Immortal Cultivator Family: I am an old man who has come to marry a wife.

Chapter 258 Kneeling down to build the foundation, Zifu leads the horse (1 more please order)


Mo Niu and Yang Huiniang looked at each other and began to carefully look at the middle-aged Xu Yuming who appeared at the street corner.

Looking at his demeanor and demeanor, the two of them could only clasp their fists and salute.

I don't know that senior is here, so please take a seat inside.

Xu Yuming reached out and grabbed Qingshuang's little hand, patted the back of her hand, and signaled that she could go find her mother and sister to reminisce about the past.

My fourth wife was able to travel thousands of miles back to her hometown from Dongzhou, and I was escorted all the way by you. After learning that Qingshuang was rescued by Xu Yuming from Xiangfei Tower in Dongzhou, and sent back all the way, Mo Newton was extremely grateful. .

It doesn't matter. From now on, we will all be our own people. Your whole family can also move to Dongzhou. I will prepare a big house for you and arrange staff to take care of you.

Xu Yuming looked at the twenty or so people gathered not far away.

Over the years, Mo Niu and Yang Huiniang have given birth to nine children, four of whom are married.

The eldest, Mo Shan, the second, Mo Hai, and the third, Mo Hong, all had no spiritual roots. They married early and had children. At this time, there were ten people living in the yard. Although they only used some yellow and white things, they still had some expenses.

The fifth child, Mo Zuochen, has mixed spiritual roots. Now he is at the fourth level of Qi refining. He is an alchemy apprentice in the market. He also knows some herbal medicine. On weekdays, he can earn a few spiritual stones a month to support his family and marry a wife. An ordinary casual cultivator with a first level of Qi refining with miscellaneous spiritual roots gave birth to a child who, for the first time in history, had four lower-grade spiritual roots. Now he is the lifeblood of the Mo family.

The sixth Mo Liu Niang, on the surface, has a low-grade spirit root of the five elements, just like Shui Yulong, but in fact Xu Yuming discovered that this guy is clearly the body of Taiyin. Compared with her sister Mo Qingshuang, she is much more powerful. If she can cultivate a If the Men Hanbing Kung Fu activates the lunar body, and has the stars and things to cooperate with the practice, the Zi Mansion may not be a problem in the future, and the remaining ones are the seven, eight, and nine who have no spiritual roots.

It's a good seedling. Xu Yuming looked at Mo Liu Niang with approval, I have an elder from Zifu in my family who can accept the six daughters of the Fan family as disciples. After you move to Dongzhou, let Liu Niang live in Dongzhou. Zhoucheng, please accept his guidance.

Purple House Sanren? Mo Niu's lips trembled slightly. He didn't expect that his daughter, who was just sold into a brothel, would have the chance to meet such a big shot.

At this time, he suddenly remembered the three people from the Iron Fist Sect who were killed on the street, Senior, our whole family will leave with you now. The three people just now were all Iron Fist Sect monks. The Iron Fist Sect has now been taken over by the Hongdu County. The Valley of Ten Thousand Formations has been incorporated. If the foundation-building monks they send cannot deal with you, I'm afraid they will report it immediately. Their sect leader is actually the False Pill Master.

It doesn't matter. Xu Yuming looked back and pointed a mile outside the courtyard gate, Isn't it already here?

At this time, on the roof of a restaurant in front of the courtyard gate, Huang Guihai, the owner of the Iron Fist Sect, came with evil aura and anger.

But when he saw three seventh-level Qi Refining disciples on the street who were instantly killed by mid-level spells, he froze on the spot.

He asked himself, he was also a middle-stage foundation-building monk who practiced earthly methods. He simply couldn't do such an understatement. In other words, the opponent's strength was far superior to his.

So at this time, he was just watching from a mile away and did not get close. The transmission talisman on his body was already sending a message to the direction of Hongdu City. He believed that people from the Wanzhen Valley would immediately dispatch Zifu scattered people to come to the rescue. Hongdu City is only 12,000 miles away, and even the weaker Zifu Sanren can arrive within two hours.

When he finished the interrogation, he looked up and saw a middle-aged man sitting in the Mo family's courtyard, looking at him with interest.

The moment his spiritual consciousness was released to explore the other party's cultivation, there was no reply as if nothing had been heard. He was dumbfounded on the spot and appeared in the yard, kneeling down and kowtowing to Xu Yuming.

I didn't know that my senior showed up in Xiuhua Town, but Huang Guihai, the master of the Iron Fist Sect, didn't come far to greet me. Please forgive me. As he said that, he kowtowed three times in a row, even if his scalp was bleeding, he didn't care.

The fact that the other party has discovered him before he is alert is enough to prove that the other party's strength is superior to his own.

What's more, if the other party can swallow up his spiritual consciousness, it must be in front of the Zifu Sanren. How dare he make a mistake.

The middle-aged man in front of him is definitely a San member of Zifu.

Since you have already used the telegraph to ask for help, why don't you wait until the reinforcements arrive before entering this courtyard? Xu Yuming looked at him with interest.

Don't dare. The senior didn't kill me. It's a great kindness. How dare the junior make a mistake. Huang Guihai's back was soaked with cold sweat, and he didn't dare to raise his head while lying on the ground.

This is... the sect master? Mo Niu, who was drinking tea with him next to him, was startled. Suddenly a man flew in and knelt down and kowtowed. Those who didn't know it thought he was paying homage to his ancestors. He was so affectionate. Unexpectedly, he turned out to be the sect leader of the Iron Fist Sect he once worked for, the overlord of the Tangtang Xiuhua Town, and the foundation-building monk.

