Immortal Cultivator Family: I am an old man who has come to marry a wife.

Chapter 137 From today on, I will be an eternal thief (please subscribe for 3 updates)

The ancestor of the Chen family in Baiyun Mountain died in two strikes?

Can't the inherited spiritual weapon Baiyun Sword, the high-grade spiritual weapon Colorful Smoke Cover, and the earth element bead, one of the five elements beads, be able to stop the attack of the third-level monks?

The physical body is at the third level, and the movement technique is almost teleportable. If you appear within a hundred feet of her, you will almost die.

Chen Zhidao was beheaded instantly and was unable to fight back, which frightened many monks nearby.

Her spiritual power has not yet broken through the third level, and her spiritual consciousness is not enough for the third level. Don't be afraid of her. Let's take action together and use our trump cards to kill her! The ancestor of the Earth Fire Weapon Sect who shouted the loudest threw out with a flip of his hand. The seven golden wheel blades rotating at high speed are all middle-grade spiritual weapons.

Seeing the wheel blade flying closer and closer, Huang Yuyao actually stood still and did not dodge, letting the wheel blade approach her.

Just when the seven chakra blades were about to cut her into pieces all over the sky, she suddenly looked back.


Third level spiritual consciousness, golden eagle breaking illusion technique!

Twenty miles away, the ancestor of the Earth Fire Weapon Sect instantly bleeds from all his orifices, and even his soul was directly shattered. The moment he fell from the air, the seven wheel blades also successfully cut through Huang Yuyao's protective robe, but only in There were pale white marks left on her head, arms, and thighs, and she grabbed them without even scratching the skin.

As soon as I entered the realm of Zifu, there were monks rushing to give me treasures. It's really gratifying and congratulatory. I am alone, and you are the same as a casual cultivator. If you still think that I can be deceived, just come forward and die.


The foundation-building monks nearby hesitated. What a fart. The seven middle-grade spiritual weapons were almost as powerful as high-grade spiritual weapons. They couldn't even scratch her body. This made them scream. This guy is at the third level of the physical body. Unless he has an inherited spiritual weapon or a golden elixir, how can they break through Huang Yuyao's physical defense?

Stop talking nonsense and kill her!

They have twenty-eight thousand-year-old snake berries on them. If we grab one, we can open up the Zi Mansion and become the ancestors of the party.


But Huang Yuyao still underestimated the determination of these monks to risk everything for wealth and cultivation, and the spells in the sky directly engulfed Xu Yuming and the two of them.


With the blessing of the Earth Elemental Pearl, the Earth Dragon Boat could escape for twenty miles in one breath, evading the chasing spells in just a few breaths. Huang Yuyao turned back and used the Yellow Sky Snake Jade Hand to kill more than 30 foundation-building statues in a row. Later monk.

After she stepped into the third level of the physical body, killing the foundation-building monks was as easy as chopping melons and vegetables.


Another third-level spiritual pressure came. Among the chasing casual cultivators, there were also half-step Zifu cultivators. The moment Huang Yuyao retreated, she was also attacked by a sword formation. The attack and killing power was not weaker than The best spiritual weapon, such an attack is enough to hurt him.

Xu Lang, I will hold them back while you use the Earth Dragon Boat to escape. Don't worry, I will blend in with the demon cultivators and take the opportunity to escape.

We have gained a lot from this battle. After the eight thousand-year snake berries I have here are refined, my cultivation will be able to break through to the late stage of foundation building within a few years. It will be okay even if I stay in the secret realm for a while.

Xu Lang, from now on I will be an eternal thief. I am afraid that I will be intercepted and killed if I show up in these three areas...


When Huang Yuyao pulled away, a storage bag appeared on her waist. She scanned it with her spiritual sense and found Fang Tian's painted halberd in it.

Yu Yao, take care. If you don't want to escape, then simply kill them and turn the world upside down, and let these big sect monks and casual cultivators suffer.


Huang Yuyao was moved in her heart. She was willing to bear the name of a thief for Xu Yuming, and she would not hesitate to hide in the secret place for many years. Xu Yuming was also willing to leave the only golden elixir in his body to her for self-defense. Love is mutual!

She was reluctant to waste Ten Thousand Years Snake Berries. After all, her talent was too low. Eight Ten Thousand Years Snake Berries were equivalent to the eighty years of spiritual power that a Zi Mansion monk had to work hard for. Even a pig could pile them up from the early stage of foundation building to the end of the foundation building. She has reached the Great Perfection, and it is considered good that she can absorb three achievements.

She stepped on the peach wood flying boat and escaped. She saw that there were tens of thousands of monks chasing her, and even the flanks were surrounded by tens of thousands of demon cultivators. She suddenly felt something in her heart. If she could kill thousands of monks, by capturing them, she could Will he be able to make a fortune?

This made her happy as she loves outdoor adventures!


Thousands of miles away, Xu Yuming was able to escape easily by relying on the dragon boat. In fact, he wanted to take Huang Yuyao with him, but this guy had to help him get a bad reputation.

The ten-thousand-year snakeberry in hand now needs to be dealt with as soon as possible.

Otherwise, if it falls into his hands, just as Gucun Sanren said, if the Five Beast Sect sets up a card on the way out to check the monk's storage bag, then his twenty thousand-year-old snake berries will not be able to escape inspection.


He took out one and swallowed it. It melted in his mouth and tasted very sour. However, when he entered his mouth, it turned into billowing pure Zifu Qi and poured into his body. A small river had already opened up in his Dantian. At this time, the river surged, as if The mountain torrent passed by and turned into a big river in the blink of an eye. Moreover, the purple energy left by Snakeberry in his body was still there, with a purple energy. From now on, Zixu Mansion would be able to achieve twice the result with half the effort.


A golden unicorn head poked out from his shoulder.

