Immortal Cultivator Family: I am an old man who has come to marry a wife.

Chapter 291 On the day when the snow falls, the eight golden elixirs by the Xuanjing Lake (1 more pl

A few months passed in a blink of an eye.

Dongzhou's 335,000 troops have gathered in Xihu County and Donghu County. At this time, countless monks wearing magic weapons have gathered in the large camp that covers the sky. They can be seen sitting cross-legged at the camp gate. They are guarding the base to guard against sneak attacks by the monsters. You can also see Zifu patrolling in the air and instructing the monks in the camp to cast spells from time to time.

On Xu Yuming's side, Feihe Sanren, who was preparing to leave behind the secret guards, and Xu Shanlong and Xu Shanbao, who had just broken through and had no natal spiritual weapons, already had two second-level top-grade alchemists Ding Husheng and Liu Zhongyuan, and the remaining twenty-five Zifu monks. , are all on the front line at this time.

The main force of 25,000 fish and dragon cavalry is entrenched in Xihu County, led by Wei Xian, the commander of the peak of the Zifu. Under his command are Tian Qishan, Qian Hengshan, Cheng Jianxu, Xu Shinan, and Zhu Tianshui, five commanders of the Zifu realm. Later, Xu Yuming One hundred thousand ordinary Qi Refining monks were allocated for the second echelon to follow up. The leaders were Yan Chengan, Chang Qi, Xu Shikun, Chen Nanting, and Wei Zhongjun, five Zifu monks. Leading the formation was Chen Tairan, a late Zifu cultivator. The monk will serve as the commander-in-chief of the Dongzhou Guard, an army of 100,000 people.

In Donghu County, there are mainly 25,000 Xu family cavalry. Xu Yuming officially changed his name to Yannan Guard. Xu Tuhe became the commander-in-chief. Wei Long, Wei Jiao, Jiang Changling, Bai Meishuang, and Xu Shanwu were appointed as commanders. Behind him are The army of 185,000 monks was divided into two by Xu Yuming. The 100,000 Donghu Guards were handed over to Yang Jiujian as the general commander. Under his command were the five Sanren from Xiaoxiang, the old man guarding the tomb, Heyu Sanren, Yuanrong Sanren and Xianyun Sanren. A monk in the early stages of Zi Mansion.

Finally, there is the West Lake Guard, who is in the middle to provide support and dispatch supplies. Xu Yuming is personally in charge. Xu Shinan and Chen Baishou, two early monks of the Purple Mansion, assist in the management of 85,000 people.

Except for Xu Yuming, there are a total of twenty-six Zifu monks, and this time Dongzhou is full of them.

During this period, Xu Yuming also began to produce a large number of talismans, ensuring at least that each of the twenty-six Zifu monks under his command had a set of third-level high-grade magma world talismans + water, cloud and sea talismans, and a golden feather sword rainbow to escape.

Yu Ming, this is a big deal. There are a total of 78 third-level high-grade talismans. If you take these out, I'm afraid they will sell for more than 20 million top-grade spiritual stones. Xu Tuhe usually stays in this supply camp, and Yan Nan under his command On the Wei side, Xu Shanwu is in charge, so nothing can go wrong.

The war is about to begin. As long as we can win, the materials on the fish demon will be enough for us to make back our money. Tell us that the monks under Dongzhou will hand over 50% of all their gains. In exchange, if they are injured, there will be an alchemist. Responsible for healing, if they die in battle, their direct relatives will receive a guide to the immortal path and a small settlement fee.


Xu Yuming's order was issued. Except for the Fish Scale Cavalry and the Yannan Guard, the other East Lake Guards, West Lake Guards, and Dongzhou Guards all had some resistance. Some Zifu monks even complained privately that if half of them were handed over, then they would be far away. It would be even further to redeem those important skills.

Swish, swish, swish

In the dark night, Xu Yuming felt the changes outside the camp. He stopped meditating to practice alchemy and came to the door. He looked up and saw that many bonfires illuminated the sky above the camp, and the sky was filled with flying catkins, one by one, raging in the strong wind. .

