Immortal Cultivator Family: I am an old man who has come to marry a wife.

Chapter 223: Sneak into the Monkey Mountain and pick up a million catties of monkey wine (2 more upd

This Earth Heart Essence Mother Liquid is a bit strange. I clearly sent it all into Yuyao's body at the last moment. Why can't she break through directly and enter the late third level when her body has already reached the peak of the middle third level?

Xu Yuming drove the Earth Dragon Shuttle, hundreds of miles underground in an instant, and in the blink of an eye he had arrived at a huge Peach Mountain deep in Langtao Mountain, a full two hundred thousand miles away from Dingtao Pass.

Deep underground, there are tangled peach trees everywhere. In the peach forest with a radius of 200,000 acres, there are more than 100,000 first-level peach trees alone, and there are more than 100,000 second-level flat peach trees. There are probably at least a thousand trees. Counting the third-level golden-edged peach trees, there are probably more than a dozen. The oldest one is said to be more than six thousand years old. It is a solid fourth-level spiritual tree. It belongs to the fourth-level demon king King Kong of Lantaoshan.

If these fairy peach trees here are acquired by the Cao family, I am afraid that the Cao family will really have the foundation of the golden elixir. Xu Yuming was full of emotions in his heart. At that time, the foundation of the Yandang Sect was still too bad, otherwise this rotten Taoshan would not be able to survive. Go to Cao's house.

[I have arrived at the mountain and will go to find out the news first]

After Xu Yuming transmitted messages to Gongshu Jian and Cao Qingxiu respectively, he had already escaped underground and quickly dived under Taoshan. With the inner elixir of the Zhugong Beast, his aura at this time had converged to the extreme and he was completely integrated into the environment. Even if it was a large Don't even think about finding him.

I discovered the fox wine made by the Linhu clan in Peach Hill by imitating these monkey demons. If I could find monkey wine in Peach Mountain, the kind that King Kong drinks, I'm afraid it must be at least three thousand years old. Wouldn't it be a huge profit? Have you made a fortune?

Xu Yuming thought that a sip of Millennium Fox Wine could increase his foundation-building cultivation by half a year. That sip of Millennium Monkey Wine, which was authentic, could not increase his foundation-building cultivation by several years?

Those who are more than three thousand years old may not be able to quickly replenish the Qi of Zifu Sanren.

Perhaps this is the opportunity for me to practice to the perfection of Zifu.

Not long after the New Year, Taoshan was still covered in ice and snow. Xu Yuming found that the further he walked up the mountain, the warmer he could feel it. There was probably a winter warm spring in the mountain that was warming the high-grade peach trees above.

Sure enough, after traveling 30,000 miles, Xu Yuming discovered a hot spring the size of a lake, which was probably Xiantao Lingquan. It was only about the second level, but it had many springs and a moderate water temperature. At this time, the spring water was densely packed with monkeys. Most of the monsters are second-level or above. When counted, there are at least 5,000 of them, many of which are newborns. Obviously, the monkey monsters of the Great Vajra lineage have also benefited a lot from the opportunity of the Ten Thousand Snakes Valley.

These monkey monsters are really enjoyable.

Xu Yuming was about to move forward and continue digging into the ground, but suddenly he felt a cold air coming from below. His Qixi Rainbow Fire was already a quasi-golden elixir magical power. Not to mention the high temperature of 10,000 degrees, it could even be done at millions of degrees. How could it be done? An error will be detected.

There must be yin in the land of yang. I didn't expect that there is a cold pool hidden deep in the ground.

Xu Yuming appeared in the underground pit. It was about three thousand feet below the hot spring. It was only the size of a thousand-foot cold pool, but it was filled with densely packed peaches. Most of them were new peaches picked last year, mostly to store those outside for the winter. The little monkey eats.

Xu Yuming's eyes were fixed on the twenty-four gold-edged peaches in the middle. They were golden, pregnant with the sharpest metal in the invisible, and were the size of an ordinary person's head. I heard that if you eat it in one bite, it will melt in your mouth, and it can increase his power. The power of casting gold spells.

There are at least two thousand second-level flat peaches next to them. Each one is the size of a millstone and larger. The spiritual power contained in it is absolutely amazing. If it is used to refine pure fairy peach pills, one can at least increase the foundation building monk's power by one. With years of cultivation, if the Xu family wants the Purple Mansion, it will probably be easy to achieve.

Especially the second sister Xu Yuyan, who is limited by her talent, and Xu Yutang, the junior whom Xu Yuming is optimistic about, and even Shui Yulong can quickly attack the foundation building stage.

As for those first-level peaches that numbered more than a million, he simply ignored them, because the five peaches spread out toward the underground passages in all directions. All the peaches were piled together, and in the gaps, they were lying on their backs. A big monkey with a strong body, if Xu Yuming takes action, they will be able to find it.

The best thing about stealing the demon clan's treasure house is that they don't know how to set up formations. Xu Yuming sensed the outside world. At this time, Gongshu Jian and the others had already begun to attack the mountain. More than twenty Zifu auras all burst out, and people along the way The first and second level monkey demons are being slaughtered quickly.

The Monkey Demon Clan, numbering over ten million, is the king of the Lantaoshan Demon Clan. At this time, they can only become the dead souls under the hands of the Zifu Sanren.


On top of Peach Mountain, more than twenty figures jumped out, all of them exuding the aura of the third level. However, when facing the leading group of people, six third-level monkey monsters were chopped down almost in one encounter.


In front of Gongshu Jian who is holding the Golden Pill Spirit Treasure, on this peach mountain, except for the King Kong, no monkey demon can withstand a single blow without being killed.

it's time.

