Immortal Cultivator Family: I am an old man who has come to marry a wife.

Chapter 222 Earth Core Essence Mother Liquid, has my talent entry been advanced? (1 update please or

Swish, swish, swish

After waiting for a few days, the yellow-spotted tiger, which was already a little impatient, seemed to see someone stepping on the grass and walking towards the cave where it was.

Just walking like this, I'm afraid my strength is not very good. It stared at the grass tufts with a vertical eye on its forehead, the word king on its forehead was wrinkled.


The hundred-foot-long black panther in the jungle couldn't hold it anymore and flew up suddenly, biting Xu Yuming's head. Xu Yuming didn't even look at it. The light in front of him turned and the two puppets were already killing the black panther.

The two-hundred-foot-long Tiger King puppet fights with it. It is even stronger and not afraid of death. It will not be inferior in the slightest.

Two third-level puppets are using my demon clan's body. This person should be killed. The third-level monster hiding in the rocks had fierce eyes, and I thought Xu Yuming looked familiar.


The Black Panther Demon's whole body was covered with a layer of blood evil energy, and its explosive speed increased several times. He instantly grabbed the body of the fox demon puppet, opened his mouth and bit open the chest and abdomen, and with a fishy wind in his claws, he killed the fox with several consecutive claws. The demon puppet was torn to pieces, but in an instant, the fox demon puppet's eyes smiled strangely, and it was too late for the black panther demon to notice.

The Tiger King puppet on the flank pounced directly on it and pinned it to the ground for a moment.

call out……

The fifth-level finger instantly pierced through the center of its eyebrows. The fourth-level snake venom that could poison the fake Dan real person had spread rapidly. The Black Panther Demon's limbs instantly stiffened, and its vitality was rapidly passing away. It was pinned down by the Tiger King puppet. On the ground until it no longer breathes.


In the darkness, the yellow-spotted tiger took action. As soon as he took action, a third-level high-grade yellow-robed demonic wind was slashed out like a crescent moon. Almost all the forest trees above the height of the waist were cut off in an instant. The fox that had not yet climbed up from the ground was cut off. The demon puppet was cut in half in an instant, but in the next breath, Xu Yuming opened his hands and spit out countless red sand from the red sand gourd carried on his back. A wave rose and instantly submerged the mountaintop opposite.


The yellow-spotted tiger broke through the red sand and swept the whole place with a yellow-robed demonic wind, blowing away the red sand in the sky. But in the next moment, the huge tiger's head was directly hit by a wind blade condensed from the third-level top-level demon-slaying Gangfeng. cutting.

Its head plummeted directly to the ground, leaving only a pair of gaping tiger eyes, staring at Xu Yuming in the distance. It could not figure out until its death how the human boy opposite it could have more powerful magical powers than it was gifted with. The Gangfeng.

call out……

Behind Xu Yuming, a load of gravel suddenly surged up, turning into a wall of earth that firmly blocked the green figure's sneak attack, but the extended tongue still instantly penetrated the red sand in the sky and fell behind Xu Yuming.


A small moving talisman burned instantly. Xu Yuming appeared in the air thousands of miles away, stepping on the earth dragon boat. The eight flying swords around him had been unsheathed. When he looked back, he saw the earth being killed in the red sand. A figure of several tens of feet, bound by gravity, was a Zhu Gong whose entire body could blend into the mountains and forests, commonly known as a chameleon.

The aura emitted at this time should be at the peak of the third level, and the position where Xu Yuming was before escaping had been corroded by the poison on its tongue. If he had not refined the small teleportation talisman, he would have been in the middle of the third level. Immortals will also be burned and corroded large areas of flesh and blood.


The yellow-spotted tiger that lost its head took the opportunity to set off a yellow-robed demonic wind to close its head and body. Just when it was about to step forward to help, Xu Yuming shot out a golden light with his bare hands.

