Immortal Cultivator Family: I am an old man who has come to marry a wife.

Chapter 259: Hongdu City, Taoist Friends Formation (2 more chapters, please order in full)


Around the second watch, Huxiao Sanren, who was leading a skinny horse, was walking in the streets and alleys.

Dear neighbors, starting from tomorrow, there is no need to cook. The fourth lady of the Mo family in the east alley is back and is holding a flowing banquet. Everyone in the town can go there to eat and drink to celebrate. Seven days on end!”


He was also holding a gong in his hand, which looked pretty.

At this time, in the courtyard, in the upper room vacated by Mo Niu and Yang Huiniang, Xu Yuming reached out and took out a sound transmission stone, which contained two sound transmission channels.

[Lord, according to reliable information, Master Yan Zhen has broken through the third level of the best formation master, and a third level top level Hongze Wanli Wave Formation has been deployed in Hongdu City. If you join the formation, I'm afraid it will be equivalent to being in front of you. For a Jindan Zhenren, if you are outside the city, you will have no pressure. 】

[Ancestor, Bai Meishuang San people have come across the state to pick up the fourth lady’s family. 】

We have arrived in Hongdu County, and his disciples are willing to do things with their heads bowed. Is it because they don’t want to disturb the plan of their master’s Dignity Formation to entertain him?

People are already approaching me with a warm and kind face. If you stand at the gate of the city and dare not go in, you will be disadvantaged.

Early on the next morning, when tens of thousands of people in the town gathered together, centered on the Mo Family Courtyard, and began to eat the running water mat along the surrounding streets, Xu Yuming had already taken a horse-drawn carriage led by Hu Xiao Sanmen to the floodplain as promised. Go to the capital.

But this time it is not the thin horse chariot that beats the gong, but the wildebeest chariot that clears the way.

About a few hours later, Xu Yuming stretched his arms in the car, stood up and stepped out of the carriage. Immediately, someone from the side of the carriage opened the door curtain.

Entering the city, Xu Yuming found Master Yan Zhen, an old man with a horse-faced face, sitting cross-legged on the city gate tower waiting for him.

Fellow Daoist Xu, it's been a long time. I'll wait for you at the weakest point of the formation in the city gate tower. I'll discuss it with you once. It's a courtesy for you and me. How about it?

Xu Yuming nodded with a smile. Behind Huxiao Sanren who looked back, a rainbow of light passed by. Xu Yuming had landed on the city gate tower and was sitting opposite Master Yan Zhen. He picked up the tea in front of him and drank it all in one gulp.

Third-grade tea, at least three thousand years old, tastes good and the tea is fragrant. Xu Yuming tasted it for a while, put down the cup and looked at the opposite side, Xu asked himself that he has never had any contact with Taoist friend Yan. Is there something wrong with Taoist friend inviting me?

Fellow Daoist Xu showed great power in the battle of Dongzhou City. He killed three fake elixir masters in one battle. I heard that the Huangfu clan's clan formation was also broken open by fellow Taoist Taoist. I don't know whether the fourth-level formation can be exist?

Xu Yuming shook his head, If fellow Taoist want to trade this thing, I'm afraid they will have to look for it in the mountains and fields outside Dongzhou City. This thing has been turned into ashes under the thunder.

Master Yan Zhen looked regretful, That's such a pity.


Xu Yuming turned over his hand and took out a storage bag and handed it over, These are the formation flags and formation materials collected by my subordinates. By the way, I also found the formation map from Huangfu Zhu's storage ring. No. Do you know if you need it?

Master Yan Zhen's eyes suddenly lit up, and then with a wave of his hand, he sent the three brocade boxes to his desk.

This is what I have collected for many years. How about you, fellow Taoist, choose any of them to trade with me?

The three brocade boxes were opened one after another. The first brocade box contained a scroll filled with formation patterns. The second brocade box contained a jade slip. It should contain some incomplete technique or something. Inside the three brocade boxes, there is a scorching hot crystal that seems to have magma flowing inside. It is three feet in size and can be refined into a top-quality flaming flying sword.

From left to right, in the first brocade box is my third-level ultimate formation mage, with more than 380 years of hard work in studying formations. In the second brocade box, is a book that records the flow of stars and how to guide them. The power of the stars technique is probably incomplete. I got it from the secret place at the bottom of the lake. It is a fake elixir technique. In the end, the magma and flint were wrapped and calcined in magma for more than 4,700 years. Unfortunately, the volcano erupted. It was too early for me to obtain it, otherwise it would definitely become the forging material for the golden elixir and spiritual treasure. Even so, it would be able to refine the top-quality flying sword.

As he spoke, Master Yan Zhen stretched out his hand and pushed forward, These three brocade boxes are given to fellow Taoists. I wonder if they can buy the Huangfu family's formation and these broken formation materials?

Xu Yuming pondered for a moment, Fellow Daoist Yan, this is the fourth-level mid-level Dragon King Nine Heavens Thunderbolt Formation. If a fake elixir formation is used, even a real person who has just entered the golden elixir can kill, so...

The implication is that for fourth-level treasures, you can only use fourth-level treasures to trade, and the others are not as good.

Although...Xu Yuming really wanted the Star Cultivation Technique and took it back to the Sixth Lady to practice.

Master Yan Zhen pondered for a moment and took out a token with the word [formation], This is my token. In this South Huzhou area, anyone under the command of the Rogue Cultivator Alliance can travel unimpeded, and the nearby guarding monks can be mobilized to help. In addition, you can unconditionally ask everyone to help with one thing, including me, and you can even ask Taoist Fellow Tiandan to refine an elixir for you, and fellow Taoist Ghost Weapon to refine a spiritual weapon for you.

