Immortal Cultivator Family: I am an old man who has come to marry a wife.

Chapter 201 Yugui and Hongyu are finally offline, the fifth level is designated for the universe (1


Xu Yuming's Jade Gui puppet rushed over and took off the Suzaku old man's storage bag. The Suzaku Divine Fire Fan and Fire Bead, fourth on the inheritance list, were the treasures he was determined to obtain.


In an instant, a sword light leapt up, which seemed to be a late third-order sword talisman. The hot fire lotus bloomed, and thousands of sword lights instantly tore into pieces the Yugui puppet that rushed in front of Suzaku Sanren. This one The foundation-building pinnacle puppet that had accompanied Xu Yuming for several years was torn to pieces. Even the protective crab armor was shattered, and his head was crushed to pieces by the foot of Suzaku Sanren who came out of the depths of the ground.

Fourth-level substitute Kendo Talisman, Taoist friend Suzaku is willing to give it up. The two figures fighting in the air were urging the golden elixirs and spiritual treasures to attack. Taking advantage of the sudden change on the ground, Liu Bazhen couldn't help but smile.


A figure flashed, but it was the Taoist companion Hong Yu Puppet of the Yu Gui Puppet who died tragically.


The moment he turned around, Suzaku Sanren opened his mouth and spit out a flaming sword, instantly slicing off his head.

The moment the Ruby Puppet approached him, he pulled back, but the Jade Gui Puppet, whose corpse had been turned into pieces on the ground, flew out two crab claws and fixed him in place.

not good!

Suzaku Sanren's expression changed greatly, and he had no choice but to take out a third-level high-grade Bone Transformation Divine Wind Talisman that he knocked on his palm. In just a moment, the violent wind blew the ruby ​​puppet opposite him a hundred feet away, and then disintegrated directly in the air, turning into The sky is full of dust.


The Earth Fire Flying Sword, a top-quality spiritual weapon, flew back, and two consecutive sword blows knocked away the two claws that restrained him. When it hit the ground, it turned into fragments all over the sky.

Now Xu Yuming's yin and yang puppets are completely finished.


In an instant, Xu Yuming was furious. Taking advantage of the Suzaku Sanren's success, a slender black shadow suddenly shot out from the mouth of the third-order fox demon ten miles away.

As soon as he appeared, he was discovered by the nearby Zifu monks, but it was too late to stop him. The third-level fox demon puppet launched a throat bone blow, which lasted ten miles. The moment Suzaku Sanren reacted, his whole body stiffened.

He looked down and realized that the two dead puppets had actually shattered the Yuan Magnetic Beads and turned them into a ball of Yuan Magnetic Qi, tightly binding him in place. With just one breath, a black streak of The shadow has penetrated from between his eyebrows.


Suzaku Sanren fell to the ground, looking up at the sky unwillingly. His face quickly turned black and purple, obviously he was poisoned.

And after the black shadow penetrated his head, it penetrated the ground to a depth of a hundred feet and penetrated deep into the soil.

What is that? Liu Bazhen's face changed drastically as he was fighting with Xu Yuming. He glanced at the ground with his spiritual sense with lingering fear. If Xu Yuming's method was coming towards him, could he stop it?


Xu Yuming took advantage of his relaxation and retreated, while shouting, Everyone is almost done, go all out, I can't beat this guy, come and help.

Huang Tian Snake Jade Hand! Not far away, Huang Yuyao, who was cooperating with the third-level fox demon, suddenly found the opportunity and surrounded the two Zifus opposite Xun Dongming and Xun Nanfeng with snake hands.

not good!

Xun Nanfeng's expression changed, he opened his mouth and spat out a huge word Tao, which directly penetrated the snake hand. A Huang Yuyao actually grew out of the one-foot-thick snake hand in front of him.


Huang Yuyao punched Xun Nanfeng with all her strength, directly hitting Xun Nanfeng's face. A third-level amulet that appeared in the air was directly shattered. His entire body flew backwards and smashed into the ground in the distance. Not far away, The golden unicorn horse suddenly turned into a cloud of air and jumped up high, biting it.


Blood spattered. Xun Nanfeng, a rising star in a Confucian and Taoist family with four thousand years of history, and now a governor, was bitten in half. The moment he struggled to hold up his upper body, the golden unicorn horse had already opened its mouth and spat out. A ray of Gengjin divine light exploded his head into pieces.

Brother! Xun Dongming's face changed drastically, and he let out an angry roar.

Damn that little girl, don't you think of me as a human being?

A sword light that monopolized three hundred miles fell instantly. Huang Yuyao and Jinguang Qilin Ma Gang killed Xun Nanfeng, almost unable to escape.


The golden unicorn horse has stretched its body to protect her from behind. Just kidding, this is the mistress.


Not far away, Cao Qingxiu, who was responsible for restraining Yang Xutian, sighed and had to sacrifice a talisman.


On the Wanli Sword Washing Plain, a ghostly wind suddenly set off. As soon as the light of the three hundred-mile sword appeared, it was dispersed by the cavalry of the Pagoda on horseback. The moment Yang Xutian frowned, he was filled with endless emotions. The cavalry was already heading towards him.

Cao Qingxiu stood on the spot, swallowing the elixir to recover the injuries in his body, and witnessed his ancestor, the golden elixir field controller of the Cao family, injecting a golden elixir essence into a fourth-level blank talisman before he died, leaving behind this pagoda of life and golden elixir. How powerful is the heirloom magic that a real person hits with all his strength?

Below the fourth level, you will die!

This was originally the treasure of the Cao family. Even if Cao Ba was seriously injured and his life force was damaged and his longevity was exhausted, it would be of no use. Today, in order to save Huang Yuyao and the Yandang Sect, Cao Qingxiu did not hesitate to use it.