The moment it looked back and saw the golden light, the house-sized tiger head had been blown to pieces. This time, even the demon soul and inner elixir were completely penetrated, leaving only the huge tiger body that collapsed.

Gengjin Divine Light, Xu Yuming?

The face of the monster hiding in the dark changed greatly. It recognized Xu Yuming, who had made a great success in the Ten Thousand Snakes Valley. This boy was one of the top talents among the human race in the Shanhai area. He didn't expect that it had only been a few years since he broke through the Zi Mansion, but it would be so difficult.

You recognized him right. Not far away, a soft laughter suddenly came from beside him.

The monster suddenly felt like thorns piercing its back. As soon as it moved, it was tightly entangled by two snake hands. Then it flipped over and hit the ground with a boom. The half-human and half-animal body several feet tall was torn apart. explode.

But there was no flesh and blood on the ground. Huang Yuyao, who had made a sneak attack, was stunned for a moment when she saw a wolf figure, like a hairless yellow dog, quickly riding dark clouds towards the depths of Rotten Peach Mountain.

Don't leave, you monster!

Huang Yuyao was furious. Xu Lang asked her to ambush behind him to attack and kill the monster, but he let it escape. Isn't this a great shame and humiliation?

Don't chase Yaoyao, this Zhu Gong Beast's inner elixir can be given to you. Not far away, Xu Yuming controlled the eight-phase flying sword and slashed forty-nine sword energy in succession, directly killing the Zhu Gong Beast who was good at sneak attacks. He fell to the ground and said, You can control your breath. Even Jindan Zhenren, without the magical power, can't detect your position.

Xu Lang, you'd better take it by yourself. Huang Yuyao walked forward with some disappointment and picked up the tiger body on the ground, There is also a third-order yellow-robed demon wind hidden in this tiger body. Just take it. .”

Xu Yuming was a little surprised, I didn't expect that the inner alchemy demon soul was destroyed, but the yellow-robed demon wind is still there. Xu Yuming stepped forward to check the body of the yellow-spotted tiger demon, and found that the physical activity was unusual, It has a broken head and is still alive. If it can be reconnected, could there be some mystery in this cave?

Xu Yuming took away the bodies of the Zhugong Beast and the Black Panther Demon, leaving the body of the Yellow Spotted Tiger to Huang Yuyao. He took a step forward and flew into the cave. Xu Yuming scattered the rocks with a flick of his sleeves, revealing a deep passage inside. .

He stepped forward and walked inside, and at a glance he discovered that there were piles of bones and there was half a pool of milky white liquid in the depths of the cave that was full of fishy smell.

This is... the earth's core mother liquid? This thing takes at least five thousand years to form. This is not a famous mountain or river, nor is it the center of the earth. How could such a treasure be born? Huang Yuyao was shocked, This Not to mention it can repair physical damage, but it will be of great use to you and my Ten Thousand Snake Fluid.

It won't be too late, you and I can practice here. As he said that, Xu Yuming stretched out his arms to hug Huang Yuyao, sank on the spot, and used the Earth Dragon Moving Mountain Technique to move the pool of Earth Core Essence Mother Liquid away. Arriving a hundred miles away and thousands of feet underground, Huang Yuyao rolled her eyes at him shyly, stretched out her hand to untie the hem of her skirt, and walked into the pool.

She wanted to achieve the golden elixir path by cultivating both body and law, but now her cultivation was stuck in the middle stage of foundation building and she couldn't make any progress. Her talent was really poor, so she could only dream of cultivating the golden elixir body.

Talents: [Diligence can make up for weakness] (121,000/500,000), [A flash of inspiration] (twice), [Xuanyang Dharma Body] (three times), [Many children, many blessings] (less than one month), [Prosperity and wealth gathering] 】(once)


After practicing for more than half a day, Xu Yuming felt that his mid-level third-level body was starting to feel sore in his back, so he gave up.

He observed that his talent entries seemed to have changed somewhat.

