Immortal Cultivator Family: I am an old man who has come to marry a wife.

Chapter 200 Call for reinforcements at the same time and face the Great Perfection of the Purple Man

The eight thousand Qi refining disciples of the Earth Fire Weapon Sect and the seven thousand Qi refining disciples of the Ba Dao Sect all gathered together and arrived in front of Yandangfang. They were only twenty miles away from the real hair space of Yandang Plain. The ten-mile camp was enough to prove that the two Zifu sects on the opposite side were about to fight a protracted war with them.

On the Yandang Sect's side, the Keqing Hall alone has gathered 3,582 Qi Practitioners. The Keqing Hall's master Xu Louning, the deputy hall master Xu Yushi and the Beast Soul Ancestor, as well as seven foundation-building Keqing elders , these ten foundation-building monks were stationed on the front line, and the smoke was billowing from behind, making it impossible to see the reality of the Yandang Sect clearly.

Such a large formation, the level is probably higher than the fourth level. It should be a complete fourth level formation. There must be a Zifu monk sitting in it. Immediately give it to the Bohai Yuan family and the foundation building to attack from both wings. Send a message to the team and ask them to advance slowly to avoid being ambushed.”

Let the Suzaku disciples come here immediately. We need the formation-breaking treasure in his hands. We can't delay it any longer. I suspect that what we have in front of us is just a cover-up trick of the Yandang Sect. Their purpose is most likely to invite you into the urn. We must kill their main force. Force them to the opposite side and fight us head-on.


It has to be said that Sanhuo Sanren are very smart. At this time, several figures have appeared on the flanks of Fengyun Sect who are fighting in Xijian Plain.

Xu Lang, calculating the time, the second ancestor of the Cao family should have arrived, but there is no news yet. It is probably because of something unexpected. Huang Yuyao stood beside Xu Yuming, her eyebrows slightly furrowed.

A stick of incense ago, I received a message from the sect's intelligence disciple. The Earth Fire Weapon Sect and the Hanhai Sword Sect outside the territory reached an agreement. A third-step great sword cultivator came across the border. Most of the time, Senior Cao Yan and He encountered it. Xu Yuming stared at the thousands of monks who were fighting at the foot of the mountain.

Across the front, there are at least 15,000 qi-refining disciples from the two sects, seventy or eighty foundation-building monks, and the two great Zifu monks, Sanhuo Sanren and Yang Chenghai, are here. It's time.

Give me the order to kill them all. If you encounter any monks from the Yuan family in Bohai, kill them so that the Fu Feng disciples can clear the way. The Zhan Hall disciples, Yu Jian Peak and Shen Dao Peak disciples will be responsible for covering.

In this battle, killing a Qi Refining monk will reward you with a hundred spiritual stones, killing a Foundation Establishment monk will reward you with 10,000 spiritual stones, and killing a Zifu monk will reward you with a million spiritual stones. In addition, the sect's contribution will be doubled. .”

Monks, follow me to the battle!


Above the Xijian Sect, the ancestor of the Juedao suddenly led more than 1,100 disciples of the Divine Sword Peak to fight out. The ancestors of the sword array and the two foundation builders of the Eight Swordsmen were also among them.

Kill the enemy!

Chu Hongxiu emerged from a valley on the flank. There were more than 1,300 Yujian Peak disciples under her command. She was the only one holding Huanhua Sword and Tianshui Sword. The two swords merged into one, but in an instant she crashed into five Foundation Architects. Among the team of monks, one of the late foundation-building monks was the first to be slashed to the ground by the double second-step Tianshui Sword Intention. She actually killed three foundation-building monks with one step and one sword.

Enemy attack!

The sound of horns echoed across the vast plains. The monks of the Bohai Yuan family retreated like the tide. They had more than 4,000 Qi Refining monks and 2,000 casual cultivators recruited from all over Bohai County. Many people were retreating at this time.

Because more than 3,000 disciples from Keqingtang and more than 1,000 disciples from Zhifu Peak have already charged down, more than 5,000 people rushed directly to their central army tent, and their wings were cut off, making it difficult for them to fly.

Reinforcements have arrived, everyone, follow me to counterattack!

When Fengyun Sect leader saw more than 7,000 qi-refining disciples suddenly rushing into the battlefield, he was immediately ecstatic. With a wave of his hand, the 5,000-person qi-refining team they formed also began to counterattack. For a moment, a huge On the Sword Washing Plain, everywhere was filled with colorful spell attacks. Countless magic weapons were shattered in the collision, and heads were flying everywhere.

You among the Luo people are so insidious that you don't even want them from Yandangfang, just to ambush my Bohai Yuan family? Not far away, Yuan Junhe, the second ancestor of the Yuan family, angrily held a flying sword and stopped the Luo people. Way to go.

Soldiers never tire of deceit. You, the Bohai Yuan family, want to interfere in this internal war in our Tao County. If you are not eliminated first, then who should we fight? The people in the circle sneered, waving their fists to create heavy punches, Although he was forced to attack, even though he was a newly-breakthrough Zifu, he had all the support of a family with thousands of years of Zifu power. He had no shortage of Zifu treasures and inherited spiritual weapons.

Junior of the Five Beasts Sect, you also want to stop me? Not far away, Yuan Langshan, who was in the late Zifu period, was once again blocked by Yue Bingjiao.

I have just entered the late third level of physical cultivation. If you are brave, just pass by me. Yue Bingjiao stared coldly at Yuan Langshan in front of him. He was not prepared to besiege him. He could defeat the opponent in a single fight. Hit with pressure.

Hmph, your thinking is too naive. Isn't it time for fellow Daoist Suzaku and fellow Taoist Xutian to show up? Yuan Langshan sneered and looked towards the side. I don't know when, under a hidden formation, , the Suzaku Sanren at the peak of Zifu appeared at the same time as Yang Xutian carrying a sword.

