Immortal Cultivator Family: I am an old man who has come to marry a wife.

Chapter 221 Breaking through the late Zifu period, the strength skyrocketed (please follow up on the

Senior Brother Xu, I just got the news that the Sima clan who is dealing with the Golden Monkey Clan is in trouble. The Third Brother who is dealing with the Diamond Ape Clan is just under siege. The Great Ancestor is still fighting fiercely against the Ghost Wolf Clan. The wolves are fierce. , and a third-order Dzogchen wolf demon was born, which is very difficult.

Third Senior Brother sent a message, asking us to deal with those lone third-level monsters first, and then report the credit together. Cao Qingxiu was a little jealous of Xu Yuming's position as captain. After all, Xu Yuming's achievements were counted among the four third-level monsters. There is still one head left to go, so he can earn a small amount of merit.

Then you first send the monster materials in your hands back to Dingtaofang City for processing. I will immediately contact the Cao family, the Five Beast Sect, and the monks of my Yandang Sect to find the nearby third-order monsters and take action one by one. Kill them.

Brother Shi, take care. Cao Qingxiu and the others quickly flew towards Dingtao Pass. They were planning to sell the corpses of the monsters first, divide up the top-quality spiritual stones, and buy some trump cards for themselves.

Xu Yuming, on the other hand, escaped a thousand feet on the spot. Hidden in the rock layer under the dead leaves, there were two puppet guardians, the third-level fox demon and the tiger king. He began to refine the fourth-level poison sac and the tiger king he had just obtained. Fourth level heptyl gold ore.

After the invasion of snake venom, his right arm turned purple and black in the blink of an eye. If Xu Yuming hadn't used the Seven Dances of the Spiritual Snake to suppress it all the time, it would have invaded his five internal organs. Six Fu organs.

But even so, Xu Yuming broke out in a thin layer of cold sweat all over his body. It had to be said that the toxicity of this thing was so overbearing that even his third-level body couldn't withstand it.

However, Xu Yuming was surprised to find that the ten thousand-year-old ambergris stored in his body was actually released under the stimulation of the venom. In just a few hours, his physical body actually made a lot of progress. If he had consumed half of it before, With the power of Qi and blood, he could only use Fang Tian's painted halberd to strike one blow, but now he could only strike two.

Moreover, Xu Yuming was surprised to find that the mid-level third-order bottleneck that trapped him had broken itself.

While his eyes were covered with a layer of purple divine light, Xu Yuming also received the last benefit of the snake and peacock.

With his eyes like a peacock, he could see at a glance a ghost hiding in the trunk of a locust tree a thousand miles away.


Xu Yuming waved his hand, and the tiger king puppet in the middle stage of the third level roared out. His body of 200 feet ran continuously. In a few moments, he arrived under the locust tree. The delicate female ghost knelt down directly on the ground.

My lord, please spare my life, please forgive me.

I am Lou Ning, the daughter of the Mortal family who lost her way into the forest. This 800-year-old locust tree turned into a ghost. However, I have never harmed any human race. I only lured some beasts here to kill them and devour the essence and blood for a living. ah.

Seeing her pale face and pretty appearance with her feet off the ground, Xu Yuming thought of the bride who got married at the age of fourteen or fifteen in ancient times.

You are dishonest. If you don't have any secrets, my fox demon puppet has already seduced you, and this tiger king puppet has captured you and turned you into a minion.


Xu Yuming's purple pupils frightened the little female ghost and kowtowed continuously, I was originally a tiger under the command of the Mountain God King. Because it was seriously injured and I escaped, I have the mark of a tiger on my body.

Mountain God King? A mere third-level tiger monster is worthy of being called king? Xu Yuming snorted coldly, Take me to kill it, but I will spare your life.

Thank you, the Immortal. Thank you, the Immortal. Lou Ning suddenly showed a smile that meant he had survived the disaster, I heard that there are high-level monks hunting third-level demons in the mountains and forests recently. I know several demon lairs in the back mountains. I would like to Take Xian Qian with you.

Then you might be of some use.

Xu Yuming whispered, and then there was no movement. The little female ghost was trembling and leaning near the locust tree, looking at the tiger monster as tall as a mountain. Is this big guy actually the opponent's puppet? Could it be that the Immortal opposite is a puppet master, then this is not easy to handle...

Opposite the tiger mark hidden in the soul fire in her body is a cave more than 18,000 miles away. A yellow-spotted tiger is lying here at this time. Next to it is a third-level monster. At that time, it was pointing slyly at a black panther lying in ambush in the darkness outside the cave.

Don't worry, Mountain God King. You can assist the Vajra to perform meritorious deeds this time. After you return, you will definitely be rewarded by his elders. Maybe you will be rewarded with a human fake elixir body to help you take further steps.

Yaoyao, you escaped from your trip to the Ten Thousand Snakes Valley in embarrassment. No one will believe your plan. In our demon clan, only strong strength can face the conspiracies and tricks of the human race. As he said, the huge yellow-spotted tiger The tiger head glanced at him, I am already at the late stage of the third level, and I am only one step away from reaching the peak. This time, I have sent out more than ten imps to lure the enemy to kill the human monks. If I can't If you succeed, then I will devour you, this guy who wasted my time, in one go.