With one more Xuanyang Dharma Body, the Earth Heart Yuan Mother Liquid should also be counted as one spiritual spring practice. As for the many children and blessings in less than a month...could it be that Yaoyao is also pregnant?

Xu Yuming was a little surprised. If he remembered correctly, Huang Yuyao should have a high-grade golden water spiritual root. What if he could breed a top-grade water spiritual root for him?

Since the number of times that diligence can make up for one's weakness has exceeded 100,000, it has become increasingly difficult to save. Xu Yuming thought that if there were two Taoist companions by his side, it would take decades to save enough.

It all depends on the descendants, but since he broke through the Zi Mansion, the chance of pregnancy seems to have dropped. After giving birth to his second son a few years ago, no Taoist companion has become pregnant.

First use the Xuanyang Magic Body to fuse the third-level top-level demon-slaying Gangfeng with the third-level high-level yellow-robed demonic wind. This fused spiritual wind can be said to be the killer weapon of the red sand soul-spelling gourd.

Then I will use the Xuanyang body twice to improve the King of Beasts. If the Tao body can last longer, I have the power of a golden unicorn horse, and even the fake elixir master can fight.

For two hours, as the Qilin brand in Xu Yuming's left arm flashed, a burst of beast roars came out from behind him. In the blink of an eye, the realm of the Taoist body had increased from fifteen breaths to thirty breaths. During the second Xuanyang body improvement After that, it skyrocketed to fifty interest rates.

Judging from the fact that he can exert hundreds of millions of kilograms of force with just one breath, Xu Yuming has the ability to rely on his Dao body to deal with the fake elixir master for a short period of time.


A breath of demon-slaying Gangfeng was exhaled, and a mountaintop thousands of miles away was flattened. The towering mountaintop turned into dust and scattered in the sky. If this blow fell on a person, even a top-grade defensive spiritual weapon would be able to protect the body. Torn into thousands of strands by the strong wind.

Quasi-fourth-level spiritual wind. If I can get the spiritual wind from Wolf King Valley, I can once again possess a fourth-level method. Xu Yuming's eyes were a little moved. With his current strength, he is enough to compete with someone like Sima Wuliang. The old guy bargained. I didn't deal with him privately before because I was worried that he would suddenly take advantage of him.

Xu Yuming finally gritted his teeth and reluctantly used a flash of inspiration to direct the snake venom of the fourth dance to the golden snake sword intention. The golden snake sword intention, which was originally stable in the second step, also successfully entered the sword light. The third step of Fenhong's kendo.

For the last time, is it the second step to comprehend the meaning of the sword, to achieve the celestial phenomenon of the sword, or to comprehend the power of space?

Xu Yuming hesitated because Chuanyin had already arrived.

[Senior Brother Xu, I heard that you reported to the sect and killed three more third-level monsters. Now you have seven in your hand. According to the exchange rule that five-headed monsters count as a small effort, you can already redeem one. Zifu has a chance. 】

[We have arrived at Monkey Mountain. The Ghost Wolf Clan has killed all the second-level and above wolf monsters. The rest are left to us, the Cao Clan, to deal with. The Sima Clan also drove the Golden-Haired Monkey Clan into the territory of the Diamond Ape Clan. Now Only the big King Kong and the surrounding little monsters and monsters are left, so we can do our best in one battle. 】

Xu Yuming put down the transmission talisman and saw Huang Yuyao standing up and returning to the Taoqiu secret realm. He threw out a thick stack of talismans. There were about twenty or thirty talismans. These were one-third of the talismans in his hand. .

Yao Yao, let's raise the baby with peace of mind.

Huang Yuyao glared at him angrily, and casually threw the inner elixir of the Zhugong Beast over, Don't fight head-on with that gorilla, the fourth-level power is too strong, and its physical body is almost as good as the golden elixir.

Then I will take its flesh and blood and bring it back to help your body break through to the late third level.

Thanks to Brother Jianwang for his 600 points of reward support and becoming the first deacon in this book, thank you! ! !

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