Immortal Cultivator Family: I am an old man who has come to marry a wife.

Chapter 220: Suppressing the Rat Tide, Level 4 Geng Gold Mine? (2 updates please monthly ticket)


After the third-level Hunyuan Sword Light Formation was deployed, the beasts deep underground already felt uneasy.


Just as a group of poisonous snakes were looking for rat demons in the valley, a rat demon in the early stage of the third level pounced directly. With its sharp claws and fangs, it cut three second-level poisonous snakes into two pieces in the blink of an eye.

Zhuyeqing, who had been hiding in the jungle for a long time, had long been hiding on the bamboo leaves. Seeing this scene, he took action immediately.

In the blink of an eye, it bit the rat demon with one bite. The rat demon was so painful that it flew away with its tail, turned around and rushed towards it. The snake demons around it were already moving towards it like crazy. It comes.

Zhi Zhi Zhi

When it comes to group fights, the rat demon clan has never been afraid of anyone. In one breath, thousands of rat demons, as big as local dogs, rushed towards the group of snakes. Snake demons are the natural enemies of rat demons. One poisonous snake can deal with several of them. Rat demons of the same level can be easily captured, but what if the opponent is ten times or even dozens of times your size?

Seeing that there were only tens of thousands of snake demons being submerged by the rat tide, the third-order early stage rat demon, which was attacked by Zhuyeqing again, fell heavily into the stream, like a million-jin boulder rolling down the cliff. , the limbs were stiff and he kicked his legs, motionless, and the gray-brown fur all over his body turned purple and black at a speed visible to the naked eye.


At this time, the overlord of the rat tide came out. It was a mid-level third-order rat demon the size of a house. It roared and rushed towards Zhuyeqing. The ten-foot-long Zhuyeqing was moving around, as if it was playing towards the battle group. It pulled away from the outside, but it was reluctant to give up the food in its mouth and was still dealing with it.

But out of the blue, a huge rat head popped out of the depths of the ground, and with its big fangs, it bit into the snake's tail of Bamboo Leaf Green.

With a click, it was bitten into two pieces.

In the formation area, Xu Yuming was dumbfounded. The late third-order big rat that appeared behind him was too cruel. Once the monsters and beasts were reckless, once they had IQs, each one was smarter than the other.


The rat demon in the middle stage of the third level looked for an opportunity to bite the side of the snake's head. Seeing Zhuyeqing in pain, the snake's head turned around and attacked the rat king who sneaked up on it. It immediately slapped it away with its tail.


Under the severe pain, Zhuyeqing's vitality was rapidly draining along with the spurting of snake blood, and the Rat King was not idle either, waving his sharp claws and desperately tearing at the long body.


At this moment, the sound of the piano echoed in the valley, and sound waves rushed towards the beast wave invisible. The rat demon that was strangling the snakes felt like it was hit hard, and was swept away like wheat under a sickle. They drove up and tens of thousands were killed in the blink of an eye.


The Bamboo Stone Scatterer hidden among the bamboo forest roared angrily, condensed the bamboo leaves all over the sky with his left hand, and condensed the Nine Heavens Rolling Stone Formation with his right hand. Both of these were Zifu treasures. As soon as they appeared, the falling rocks formed a small mountain, and the two third-level rats were At the same time as the demon oats were being eaten, the bamboo leaves had all fallen down, like sharp blades all over the sky, killing all the rat demons who came around to help, piercing them and nailing them to the ground.


The mid-level third-level rat demon biting the snake's head slammed away the rocks, and was still biting the snake demon's neck. The triangular snake head was struggling desperately, and there was still a bit of resentment and hatred in its eyes.


With the help of the formation, Xu Yuming slashed down a thousand miles with a white cloud sword intent, directly splitting the valley, leaving a long ravine. The third-order mid-level rat demon that bore the brunt was directly flew out, and a rat flap flew in the air. The tooth broke and the moment the snake's head broke away, he was quickly wrapped up by Zhu Yeqing's only three to four feet of snake body. The snake opened its mouth and bit the rat demon's neck.

call out……

The golden light flashed away and seemed to fly from the mouth of the Rat King. In just a moment, it shattered the snake head the size of a millstone, leaving only the snake body stiff in the air. The rat demon who saved his life quickly grabbed it with both claws. He stopped, stuffed it into his mouth hungrily, and chewed it hard, as if he was eating spicy strips.

Gengjin divine light? Xu Yuming was dumbfounded. How did the rat king master this precious technique? It was even more powerful than the source he obtained from the heavenly beast.


He sighed in his heart and was dissatisfied with the movements of his hands. Three swords fell in succession. The valley was already filled with rocks. The hundreds of thousands of rat demons that came out of the cave could not resist them at all. They were all buried under the rocks created by the sword energy. The third-level rats Wang covered his little wife with scars and retreated.


The Cangsheng Pagoda!

Cao Qingxiu broke away from the formation in an instant and used the Cao family's heirloom technique. In just one encounter, the hundreds of thousands of Cao family's cavalry ghosts rushed past and directly blasted the rat hole into pieces. The third-level rat demon that had just rushed into the hole let out a cry. The shrill scream instantly made the Rat King's eyes bloodshot.

call out……

Another ray of Geng-gold divine light struck. Cao Qingxiu almost subconsciously used the Geng-gold amulet sold to him by Xu Yuming, and steadily blocked the blow. In the next moment, the flames rolling down the hundreds of miles of mountains were already crazy along the valley and woodland. Roll downstream.