And fellow Taoists from the Xun family and the Liu family, the situation is very good now, why don't you help me kill the enemy?


On the flanks, twenty foundation-building monks joined the battlefield under the leadership of four Zifu. Xun Nanfeng and Xun Dongming, two early-stage monks from the Xun Family Zifu, were stopped by Huang Yuyao and the third-level fox demon as soon as they appeared. Down.

But on the other side of the Liu family, Liu Bazhen, a Dzogchen cultivator from the Purple Mansion, stood still. Just the great-grandson Liu Yifan who came with him, an early cultivator from the Purple Mansion, was enough to create a rain of blood at the foundation level. Fishy wind.

Shu Zi is so brave, I'll fight you! Chu Xingbo charged out from the Tianshui Pavilion with the best spiritual weapon in his hand, knocked over a dozen foundation-building monks head-on, and directly fought with Liu Yifan at a low altitude of 1,800 feet.

At this time, only Xu Yuming, the head of the Yandang Sect, was left on the battlefield, facing Liu Bazhen from the Great Perfection of the Zi Mansion, Suzaku Sanren from the peak of the Zi Mansion, and Yang Xutian from the late Zi Mansion.

Xu Yuming, your reinforcements have been intercepted by the great sword cultivator of the Hanhai Sword Sect. You have no chance of escaping today. Yang Xutian shouted loudly. As soon as he stepped forward, he was frightened away by the legendary treasure of Cangsheng Pagoda, and then The third-level fox demon puppets on the ground rushed out, and he could only resist.

Being involved by Cao Qingxiu, Xu Yuming still faced the two strongest Zifu monks on the ground in Tao County.


The attack was a full blow from the Suzaku Divine Fire Fan, the third level of top grade Earth Heart and Lung Fire. This was already the limit that Suzaku Sanren could refine. The moment it came, Xu Yuming could only open his mouth and spit out the third level of Five Gods Peacock Fire to resist. .


On the ground more than 5,700 feet below him, more than a thousand talisman-making disciples were also using various talismans to cut the battlefield. In one encounter, hundreds of enemy sect monks were swallowed up by the spells released by the talismans.

On the side of the foundation-building monks, Liu Heng, Chu Hongxiu, Juedao Ancestor, Divine Hoe Ancestor and others joined the battlefield, which also formed a one-sided advantage. However, they could only end the battle within one day, otherwise once the front-on confrontation If the two major sects get the news and rush to help, their advantage here will be wiped out.

Also, these Zifu monks in front of them cannot leave any one of them empty, otherwise if they free up their hands, it will be a massacre for the foundation-building monks below.

call out……

Xu Yuming shot out a Gengjin divine light with his bare hands, and the golden unicorn horse on his left arm was roaring towards Yang Xutian not far away. Life was not easy for Cao Qingxiu, who was surrounded by dangers, and the third-level fox demon puppet had already had one of its tails broken. , was split by the sword, and only half of his head was left.

You actually have a trump card? Liu Bazhen's pupils shrank slightly as he watched the battle from the air. The Bazhen Pagoda held in the palm of his hand had already inflated by a thousand feet in the wind and crashed down directly on Xu Yuming's head.


The clouds and mist floating all over the sky allowed Xu Yuming to escape. The moment he appeared outside the pagoda, the ground with a radius of thousands of feet had been instantly flattened by the golden elixir essence.

Dang Dang Dang...

His physical body was attacked by twelve consecutive flying knives, all of which were around high-grade spiritual weapons. They were combined into a flying knife array, which was the power of the top-grade spiritual weapons.


Xu Yuming pointed a finger, and the eight flying swords turned into streams of light and came over, forming an eight-phase sword formation. A third step of Baiyun sword intent fell down, and the twelve flying swords flew out like dumplings, collapsing in the air. , Zhuque Sanren's expression changed drastically.

not good!

One sword cuts through thousands of trees!

When Xu Yuming took action, hundreds of miles of plains were directly cut open by a shocking sword light. Suzaku Sanren used flames to protect his body in desperation, and was chopped into pieces. A high-grade spiritual weapon-level protective jade pendant and a third-level talisman. Finally, Even the Suzaku Divine Fire Fan, the inherited spiritual weapon in his hand, had a small chip.

The white clouds have been empty for thousands of years!

The moment Xu Yuming slashed down with his sword again, the Eight Treasures Pagoda had arrived, directly protecting the Suzaku Sanren in it, steadily blocking the blow, but in the next moment, Xu Yuming had already opened his mouth to shout.

Yao Yao takes action!


A square sky-painted halberd rose thousands of feet in the wind. In an instant, it penetrated the sky and the earth and came across the void. Liu Bazhen, who was above the clouds, was instantly locked. The crisis of facing death made him unable to help himself. Dumbfounded.

Golden Pill Spiritual Treasure?


The Eight Treasures Pagoda was recovered instantly and stood firmly in front of him. He took a deep breath and felt that the Qi activated on the opposite side was only in the middle stage of Zifu, and he breathed a sigh of relief.

But not far below him, a scream suddenly came.

When the Endless Nether Iron Cavalry of Cangsheng Pagoda collided with the Suzaku Sanren, Xu Yuming had already slashed it with his sword again, knocking the Suzaku Divine Fire Fan away from his hand. The second blow was followed by the roar of the deer.

Spiritual consciousness attacks the golden elixir magical power?

Seeing a peak cultivator from the Purple Mansion being killed on the spot by Xu Yuming like lightning, Liu Bazhen was completely speechless. Xu Yuming, who was born in the countryside, was definitely his biggest enemy.

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