Master, I have refined the essence of flesh and blood before and am stuck at the second-level peak. Give me ten thousand-year-old snakeberries to help me step into the third-level realm.


Xu Yuming did not refuse. The Golden Light Qilin Horse was not very powerful in the past because it did not have the attack and killing methods of Gengjin Divine Light. After it breaks through the third level, it will be a big help to him.

Just its current three magical powers, flesh-devouring, unicorn sea of ​​clouds, and Geng-jin divine light, already make it extremely extraordinary.

The Cloud Beast Qilin Horse has a lifespan of one thousand years when it is born, two thousand years of life of the second level, and three thousand years of the third level. You have to know that the real Yuanying can live for such a long time. I and it are fellow practitioners of beast life. Why don't I support it? Woolen cloth?

After this trip back, I won't be able to leave.

These cultivation resources and longevity are enough for me to break through to the peak of Zifu.

The Zifu realm requires accumulation. The more you accumulate, the stronger you will be when you reach the Golden Elixir realm. Don’t look at Xu Yuming who still has nine thousand-year snake berries, one hundred and fifteen thousand-year snake berries, and more than one thousand seven hundred. The century-old snakeberry is really not enough in the Purple Mansion Realm.

At this time, Xu Yuming's cultivation should be at the peak of foundation building. The great river of spiritual power in his body is only one chance away from turning into the sea. However, he does not want to use the Ten Thousand Years Snake Berry to break through. If he relies on himself to expand inch by inch in the fight, The accumulation of meridians and acupoints will be of great benefit to the opening of Zifu later.

Besides, wouldn't it be better to save such a good thing when attacking Zi Mansion, and use it when the spiritual power is insufficient?


Xu Yuming changed his attire, wearing a cloak on his head and a burly figure. He carried a sword box made of wood behind his back, which contained eight spiritual weapons and flying swords. This kind of attire was seen among the disciples of Wuxiang Sword Sect and Hanhai Sword Sect. can be found everywhere in .

At this time, the entire medicine wasteland was already fighting.

The bone king broke the formation pestle at the moment when the two great water cultivators from the demon clan joined forces to open the Nine Dragons Divine Fire Formation. It suddenly came and instantly shattered the remaining formation light shield. The force of the backlash severely injured the fat-headed fish, and the two-headed snake also vomited blood. Afterwards, he ferociously witnessed the Gu Cun disciples of the Five Beast Sect snatching away the ninth-grade Soaring Snake Grass.

But then, a big battle broke out between the monks of the Five Beasts Sect and the demon cultivators.

Brothers of the casual cultivators, have you seen the medicine garden where the snake and peacock are located in the distance? There are two fifth-level beast kings growing there. Bathed in the essence and blood, most of the beast-blood spiritual grasses born were born in the past three to five thousand years. More than 100 years old, the number is extremely large, and I will definitely give you a share of the pie. As long as you are willing to help, I, Gu Cun, am willing to make an oath to open this formation for you for free. The Five Beast Sect was being attacked by a group of demons. Under the siege, the losses were considerable, and Gucun Sanren also became concerned about the group of casual cultivators opposite.

Fellow Daoist Ying, if you are willing to take action, I am willing to help you with all my strength to capture the snake peacock.


Ying Gandang and his younger siblings looked at each other, stood up on his own initiative, and controlled the third-level toad beneath him to jump towards the group of demon cultivators. The green poisonous gas released instantly knocked down all the demon cultivators within a radius of dozens of miles to the ground. In one breath, it turned into a pool of pus and blood.

Fellow casual cultivators, follow me to kill the enemy. Once the demon cultivators are defeated and the Yin-Yang Reversal Formation is opened, that snake and peacock will belong to me in the Snake Man Valley. We will not take any of the other elixirs. They will all belong to you and others.

Those who are independent have great righteousness, and we are willing to help!

For a time, tens of thousands of casual cultivators who were still waiting and watching joined the battle group. Although there were only 20,000 left, the demon cultivators were killed instantly and were attacked on both sides. Hundreds of foundation-building cultivators died every time. There are so many, such consumption, even if a large second-level monster beast from the Blackstone Ancient Domain is gathered here, it will not be able to withstand it.

Xu Yuming mingled among the crowd, thinking about how to involve the monks from the Wuxiang Sword Sect and the Vast Sea Sword Sect, so that he could fish in troubled waters.

Human cultivators, since you are unkind, don't blame me for killing you. You demon cultivators, retreat immediately! The third-order monster appeared outside the Cockscomb Grass Formation at some point, holding a hand in his hand. Holding a stone bottle, he opened it directly and threw a scarlet drop of blood as big as a basin directly into the formation.

The quasi-fourth-level spirit-locking secret formation was pierced by blood essence almost instantly, and then the blood essence fell on the cockscomb snake that had been dead for many years. The ground under everyone's feet trembled violently.

No, it's the blood essence of the fifth-level demon king. This monster is crazy. It wants to awaken the fourth-level Cockscomb Snake King.

Quickly retreat!


Amidst the roar, all the monks present were in panic, because after the formation was broken, the huge Cockscomb Snake King had twisted its body hundreds of feet to break free of the formation runes restraining it in the ground. A pair of snakes His pupils opened, and the rooster's comb suddenly stood up, and his evil aura had already suffocated the entire audience.

The fourth level demon king!

Xu Yuming couldn't help but clicked his tongue. Unexpectedly, the demon clan also brought a trump card that could turn the table. Wouldn't this opportunity come?

He stepped on the earth dragon shuttle, and his figure instantly moved to the feet of the snake and peacock that was hundreds of feet in size. The five broken seal talismans in his hands were already attached to the edge of the formation. In just a moment, he opened a gap and appeared on the third level. The top grade yin and yang inversion array.

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