Immortal Cultivator Family: I am an old man who has come to marry a wife.

Chapter 138 Mine, everything is mine! (1 update please monthly ticket)

The moment he reached out to touch it, the Baizhang Snake Peacock suddenly disappeared.

Look, the snake and peacock have disappeared!

Someone opened the formation again and slipped in!

He actually dares to fish in troubled waters in front of the fourth-level snake demon. This person is so courageous.

Xu Yuming didn't care what the outside world thought of him. When he saw an 8,500-year-old purple blood ginseng, he grabbed it directly. He didn't care whether the roots were broken or not. This thing could increase the chance of Zixu's transformation by 10%. It was a real purple ginseng. Government opportunity.

This is... purple sunflower?

He found another piece of Purple Sun Grass. There were probably more than 300 of them, and they were all more than two thousand years old. As long as this plant is more than three thousand years old, it can be used to refine Purple Sun Pill and Purple Sun Pill. This is The elixir of the Zixu Hua Mansion has the same effect as the Foundation Establishment Pill, which is used to break through to the great realm. A low-grade Ziyang Pill can also increase the chance of breakthrough by 30%.

What a waste of natural resources. He actually threw more than 300 purple sun grass plants into the storage bag. Why not put them in the sealing brocade box? This will lose the spiritual power and medicinal properties.

A group of alchemists wearing Taoist robes gathered outside the formation, looking sad and angry.


Under their watch, Xu Yuming also started business.

Two thousand years of purple sun grass can be exchanged for a top-quality foundation-building pill.

The ultimate foundation-building pill, who can refine it?

The price you are asking is too outrageous. The best foundation-building pill can almost build a foundation. Who is willing to sell it for such a low price? Although your purple sun grass is good, if you want to be useful to the monks of the Zi Mansion, you have to feed it for a thousand years. , and which family can last for a thousand years?

Xu Yuming pointed to the purple soil at his feet, You are talking about ordinary spiritual soil planting. This is purple soil that can increase the growth rate of elixirs five times. One year of planting in it is equivalent to five years of normal growth. With the cooperation It wouldn’t be difficult to triple the secret skills of our sect’s spiritual plant masters. That would give your force the confidence to refine the Ziyang Pill within a hundred years. The price is really not high.”

I changed it, a high-grade foundation-building pill and a dragon power pill. Not far away, a monk from the Five Beasts Sect escaped from the fight with the demon cultivator and threw two pill bottles.

Dragon Power Pill is good. Xu Yuming smiled and threw the two-thousand-year purple sun grass back.

I also have top-grade foundation-building pills and top-grade spiritual power pills.

Two medium-grade foundation-building pills and three thousand-year-old elixirs are enough?

For a time, there was an endless stream of monks exchanging. Xu Yuming traded more than 150 elixirs in one breath, which made the Gucun monks in the distance tremble with fear.

This rogue cultivator is selling Ziyangcao wantonly. If word spreads, these rogue cultivators will be able to cultivate Zifu monks in less than a hundred years. By then, our mountains and seas will be filled with Zifu monks. Wouldn't that shake our foundation?

With a thought in his mind, he actually waved the Bone King Breaking Formation Pestle, hit the Cockscomb Snake hard, and then while it was angry, it flashed over Xu Yuming's head.

No, this old man is going to cause trouble!

The moment Xu Yuming swayed and suddenly disappeared from the spot, the Cockscomb Snake King opened his mouth and spat out a mouthful of turbid venom. The magic light of the Yin-Yang Inversion Formation was corroded and penetrated almost instantly. The large area of ​​purple soil was all blackened by the venom, and countless remaining All the elixirs were completely corroded by the venom.

Uncle Gu Cun, what are you doing? It's such a waste for you to destroy so many thousand-year-old elixirs like this. There was an alchemist from the Five Beast Sect, trembling with anger and facing the not far away Gucun Sanren asked.

Don't worry about it. This snake demon is really too powerful. Don't worry, it won't have another chance to attack. However, I can't resist it for long. You alchemists, please retreat immediately.

Gucun Sanren watched the group of chattering and somewhat complaining alchemists leave. Just as he was about to breathe a sigh of relief, he saw Xu Yuming's figure reappearing in the Five Elements Formation a hundred miles away.

The thief is so brave, he even dares to steal the treasures of my Wuxiang Sword Sect! Ning Jianke was so anxious that he saw Xu Yuming starting to pick those century-old seven-leaf flowers, as easily and comfortably as pulling radishes from the ground. , making him a little crazy with jealousy.


Looking sideways, Gu Cun grinned, and suddenly swung the Bone King Formation-Breaking Pestle and smashed it in the direction of the Five Elements Formation, Friend Daoist Ning, I'm here to help you break the formation and capture this thief. That five-thousand-year-old seven-leaf branch Flowers, remember to give me five flowers.

No problem, thank you for the help, Brother Dao. Ning Jian could not care about his face at this time. He broke the formation and captured Xu Yuming first, lest he pull out all the herbs. Then their Wuxiang Sword What else can be gained from the door?


As Baili Yichuang's treasure light fell down, the formation shattered. Ning Jianke rushed into the formation at the first moment. With a wave of his sleeves, countless smoke and dust dispersed. His fellow disciples immediately stepped forward and started to collect those seven Ye Yizhihua even got into a fierce fight with the monks who rushed over to pick up the treasure.

Where are the people?

Ning Jianke chopped down a saber-toothed pig with one sword strike, and with another sword strike, even the fat-headed fish monster that had just recovered some vitality was slashed away by him. He looked around angrily. The seven-leafed flower disappeared without a trace, right under his nose.