The Qi Refining monks who were fighting were swept away by the Foundation Establishment monks' spiritual weapons. The Zi Mansion who were fighting nearby also retreated one after another. The range of this move covering thousands of miles was too wide. The golden unicorn horse that bore the brunt of the attack instantly turned into a ball. The cloud of air wrapped around Huang Yuyao and flew thousands of miles away. Yang Xutian opened a hundred miles of space with his sword and was about to run away. The endless netherworld air had already dragged him into it. The ancestors of the Cao family were considered glorious. This one Among the 100,000 cavalry, the weakest ones are all Qi Refining Dzogchen monks, while the strongest Zifu has dozens or hundreds of people.

The sword in his hand is the Gentian Silver Light Sword, a spiritual weapon ranked 40th on the inheritance list.

The sword light struck continuously, breaking away most of the power in the talisman. Finally, at the end of the golden elixir, where all the true energy was consumed, he saw the Changkong Ancestor on the pagoda cavalry.

Zhenren Jindan? No...

Yang Xutian roared angrily, and cut down the thousand-mile dragon soul with the sword in his hand. Even the fake alchemy monk did not dare to take this attack, but the Changkong Ancestor on the opposite side just pointed a finger. The sword in his hand was instantly shattered, and even his upper body, The golden elixir true transmission that was also pointed out by one finger was completely penetrated and disappeared between heaven and earth.


Yang Chenghai, who had arrived from a distance, saw this scene, and his eyes almost popped out of his head. Yang Xutian, the Dinghai Shenzhen of the Ba Dao Sect and the previous sect leader, was actually killed by a talisman?

On the battlefield at this time, Yuan Langshan and Yuan Junhe of the Bohai Yuan family retreated and got together with Yang Chenghai who had just arrived.

Not far away, the two grandsons Liu Bazhen and Liu Yifan also flew back and stood side by side with Xun Dongming.

On their side, three Zifu monks, Suzaku Sanren, Yang Xutian, and Xun Nanfeng, died in a short fight of more than an hour.

On the opposite side, Xu Yuming's third-level fox demon puppet was beaten black and blue by Yang Xutian. Huang Yuyao and Fox Xing'er were also injured. Cao Qingxiu was the most seriously injured. In comparison, Chu Xingbo, who had the worst combat power and means, After fighting Liu Yifan, he managed to hold on for a long time relying on the protective spiritual weapon of Tianshui Pavilion.


Xu Yuming came closer, grabbed a handful of pills and distributed them to everyone, staring at the Bohai Yuan family monks who were escaping in the distance. There were about fifteen foundation-building monks and less than two thousand Qi-refining monks, but their Zifu still had There are five people, including the Sanhuo Sanren of the Dihuo Weapon Sect who is stationed in Yandangfang, that is six people.

But there is Liu Bazhen on the opposite side. If he were to press forward alone at this time, we would not be able to stop him, a Dzogchen cultivator from the Purple Mansion holding a golden elixir.

If he hadn't been afraid of the fourth-level talisman in the hands of cultivator Cao Qing, he might have started fighting again.

Withdraw troops.

Following Xu Yuming's order, the monks on the ground who were cleaning the battlefield quickly began to retreat.

In this battle, the Yandang Sect dispatched nearly 8,000 monks. When they withdrew, there were at least 7,500 people left, but at least nearly 1,000 of them were injured. The Bohai Yuan family's background is not bad, they lost more than 4,000 monks, and built The Ji monks lost almost two-thirds. If the two Zifus were not still there, their title of Bohai Commandery would have been deprived of them.

Senior Liu, aren't we going to chase him? Xun Dongming, whose eldest brother died, stared at the retreating Yandang Sect army with hatred in his eyes, with murderous intent on his face.

Xu Yuming has a golden elixir treasure in his hand, Cao Qingxiu has a golden elixir talisman in his hand, and the two physical practitioners just now are not weak. If they still have trump cards to stop me, I'm afraid none of you will survive. Liu Bazhen's eyes were full. With fear, The Cao family has such strong support. If we fight back to Xuchang City in a hundred years, how will the four major families like us live in peace?

Let them flee back first. The monks who can escape cannot escape the temple. Immediately send a message to the Sun family, Xun family, and Yuan family. An ancestor and an elder from Zifu from each family will come to help, otherwise this battle will not be fought. Go down. Liu Bazhen knew very well that the battle between the Zi Mansion forces was based on the strength of both sides and their ability to make friends.

They also have the background of several top Zifu families, but they don't have any on the opposite side.

The Cao family was under pressure from the demons in Rotten Peach Mountain and did not dare to come to their aid with all their strength, so they were given a chance.

That's good. They have used up all their cards in this battle. The next battle will be their death. I will summon the Fourth Ancestor to personally come to rescue. Xun Dongming suppressed the hatred in his heart for the time being. He also knew that with just Bohai Yuan The Jiajia, Dihuo Weapon Sect, and Ba Dao Sect can no longer destroy the Yandang Sect. They can only use the heritage of their four major families.

If a Zi Mansion Dzogchen + Golden Pill Spiritual Treasure is not enough, then add another fake elixir, a few Zi Mansion peaks, he does not believe that the Yandang Sect can still come out with strong reinforcements one after another, as long as they have Zi Mansion. If the government is beheaded, it is doomed to fall.

As for the fourth-order formation protecting the mountain gate, they checked and found that there are only a few third-order spiritual veins in the Yandang Mountains. How long can they support a fourth-order formation? If they besieged them for a year and a half, this formation will not be attacked. Self-destruction.

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