Xu Yuming thought for a while, then took out Xun Tianci's teleportation array plate and handed it over, If fellow Taoist can repair this thing, Xu will make a deal with you.

Master Yan Zhen took it and took a serious look at it, then frowned and shook his head, I don't know who made this formation disk. It has the power of space movement. I have studied formations for many years, including trapping formations, killing formations, illusion formations, and auxiliary formations. Mastery is this teleportation array that contains the power of space. I have not yet explored the threshold. If fellow Taoist are willing to trade this array together, I am willing to let all the talismans used by the three counties under my command in the future be changed to your Yan. Refined by the Nanxu family.

Xu Yuming smiled calmly, Since this thing is useful to fellow Taoist Yan, I will give it to you.

Based on the consumption of talismans by the monks in Southern Huzhou, the talismans traded in one year could earn the Xu family hundreds of millions of spiritual stones. Of course, he had to accept such an overture.

The discussion lasted until dusk, and Xu Yuming left Hongdu County under the escort of the Huxiao San people. On this trip, he planned to go south to the southernmost Huoshan County, which is the residence of Gui Qi Zhenren and also the San Huzhou San people. The headquarters of the Cultivation Alliance, the holy land of all weapon cultivators in this world, because there is a fourth-level earth fire there. If Xu Yuming can swallow one of the fires and refine it, his Qixi Rainbow Fire can be promoted to the fourth-level spiritual fire. .

People sent him away?

After Xu Yuming left, Huxiao Sanren returned to Yan Zhen. Yan Zhen just looked at the two formation plates, and the joy on his face became more and more intense.

Reporting to Master, is Master Xu really as powerful as the rumors say?

He used these two formation disks to warn me that he has space to move and escape from the formation. Also, not even the fourth-level mid-level formation can stop his attack. This person's strength is simply unfathomable. , maybe only those bald donkeys in Xiaoxizhou can deal with him. A somewhat complicated look appeared in the eyes of Master Yan Zhen, You can only provoke him, but you can't offend him.

As he said that, he thought of the space transfer array disk gifted by Xu Yuming, with a smile on his face, There are many high-grade space stones in this world. Maybe I can delve into the teleportation array from them. In this way, from now on, there will be a teleportation array between the four states. But freedom has come and gone, and our casual cultivator alliance can make a lot of money just by charging for this teleportation array.

On the way south, Xu Yuming was already alone. Qingshuang wanted to stay and return to Dongzhou City with her parents. The courtyard where they lived was next door to the courtyard of Xu Yuming's garrison. It was considered a large house with four entrances and four exits.

Along the way, information was sent back from various places.

[My lord, the fake Dan Ling Immortal killed Huangfu Rulong and robbed at least half of the Huangfu family's wealth. Then he relied on the army of corpses to attack the Frost Sword Sect's station in Yuyang County and got one third of it. Resources, when we confiscated the cultivation resources of these two companies, we only found more than five million top-quality spiritual stones. In addition, we also found the fourth-level formation inheritance of the Huangfu clan, and the Frost Sword Codex of the Frost Sword Sect. Contains the magical power of three golden elixir swordsmanship. 】

[Lord, we have collected a total of three Zifu Opportunities in this battle, one of which is a low-grade Ziyang Pill. It has been given to Xu Shinan, the previous elder of the Xu family, for refining. He has now entered the realm of Zifu, and the remaining high-grade Ziyang Pills are It has been given to Chen Baishou, the Chen family's foundation-building Dzogchen monk, to take. The last portion of Zifu's true energy is still in the treasury. 】

Xu Yuming thought for a moment, and immediately ordered these important resources to be handed over to Xu Tuhe, and then the last piece of Zifu Zhenqi was given to Xu Tuhe for refining. With his body that had recovered its energy and blood, his cultivation had already reached the peak of Zifu. The bottleneck is just a last-minute kick at this time, and it can be broken through.

If he is not in Dongzhou all year round, he will need Xu Tuhe to step forward and lead the group cultivation.

[My Lord, the fourth-level dense tungsten ore in Lijia Town has been mined. It is of extremely high quality and is all fourth-level low-grade. However, our old monk who mined the veins said that there must be dense tungsten iron mother in it. We are going to use Xushan Wu’s The 25,000 Qi Refining monks under his command have formed a dense tungsten heavy armor army. Although they have no mounts, they can still fight invincibly on foot. They need the help of third-level weapon refiners. As for the second-level weapon refiners we need, we have already started. Twenty-one people have been found across Dongzhou, and thousands of first-level weapon refiners have been summoned, ready to start forging at any time. 】

Twenty-five thousand sets of dense tungsten heavy armor were obviously a bit extravagant, but as long as they could condense an army of dense tungsten heavy armor, Xu Yuming felt that it would be worth spending no matter how much.

Fifty thousand evil spirit monks will allow me to build a fourth-level evil spirit fish and dragon array, holding a black and yellow battle flag. I also have the power of the golden elixir.

But after all, this golden elixir is not a real golden elixir.

Xu Yuming's eyes were already looking at the smoke rising from the surrounding mountains to the south. There were earthquakes and ash floating on the clouds and mist from time to time. As he fell, he was bounced away by the aura of his Taoist robe, and his clothes were no longer covered. Dirty.

I wonder if I can find an opportunity to form an elixir in South Huzhou.

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