This is a truly great opportunity for the Purple Mansion. A twenty-thousand-year-old seven-leaf flower can complete your soul power even if you have only a tiny bit left, allowing you to rebuild your body or go to reincarnation.

Even the Nascent Soul Lord would be jealous of the treasures. At their level, there are not many things that can make them improve further, and the 20,000-year-old seven-leaf flower happens to be one of them.

The Vast Sea Sword Sect forms a formation! We cannot let our Hedyotis diffusa be taken away as well.

The Luo Tian Sanren on the opposite side also became fierce, Brother Gu Cun, please take action immediately to help me break the formation. Except for this Hedyotis diffusa, I am willing to give all the other elixirs to the fellow Taoists of the Five Beast Sect.

Haha... Fellow Daoist Luo Tian is so heroic. Okay, I will help you break the formation. Gu Cun was overjoyed, and a hint of greed disappeared from his eyes. That Hedyotis diffusa is also a good thing. Why should I give you Hanhai Sword a favor? Zong.

When you broke into the secret realm before, your disciples of the Hanhai Sword Sect also killed my disciples of the Five Beasts Sect.


The moment he was about to take action, the Cockscomb Snake King was already familiar with his fighting style, and he suddenly coiled up his huge snake body. When the Bone King broke the Formation Pestle and took action, he slammed it away and knocked it away, and another snake shadow appeared. With a flash of light, the bones were already sent flying ten miles away, and they hit a medicine field heavily.

Gu Cun's expression suddenly changed, and the Bone King broke through the formation and escaped. How could he deal with a fourth-level monster in the early stages of the Purple Mansion?


A hundred miles away, Xu Yuming had already begun to rush towards a secret passage controlled by a group of demons in the Black Stone Ancient Domain.

There is no need to stay here anymore. He has a third-level fox bag, ten storage rings, and more than a hundred storage bags that are already filled to the brim.

Moreover, the Hedyotis diffusa was not within the scope of his plan. However, the ninth-grade Teng Snake Grass was captured by Gu Cun Sanren, which made him feel distressed for a moment. It was originally prepared for Huang Yuyao.

[Yuyao, I am going to leave through the demon cultivator passage. Have you escaped? 】

He took out a transmission note and asked.

Not long after, he received a reply from Huang Yuyao.

[I have killed more than 2,000 demon cultivators along the way. I have now swallowed a snakeberry to restore my spiritual power. I am very close to the demon cultivator passage. However, now all the major forces in the outside world are looking for me. I will stay here. Cultivate quietly in the secret realm, and then leave after you have stabilized your cultivation level. 】

This was just waiting for the limelight to pass. He couldn't help but feel reluctant to let go of Huang Yuyao's slender legs.


Using the pseudo-demon transformation technique, he once again transformed into a ten-foot-long black snake, releasing the evil energy of his second-level body. With the camouflage of a thousand-year-old dragon's saliva, Xu Yuming easily swam through a space crack in the northeast.

As soon as he came out, he saw a dozen third-level monsters, swarming around an ape as tall as a mountain. But just as he left the exit of the secret realm and followed the river under the mountain to reach the territory of Langtaoshan, the other party also Didn't take myself seriously.

With such a golden elixir demon cultivator stationed in Luan Taoshan, our Xu family is still in great danger if we want to survive in Taoqiu. Xu Yuming thought and patted a quasi-level five spirit-gathering weapon seized in a storage bag. The formation was handed over by the old ghost Dragon Dragon before the destruction of the demon wilderness. Of course, it was also to ensure that he would have enough spiritual energy to resurrect his life. This was probably a back-up that he left behind for his reincarnation.

Fortunately I brought it out, otherwise such a good thing would not be able to benefit me.

My Xu family has the Yandang Lost Soul Bell, an inherited spiritual weapon, which can be completely integrated into the mountain guarding formation. In this way, with a quasi-level five formation, even if the King Kong comes in person, it will not be able to capture Taoqiu.

As long as I give the Xu family another hundred years, I won't believe it and won't be able to gain a foothold in this Black Stone Ancient Territory.


He was wrapped in black demonic aura and rampaged all the way. Nowadays, even demon cultivators above the mid-second level are rare in the depths of the rotten Peach Mountain. No one dares to stop a peak monster like him, and he arrived at Peach Hill smoothly.

After taking a look at the outside world, Xu Yuming properly placed the formation flags of the quasi-level five spirit gathering formation within a radius of a hundred miles, and then stepped into the fox cave.


What catches the eye is still the chirping of birds and the fragrance of flowers. It seems that a few months have passed. The body odor here has dissipated a lot, and the peach blossoms are in full bloom, with lush branches and leaves, and fragrance everywhere.

Xu Yuming glanced at Ancestor Qionghai who was in seclusion in the cave with his third-level spiritual consciousness. Feeling his steady aura, his spiritual consciousness and spiritual power had almost reached the third level smoothly, and he felt relieved immediately.


He took out a mid-grade spiritual weapon, the Wind Scroll Flag, and a low-grade spiritual weapon, the Fish Bone Flying Boat, and placed them at the entrance of the cave. He also kept a copy of all the techniques he had acquired during this trip, and then left.

[Ancestor, I have returned from the secret realm and returned to my family to take charge. I have everything in Yandang Mountain. I will wait for contact after I leave the border. 】

Now that Ancestor Qiong Hai has made a breakthrough, he can proceed with the next few calculations.

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