Yes Yes Yes.

There was a bit of hatred in the eyes of the demon, but when it lowered its head, it had already restrained itself. There was no other way. It had been wandering among various forces for many years, and it had only broken through to the middle stage of the third level. Such strength was placed in Lantaoshan, but the top two I can't even get into the queue.

It walked out of the cave, nodded slightly towards the black panther demon in the darkness, and glanced at the green thing hidden in the grass under its feet. The tiger demon humiliated me. When I destroy the human monks, at the King Kong After receiving great merit, I will kill you and make tiger bone soup.


Thousands of miles away, Xu Yuming finally made a breakthrough after entering the dark night. The true energy in his body has turned into a misty cloud. If he breaks through the peak state of Zifu, these cloud-like true energy will begin. Condensate the raindrops, and when the raindrops gather into rivers, it will be the true essence that turns into liquid like spiritual power.

Zi Mansion is in the late stage.

This fourth-level brown elixir is indeed a good thing. I never thought that the inner elixir of the shark clan on the seabed could be used in this way.

Xu Yuming sensed in the depths of his mind that the elixir of soul power was imminent, and he didn't know if there was such a treasure in the Five Beast Sect's treasure house that could help his spiritual consciousness take the lead in entering the realm of the Great Perfection of the Purple Mansion.

He lowered his head and glanced at his [Cold Face Gathering Wealth]. At this time, the two layers of charge had disappeared without a trace, and they were actually merged with [Hier Wangfu].

Xu Yuming looked at the entry for the new talent [Prosperity and Gathering Wealth], which still had two recharges, and was immediately doubtful.

The leaks found in the previous auction were due to Wangfu's ability. This time I found the fourth-level Geng gold ore and the fourth-level poison sac, which should be a cold face to gather wealth.

While Xu Yuming was refining the third-order ultimate divine wind in the Wind-fixing Pearl, feeling the violent wind force after it swallowed up the red sand Gangfeng, he mobilized the true energy in his body to suppress it, and tried to use [Prosperous Man Gathers Wealth] again.

He wanted to confirm whether this talent entry was an adventure or a mistake.


The red sand soul gourd carried behind him swallowed up this strong wind in a violent shaking. Xu Yuming felt that the inherited spiritual weapon gourd could not withstand the terrifying power of this strong wind. Perhaps this kind of The Gang Feng that I have never seen before mainly has the ability to tear apart.

I don't know what the spiritual wind of heaven and earth that Sima Wuliang discovered in the Wolf King Valley does. Xu Yuming really ate from the bowl and looked at the pot.


He stood up, with only a palm-sized piece of Geng gold ore left in his palm. He sat deep underground for two days. Counting the time, the four people who went to Dingtao Pass to exchange resources should also come back.


The fragile ghost body of the little female ghost was smashed into the ground by the third-order tiger king. At this time, the soil underground was wrapped in Xu Yuming's ten-mile cloud and mist formation. There was a wall where the light of the formation magic weapon condensed into reality. Even the body of a ghost couldn't penetrate the barrier. After one impact, she became extremely weak.

I...I really didn't lie.

The yellow-spotted tiger demon has been severely damaged. It is a late-stage third-level cultivation, and tiger demons are usually powerful demons that walk alone. How could it join forces with other big demons to plot?

Xu Yuming thought of a possibility, Is that old man in Rotten Taoshan not dead yet?

There was a hint of panic in Lou Ning's eyes. How could he possibly know the existence of the Yao Yao?

That seems to be the case. Let me ask you one last question, how many third-level monsters did they invite to kill me? If you tell the truth, I will spare your life. Xu Yuming looked directly at her with only one layer of Qi Refining breath. He can kill a little devil with just one thought.

The mid-level third-order monster, the late third-order tiger monster, and the late third-order black panther monster... I don't know about the others. The monster is a subordinate of King Kong... and there should be others. Maybe even the big demon.

After experiencing a suppression of her spiritual consciousness, she trembled and told everything she knew.

Xu Yuming raised his feet to emerge from the soil and appeared on the ground. He thought that the formation space could be withdrawn and the little female ghost could escape. The moment she floated through the rock layer, she was pierced by a Gengjin divine light. The thin ghost shadow quickly melted on the stone surface, followed by a scream, ending her miserable life.

Becoming a tiger is worse than death. I'll give you a good time.

Xu Yuming stepped on the earth dragon boat and headed towards the north. He was going to find out the strength of the opponent from thousands of miles away. It happened that there was no news about the four Zifu monks under his command, but Huang Yuyao was nearby.

Wouldn't it be great if the two of them joined forces to round up these three big monsters?

Feeling the sleeping golden unicorn horse in his left arm, the Geng gold ore in Xu Yuming's palm was finally exhausted and turned into a cloud of dust and powder, flying into the sky.

When you wake up, you should be able to advance. Xu Yuming reached out and touched the Qilin brand on his left arm. He was guessing that he relied on the Golden Snake Sword Intent that he had learned after the fall of the fifth-level guardian python, and this spiritual snake. Does Qi Wu have anything to do with it?

Sword intent snake venom?

The Peacock Divine Eye may come in handy in this battle.

After entering the later stage of Zifu, my strength should have skyrocketed a lot, and I really need to find an opponent to prove it.

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