When Xu Yuming opened his mouth and spit out the Qixi Rainbow Fire, he actually activated the Wind-fixing Pearl to release violent wind power, and with the help of the third-order red sand astral wind in the red sand soul gourd, the two-pronged approach almost instantly defeated the third-order late-stage rat on the opposite side. The king was swallowed up by the wave of fire. The flames were merciless and poured into the cave along the entrance. The entire mountain was filled with fire. Xu Yuming's move was absolutely annihilating!

Senior Brother Xu, your fire technique is so powerful. If you refine it into the Qixi Rainbow Fire Talisman, you will have to sell me two of them. The power is comparable to the top-grade treasure technique. If you combine it with the third-order divine wind talisman, it may be comparable to the heirloom treasure technique. . Cao Qingxiu was full of praise while paying attention to the two rat demons in the sea of ​​fire.


Accompanied by a loud noise, the eight-handed flying sword spread out into a piece of scorched mountain rocks, piercing the body of a mid-level third-level rat demon, and completely extinguishing its vitality with several consecutive blows. Only then did Xu Yuming stop.

As far as the eye can see, deep in the cave dozens of miles away, the third-level late-stage rat demon who successfully escaped from the sea of ​​​​fire is standing there. In front of him is the corpse of the rat demon as tall as a mountain. Look at these numbers. The size of a hundred feet, even if it is not a fourth-level rat demon, it is not far away. No wonder the rat tide is so rampant here. If there is a rat mother, she can give birth to hundreds of rat demon cubs in a year, and they will reproduce for thousands of years. As a result, It is not an exaggeration to think that there are millions of remnants in the Valley of Ten Thousand Snakes.

However, it is devouring the body of its ancestor at this time, which is a sin.

Especially Xu Yuming saw a piece of ore that was as tall as a person under the corpse of the quasi-fourth-level rat demon.

The golden light is bright, almost the same color as the horn he took away from the watchman beast.

Gengjin Shenguang Ore, that’s right!

This is definitely the origin of a powerful fourth-level beast.

Xu Yuming's figure appeared in the rat demon's cave through the clouds in an instant. When all the sword intent erupted in the third step, he had already connected with the golden light unicorn horse on his left arm. The sixth level of the Beast King Art was activated!


With a roar, two waist-thick Geng-jin divine lights collided together. Xu Yuming used the power of the golden light unicorn horse to steadily block the blow.

Then he punched hard with all his strength, and the force of hundreds of millions of kilograms instantly exploded the skull of the rat king in the late third level. With the support of the beast shadow, Xu Yuming's body was lifted up to a height of thirty feet, and he punched out of the rat demon's head with his bare hands. He took out a huge inner elixir.

He held it in his hand with a smile on his face, I don't know how much remuneration it would cost to take this thing to the Five Beast Sect and ask them to help refine it into the Beastly Purple Sun Pill.

As he said that, Xu Yuming had quietly swept away the piece of Gengjin Divine Light Mine on the ground with his spiritual consciousness at the peak of Zifu. Such a large piece would definitely allow his Gengjin Divine Light to enter the fourth level. This is comparable to the Golden Pill. It is a trump card of magical power, and I have refined the source myself, so it is my own thing, and I don’t have to worry about usage restrictions.

Senior Brother Xu, the rat tide has been exterminated. Should we go back and give orders? Cao Qingxiu stood in front of the collapsed ruins of the cave and asked when he saw Xu Yuming walking towards him.

How many were captured in this battle? Xu Yuming asked subconsciously.

We didn't find Zhuyeqing's complete body in the mid-level third-level rat demon. Its digestive ability is really terrible. Even I was almost injured by stomach acid. The corpses of these three rat demons are worth almost eighty yuan. The ultimate spiritual stone.

The rat skin is burnt, so it's worthless. However, the rat claws and Big Teeth can be taken back to refine spiritual weapons, which might be worth some money.

Xu Yuming thought for a while, Then you four should divide these top-quality spiritual stones. I will only take the late third-order rat demon inner elixir and the mid-level third-order rat demon inner elixir just now.

Thank you Daoist Xu. Zhushi Sanren, who had also exerted his strength here, was about to step forward, but saw Cao Qingxiu wrapping up the body of a late third-level rat demon with his true energy without hesitation. This body alone is worth forty Fifty thousand top-quality spiritual stones.

I will divide this share with fellow Taoist Nangong, and you can share the rest with us.

Zhushi Sanren hesitated for a moment, thinking that Cao Qing had built a formation, so he didn't get angry. But in this way, Cao Qingxiu divided up 250,000 top-quality spiritual stones, and Nangong Hui divided up 200,000, so among him and the Luo people, Only one person can get 125,000.

Everyone, I guess the attack from other directions will not go well. Let's leave as soon as possible. Maybe we can go to other places to have a drink of soup. Xu Yuming ignored the grudges in Zhu Shisan's heart and directly waved them away.

After they left five thousand miles away, a fox demon body appeared deep in the snake cave in the woodland where the third-order bamboo leaves were entrenched. Ignoring the creepy little snakes crawling on its back, it reached out from the snake cave and grabbed it. A shriveled poison sac was clutched in his hand.

I see, I mean, even the snake venom of the third-level bamboo leaf green cannot poison a third-level early stage rat demon within ten breaths. I didn't expect that it would also get the opportunity of the Ten Thousand Snake Valley, and it turned out to be a fourth-level golden spearhead viper. The snake's venom sac is a good thing. I finally have the fourth dance of the Seven Spiritual Snake Dances, and I also have the means to poison the fake elixir.

The fox demon puppet spoke human words, and the voice it produced turned out to be the original voice of Xu Yuming, who was thousands of miles away.

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