It's snowing. Send an order to all armies to prepare a month's worth of Bigu Pills and prepare to enter the lake. Xu Yuming said softly to his side.


Chen Bai walked out of the darkness with a leap, holding a medium-grade spiritual weapon called rhinoceros horn, which woke him up on the spot.


The thick and long sound of the trumpet resounded throughout the world. The two counties were only a thousand miles apart. They could hear it clearly at this time. All the monks who had rested were moved by the sound and stood up one after another. Then they quickly started to put on their war bags. Picking up the talisman bag and holding the magic weapon, they walked out of the tent and headed to the open space outside to start gathering.


One after another, the Zifu figures quickly gathered at the lakeside and approached the lakeside where Xu Yuming was standing.

Your Majesty? Chen Tairan glanced at Xu Yuming, who was silent, and followed his gaze to the west, a little suspicious, What are you looking at?

Elixir Qi. Xu Yuming stood with his hands behind his hands, There are seven alchemy qi born in this world, one in Nanhuzhou, four in Xiaoxizhou, and two in Beihanzhou. Only I, Dongzhou, do not have a real magic elixir.

After saying that, Xu Yuming glanced at the one-fifth of the alchemy energy he had cultivated in his body, and a majestic momentum shot up into the sky. In an instant, he dispersed thousands of feet of dark clouds, and at the same time, the bright moonlight fell on the world and shrouded the world. Army.

Is this...the pressure of the golden elixir? The Zifu people who had experienced it once before in the guarding mansion were trembling this time. The original dissatisfaction because Xu Yuming ordered 50% of the harvest to be handed over also disappeared at this time.

Xu Yuming, who has the pressure of the golden elixir, is the number one person in Dongzhou, and the orders he gives are also imperial edicts.

In the direction of Xiaoxizhou, there were also people watching the celestial phenomena of the four states and looking at the vibrant elixir energy.

Ruyi Vajra plays with Ruyi, the precious jade of merit and virtue in his hand, steps on the Buddhist futon, and stands in the sky.

The hatred in the old monk Kuchai's eyes flashed away. Originally, the fish and dragon on the island in the middle of the lake, as well as the fifth-level space magic weapon, all belonged to him, but now they are causing an uproar. Even if the human race wins and is destroyed Fox Demon, I'm afraid it won't be his turn to snatch the fifth-level space magic weapon.

Divine Mind Vajra, this is a guy wearing a monk's robe, covering his bald head. The golden earlobes on both ears even hang down to his shoulders. His deep and smart eyes don't look like anything serious. The great Buddhist monk is like the little husband in a brothel. The listening beast under him is said to come from the underworld, with a body of a hundred feet long and a powerful tiger.

The sweeping monk of the Great Zen Temple was holding an iron broom, looking into the distance, and holding his beard with one hand, Aren't you from my generation, consuming so much elixir energy just to give Dongzhou a breath? Why bother? Come on.

Behind them, 300,000 monks and soldiers have been assembled. Seven fake alchemy kings, a hundred leaders of the Purple Mansion, and a thousand elite foundation-building Buddhist cultivators from each academy are standing in front of the teams of their respective Dharma formations, already stepping on the lake Wait for the lake to freeze and step on it as soon as possible.

In South Huzhou, behind the three fake elixir masters Tiandan, Guiqi, and Yanzhen, seventy Zifu Sanren, 1,100 foundation-building monks, and 600,000 Qi-refining monks were all stepping on the building ships and airships. Begin to approach the lake from the airspace.

In the flying fortress, the third-level top-grade spiritual weapon that the three of them were riding, stood an old man in sackcloth. If any monk who had lived for more than four hundred years saw him, he would definitely think of the last dominant force in South Huzhou, Dragon Soul. Gu, this old man is also the last real Dragon Soul person in Dragon Soul Valley.