It's Mo Niu. It's all my fault. I have been busy practicing in seclusion recently. I have to obey the instructions of Wanzhen Valley as soon as I come out of seclusion. Therefore, I neglected that my disciples made mistakes. You are an old man of our Iron Fist Sect, and Yang Huiniang is also ours. One of the former inner disciples of the Iron Fist Sect, I can't help you, so I just need a hundred spiritual stones, and based on your previous merits, you can be spared.

In this case, I will immediately send someone three thousand spirit stones, and then give each of your family members a set of low-grade magic tools. Each of you and your wife will receive a medium-grade magic weapon. This can be regarded as my compensation to you.

As he spoke, he looked at Xu Yuming who was sitting in the seat with a smile, but found that the senior did not make any movement.

Then he gritted his teeth and looked at Qingshuang not far away, This is the fourth lady, I haven't seen you for many years. She has become even prettier. I can be considered an old friend of your father. This time you and your senior will come back for a visit. Dear, we should let all the neighbors get together and have fun. Our Iron Fist Sect is willing to set up a hundred tables of running water banquets for seven days to reunite the Mo family relatives. In addition, I have a top-quality magic weapon, a gauze iron coat, which is nine Forged from a hundred years of cold iron, it is as light as a cicada's wing. It is frost-free in winter and fog-free in summer. I am willing to give it to the fourth lady as an apology.

Take it. Seeing Qingshuang's hesitation, Xu Yuming glanced around.

In this courtyard, there are three male cultivators and four female cultivators. They must have sets of magical instruments, as well as the elixirs for practicing during the Qi refining period. The same goes for the talismans. I will give you an hour to prepare them. Xu Yuming glanced calmly. Opposite me, Huang Guihai suddenly felt as if he had received an amnesty, and he clasped his fists quickly, Junior, take the order, let's do it now.

After saying that, he took control of the stream of light and flew towards the sky, several times faster than when he came.

Master, he won't just run away, right? Qingshuang next to him looked blankly in the direction of the town and couldn't help but ask.

He doesn't dare. Xu Yuming glanced east, The people from Hongdu County are here. Aren't the Iron Fist Sect going to set up a flowing banquet for us? I'll help him lead the carriage and bring a hundred jars of wine. Let’s inform the folks nearby.”

Since you are back, even if you are leaving, it must be lively and decent.

Yes, Master. Qing Shuang's face was full of emotion. Even if she worked as a cow or horse for Xu Yuming, a slave or a maid, she would have no regrets in this life. She was originally from a lowly background and had stayed in a brothel. She was as real as Xu Yuming. She would be extremely grateful if a strong man with a reputation would give her some charity, not to mention the dignity in front of her.

Who dares to act recklessly in the towns under my command in Wanzhen Valley?

At the end of the sky, a streak of light flew across the sky and landed above Xiuhua Town. Huang Guihai immediately greeted him.

Reporting to the Sanren of Shangzong, in the small courtyard below, a Sanxiu Zifu came. He took action to kill three of my disciples in the late stage of Qi Refining. He also wanted to occupy an embroidery town. He also asked Shangzong to seek justice for me. .”

Master Huang, please don't worry. This is Hongdu County and Nanhu Prefecture. Who dares to act arrogantly in front of my Ten Thousand Formations Valley? Huxiao Sanren patted his chest and glanced at the ground, just with one glance. He saw Xu Yuming sitting cross-legged in the yard.

Looks familiar!

After all, Hu Xiao Sanren has participated in many Huxinting trade fairs. This year, he went there once with Zhenren Tiandan, representing Wanzhen Valley to communicate, and almost lost his life there, if it weren't for a few fake pills. He may have actually revealed the flowers that the seniors used to show off their power. The Zifu monk who impressed him the most was undoubtedly the Dongzhou who had not experienced the Thunder Tribulation of the Golden Pill, but was able to rank among the fake pills. Xu Zhenren.

At this moment, he was standing tall and tens of feet away. Why did he feel that this person looked like the one from Dongzhou?


Without even thinking about it, he directly grabbed Huang Guihai next to him, pressed his head and appeared directly in front of the courtyard gate.


If Huang Guihai hadn't been an expert in martial arts in his early years and had practiced physical training, at this time, his head was pressed directly to the ground from a height of dozens of feet, and he would have exploded into a big watermelon in an instant. Even so, he was still dizzy now. Speechless.

Hu Xiao, a disciple of Master Wan Zhen Gu Yan, has met Master Xu. Hu Xiao San was sweating on his head at this time. He was the mighty overlord of Dongzhou, the invincible strong man who had killed three fake elixir monks in a battle a few days ago. What does it mean to kill three of your Qi refining disciples? Even if you cut off your head and bring it to me, I still have to laugh and say how powerful you are!

Oh? Are you a disciple of Master Yan Zhen? Xu Yuming glanced at him curiously.

Exactly, Zhenren. If my disciples don't offend, I will kill them with my own hands.


It goes without saying that in the middle stage of foundation building, Huang Guihai, who was high in the town, had his head taken off by him, causing him to kick the iron plate. This man, even his brother-in-law, had to pay the price.

It's not enough. Xu Yuming raised his head, I also want you to be the banquet official leading the horse. Are you willing?

It's natural. My master has admired the real person for a long time and is waiting for you in Hongdu City. I will entertain the guests on behalf of the real person and then personally lead the horse for the real person and go to Hongdu City. How dare Sanren Huxiao refuse? False Dan Zhenren can chop melons and vegetables, let alone a weak and helpless Zifu Xiaoxiu like him.

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