Xu Yuming dodged and appeared in the treasure house with a fox bag. The 24 third-level golden-edged peaches were taken away directly by Xu Yuming, and then two thousand second-level flat peaches. When he packed 50,000 first-level fur peaches, there were immediately The monkey demon roared and rushed towards him.


Xu Yuming escaped directly into the depths of the ground. He didn't want his theft of the Taoshan treasure house to alert the King Kong. Didn't he see that although the Zifu scattered people outside were capable of killing, their auras were all recorded by the King Kong?

The Purple Mansion chases the murderer for thousands of miles. For Jindan, it's thousands of miles, one hundred thousand miles. As long as your breath is targeted, you can't even think of escaping, let alone someone as vicious as the demon clan.

The monkey demon is a crazily vengeful creature!

That's not possible. My target is Monkey Wine. Xu Yuming looked around. He was already close to the depths of Peach Mountain. He was only a thousand miles away from the King Kong. He could even hear the snoring of this giant.

There's such a lively fight outside that he doesn't even wake up?

While Xu Yuming was thinking, a shocking sword light split Peach Mountain in half, cutting through thousands of miles of territory. Along the way, the peach trees were all broken, and countless branches fell to the ground.

Xu Yuming felt that Cao Qingxiu's face turned green on the ground. Can he not feel distressed by this? When you finish fighting and retreat, this Peach Mountain will belong to the Cao family. Every time you damage a fairy peach tree, you are cutting their flesh.


Deep in the Peach Mountain, the earth trembled, and the sleeping giant woke up. A shocking roar sounded, and the animated rolling stone smashed towards the Zifu monk above the sky. Each piece weighed a million kilograms. It was as if two giant hands were throwing rocks the size of mountains as if they were sandbags.

Slaughter the sons of the monkey clan, and it falls asleep.

Destroy this mountain of peaches and risk your life!

Maybe this is the monkey. Even if you cultivate to the realm of demon elixir, you can't touch its peach.


When Xu Yuming took action, Xu Yuming quickly flew towards the mountain peak behind it, and in a blink of an eye he appeared in a deep cave. Before he got close, he smelled a strong aroma of wine from hundreds of miles away. .

Xu Yuming passed through a very thick mountain, and then hit a third-order demon bone. He was stunned for a moment, and suddenly looked inside through the bone gap. What he saw was hundreds of trees surrounding a large pond dozens of miles away. It has the bones of a third-order demon. God knows how many third-order demons that opposed it have been slaughtered in the Great Vajra Lord Lang Taoshan over the years. At this time, the third-order corpses here have piled up into mountains.

Although many of them are already rotten, if they are taken out and the bones are ground into powder, they can earn a lot of spiritual stones. Some old monks want to exchange them for such high-level calcified demon bones.

Hehe, with thirty-seven demonic bones, the spiritual weapons belonging to the high-ranking members of the sect are finally found.

After Xu Yuming took it away, he lowered his head and glanced at the wine pool with countless rotten spiritual fruits floating there, and an intoxicated expression suddenly appeared on his face.

The wine here is the treasure of the monkey demon's life, just like the bee demon who can make honey. Xu Yuming turned over his hands and took out a few wine gourds and started filling them. There were a lot of spiritual fruits just thrown in this year, and he even saw more than a dozen third-level spiritual fruits. As a result, the tons of Hou'er wine that was packed in at this time were all cyan thousand-year-old. Xu Yuming lay down and took a sip, feeling that his blood was surging. This authentic Millennium Monkey's wine was probably enough to make him... Zifu's cultivation level increased by as much as a hundred days.

It will take me almost seventy years to reach the peak of Zifu. If I have this monkey wine, I should be able to go faster.

Xu Yuming probably packed a million kilograms of monkey wine. If one kilogram is counted as four cups, then he can have four million mouthfuls of monkey wine. Even if four mouthfuls can improve his cultivation for one year, the subsequent swallowing of monkey wine will have medicinal effects. It will fall sharply, but it can also improve the Zifu's true energy for thousands of years. Isn't it easy to cultivate to Zifu's great perfection?


Soon, Xu Yuming found a layer of black monkey wine after the pool bottomed out. He looked at the hops on it in surprise. This was probably not the three-thousand-year monkey wine that King Kong drank. Just one sniff was better than the previous ones. Thousand-year-old monkey wine has a strong medicinal effect. He turned over his hands and took out a dozen elixir bottles, and put all the remaining 100 kilograms of monkey wine into them.

The moment he was about to leave, he seemed to see a little golden-haired monkey lying almost ten feet tall deep in the bottom of the pool.


The moment Xu Yuming and his eyes met, a ferocious aura instantly appeared on the other person's face, and the aura of the third level of perfection burst out instantly.


How does it feel to be robbed by a human thief of all the monkey wine that you have to break through the fourth-level demon king?

Xu Yuming couldn't dodge, and was directly punched through the soil layer thousands of feet. After appearing in the outside world, he flew three hundred feet away. After landing, Xu Yuming felt that the animal bones on his body were broken. He didn't know how many bones were broken. If it weren't for his physical body, I just broke through a small realm, and I am afraid I have been severely damaged at this time.

Human race, die!

The golden-haired monkey of the third level of Dzogchen was angrily chasing Xu Yuming with a stick. On the stick, which was crudely made from iron embryos in the Yin and Yang mines for more than 5,000 years, there was an aura of vitality. Xu Yuming stared intently. Look, this is probably not the missing Wood Spirit Pearl.

The natal spiritual treasure bred in his body was short of the last of the five elements. Originally, he wanted to replace it with the original source of Yimu, but he didn't expect that there was an unexpected surprise when he came to Taoshan.

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