Six golden elixirs and one physical golden elixir. I didn't expect that in this era, the world of Xuanjing Lake would still be full of flowers. Dragon Soul Master stared at the direction of the island in the middle of the lake, Not bad, not bad, this battle is quite lively.

Master. In front of him, Master Tiandan turned around and said, According to our monks' investigation, the fifth-level fish dragon Can Nian has not come out in the past six months. I wonder if Master knows what state it has reached now?

If you haven't stepped into the fifth level, you still have the strength to fight. There are still many great forbidden and terrifying places hidden in this lake. There may be other fourth-level demon kings. Don't be careless. Dragon Soul Master shook his head. Shake his head.


Master Tiandan looked back to the left and right, wondering how the world would know that when these three were young, they joined forces to conquer the Dragon Soul Valley and became the last three direct disciples. The three giants in Huzhou.

The boy you are talking about must be Xu Yuming. He has a fourth-level body, but he is a rare genius in this world. Our Dragon Soul Valley happens to still have the last dragon soul sealed. If he does not die in this battle, we will invite him over. Give him this last dragon soul, his three thousand thunder flames are quite interesting.

Thank you, Master. Master Gui Qi was overjoyed and recommended Xu Yuming to Master Long Soul. This was his decision, because this third-level weapon refining talisman seemed to have opened up the two channels of Ren and Du in his future weapon refining techniques, and he reciprocated the favor. , he also wanted to give Xu Yuming a big gift in return.

The two dominant sects in Beihan Prefecture walked all the way to the Ice and Snow Valley in the east, and all the way to Beihan Mountain in the west, and finally gathered on both sides of the lake.

Old ghost Hanshan, you have brought all the coffins of our ancestors. Do you plan to fight until the whole family is destroyed in this battle? Master Yaoshou shouted to Master Hanshan from a hundred miles away.

Yao Shou, didn't you invite all the old antiques from your Demon Control Sect to come out? I don't know how much breath you can sustain with your body. I can tell you that the fifth-level residual thoughts are already great, but don't do it. Let your ancestors from the Demon Control Sect become someone's soul seed. Once too many of them are devoured and they regain their realm, a fifth-level demon thought can wipe us out.

Hmph, you, the Northern Han Sect, should take care of yourselves. I heard that you allowed the Frost Sword Sect to sneak attack on Dongzhou. That one from Dongzhou is now driving the Ling family monks to come to your Northern Han Sect's territory to cause trouble. , Why, it’s been more than half a year, and you still haven’t surrendered to them?”

Master Hanshan was not annoyed, and tilted his head towards the distance, Here, Ling Bushit, who defends two corpses by one person, is here, isn't he?

Hearing the sound, the coffin-carrying man, mingled with the aura of death, walked out of the woods in the distance. After counting, there were no less than three thousand coffins. Three thousand coffins, that is, six thousand combat power.

Ling Bushit, who was carrying two coffins alone, seemed to notice that someone was watching him. He looked back at the two of them and smiled, Two real people, Ling Bushit is also a living being in this world. He eliminates demons, defends the Tao, and protects the world. Common people, my Ling family also wants to get involved.

Although you are here, I can't drive you back, but you must stay away from the people of my Demon Control Sect when fighting. If I see you collecting the bones of my Demon Control Sect, then I will kill you with my own hands. Take off your head. There was a cold light in Yaoshou's eyes, but his voice seemed to come from outside the Nine Netherworld, with threats and murderous intent in the coldness, which was completely unlike himself.

Since Fellow Daoist Ling is here, our two families must cease fighting first. For the sake of the human race, this fifth-level fish dragon Can Nian must be destroyed. Master Hanshan also had to take the overall situation into consideration. At this time, he fought with Ling Bushit, that is, to let the other three states The monk saw the joke.

Thanks to book friend 20230205120543087 Taoist friend for your 100-point reward support, thank you! ! !

That’s it. The chapter I wrote at 6pm yesterday was left in the draft box after I went out for dinner and was not posted on time. So this chapter can only be changed to 7am, and the next chapter will still be at 12am.

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