xu Yuming and the others had advanced for more than 1,800 miles. He raised his head and glanced at the sky. When he looked back, the road he came from had been stained with blood. Fortunately, he had more than 330,000 people under his command. The monks have all arrived on the lake.

Send the order and ask the West Lake Guards to replenish the divine machine crossbow arrows and bed crossbow armor-piercing arrows, replenish the elixirs and prisoners, and carry out all the more than 700 injured monks.


Send the order, the Dongzhou Guards under Chen Tairan will advance to ten thousand miles in front, and let the Donghu Guards come down to replenish their combat strength.

Let the Yannan Guards advance forward. Once they encounter a group of demons of level 2 or above, they will immediately go out to take over the attacking monk army.


With that said, Xu Yuming turned around and walked back to the cabin. When he opened the door of the luxury box where he lived, he suddenly saw a beautiful figure helping him tidy up the bedding.

When his cultivation reached his level, he didn't need bedding or anything else. He couldn't feel the cold or summer after he stepped into the foundation building. Moreover, Xu Yuming didn't like eating bigu pills, so he still prefers eating them now. Spiritual meal.

The real person is back. My sister said, let me serve you here. She has small and delicate feet, slender hands and fair hands, an almond-shaped face and a playful face, and smooth black hair...

Xu Yuming even saw at a glance that she looked somewhat similar to Qing Shuang, as well as her genetically good figure that could not be concealed.

Stop, I'm your brother-in-law. Xu Yuming waved his hand, indicating that if she wanted to follow the fleet, she would go out to help bandage the wounded, send pills, talismans, arrows, etc., so as not to cause chaos in her house.

He was indeed tempted by the body of stars, but he still wanted to keep Mo Liu Niang in front of him and try to hit the realm of golden elixir. After all, in his power, there were only a few people with the potential of golden elixir.

Calculating the balance, there are 1111 recommendation votes, which counts as 2 additional chapters, 322 monthly tickets count as 1 chapter, 11 rewards this week count as 1 chapter, and the number of deacons has not increased, so four chapters are owed, but we will fight for recommendations later. You need to be sure to order it all, and prepare to release it as a two-in-one chapter for more updates. Four 6,000-word chapters are fine.

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