Immortal Cultivator Family: I am an old man who has come to marry a wife.

Chapter 131 Snake demon! I want you to help me practice (3 updates, please vote for me)

Something's wrong! Something is really wrong!

Soon, Huang Yuyao discovered how powerful Xu Yuming was. This guy was physically powerful and had an amazing physique. However, his body was still in the late second level and was still a long way from being the best in the second level. But why was he so powerful?

The spiritual power turns into a sword, like throwing black hair in the sea!

His lungs were thundering, and he could breathe without breathing.

The body turns into a snake shape, and all the muscles in the body can be mobilized to exert force in one place. Good guy, if it were punched out with one punch, the strength of the whole body would be more than hundreds of thousands of kilograms under the blessing of the Earth Dragon Moving Mountain Technique.

[Diligence can make up for weakness] (2997/5000)

【A flash of inspiration】(2497/2000)

【Xuanyang Dharma Body】(7/10)

【Many children, many blessings】(not activated)

For fifteen days, Huang Yuyao felt that her physical body was about to collapse. Then she slapped Xu Yuming away with her palm and stared at him with her hands on her hips.

Xu Lang, when did you become so powerful, and this time I noticed that my spiritual energy has also improved, and I have touched the threshold of foundation building.

Xu Yuming turned over and sat up, and the sweat on his head was instantly evaporated by spiritual power.

“I got a lot of bargains this time by buying at the bottom.”

After saying that, he pointed a finger and introduced a technique into Huang Yuyao Niwan Palace.

Ten Thousand Snake Fluids? Is this a fifth-level physical cultivation technique?

Huang Yuyao was shocked and reached out to pat Xu Yuming's body that could move any inch, Are you already a beginner?

I am proficient in magic. It can be said that my talent focuses on understanding one. I have only dabbled in the Ten Thousand Snakes Fluid. I have temporarily mastered the muscle activation level. When I start practicing, the wounds will be scabbed. When I am successful, my arm will be broken. It can be reborn. If it can be accomplished successfully, even the head and heart can be resurrected even if the head and heart are wiped out by one blow. The essence of this technique is that it flows all over the body. There is no cover. The original vital parts become targets that can lure the enemy to attack. trap.

Huang Yuyao rolled her eyes at him, Who would use their own heart as a trap? If you want to meet the enemy, you can just say something heartbreaking?

As she spoke, she sat cross-legged on the spot and threw out a scroll.

This is a volume of refining methods for natal spiritual treasures that I picked up when I was chasing you. I remember that you have a top-quality magic weapon called the Five Birds Flying Fire Fan. Its power is no longer worthy of our battle. Come to Zi Mansion After reaching the realm, the power is even less than that of fire. This method can be used to refine the Nine Dragon Fire Chi Umbrella, which is a golden elixir spiritual treasure, but the main material needs to be refined with spiritual materials that are more than ten thousand years old.

Xu Yuming took it casually, glanced at it, and put it in his arms.

How is the situation over there in the medicine shortage area?

The outer formation has been broken, but as you know, elixirs are also divided into spring, autumn, winter and summer. This great medicine formation in Ten Thousand Snakes Valley can be said to be a large formation within a small formation. There are at least tens of thousands of small formations densely packed, all of which are second-level. The best and even third-level formation, I grabbed three 3,000-year-old old mountain ginseng and retreated, those monks seemed to have gone crazy.

In the previous battle in the wasteland, the demon cultivators suffered heavy losses, but the Blackstone Ancient Territory is most indispensable for second-level demon cultivators. Now the demon cultivators have poured in at least a hundred thousand, surpassing our human monks in one fell swoop. However, there are rumors that the Yuanshi Sword The Nascent Soul Sect, Gong, will also send its true disciples, and their true disciples are at least half a step into the Zifu realm.

Xu Yuming held the broken sword in his hand, felt the majestic golden snake sword intention in it, and stabbed directly into his palm. One arm was instantly numb, as if it had been directly pierced by the broken sword. The pain made him sweat. It was straight out, but the two sword intents in his body had already burst out and started to clash with the golden snake sword intent.

The flash of inspiration accumulated in his mind appeared, and he had already begun to understand the meaning of the sword.

After all, it's because the Five Beasts Sect has been a Yuanying Sect for too short a period of time, and its foundation is not as good as that of the Yuanshi Sword Palace. None of their true disciples are really good at it.

Xu Lang has fought against people on the foundation building list. Is there anyone you can like?

Meng Botao is the number one on the Foundation Establishment List. I made a deal with him. This Jingzhou Water Mansion has a lot of plans. I estimate that he has obtained a lot of inheritance from Ten Thousand Snakes Valley. At this time, he has escaped and is no more than fifty In the next year, there will be big news in Jingzhou Water Palace.


After the words fell, Xu Yuming pointed his finger, and a sword rainbow shot out, flying fifty miles and piercing a birch tree in the forest.

Congratulations, Xu Lang, you have successfully completed your second step as a swordsman. Sword Qi is like a rainbow.

Xu Yuming was still comprehending the Baiyun Sword Intent, My Jin Yao Sword Gang has stagnated, but the Baiyun Sword Intent is becoming more and more exquisite.

The Yellow Crane Tower is three thousand feet high!

Xu Yuming swung the Songfeng Sword in his hand and struck forward. A stream of sword energy turned into rainbow light and flew out a thousand feet away, spreading suddenly. The tops of the trees with a radius of three thousand feet were almost flattened by his sword.

This sword is almost comparable to the best foundation-building spell. Xu Lang, when your sword cultivation realm has entered the second step of sword intention and celestial phenomena, and the sword rainbow can gallop three thousand feet without spreading, you will be the monk of Zifu, too. I will retreat in front of your Baiyun Sword Intention.

It's just that this Baiyun Sword Intent is Yang Baimei's signature swordsmanship in Cloud Ranch. If you show it in front of outsiders, it will be difficult for you to explain the lawsuit to the Five Beasts Sect.

It's nothing more than some accusations. Yue Bingjiao took the initiative to extend an olive branch to recruit me, the Xu family of Yandang Mountain. I might as well go with the flow and join her family.

After saying that, Xu Yuming took out the Soul Snake Transformation Technique and said, This is also a secret method of Nascent Soul Cultivation. You practice physical cultivation and are good at attacking and killing with spiritual consciousness. If you can practice this method, your soul power will be even higher. On the first floor, you can still control ten thousand snakes.

Huang Yuyao's face was full of surprise, Xu Lang, you have picked up a lot of good things in this industry.

As she said that, she looked back at the Demon Wilderness in the distance, When you were practicing before, you said that the sea of ​​ten thousand miles of snakes had reached the edge of the Demon Wilderness under the leadership of the snakes. Why don't you and I fight back and capture that snake? Let me accept it as a spiritual beast, so that I can control the ten thousand miles of snake sea, and at least help you refine the Seven Dances of the Spiritual Snake.

And I feel that this Seven Dances of the Spiritual Snake is not like a secret attack and killing technique, but rather like a poisonous attack under the cover of normal magic. This Ten Thousand Snake Valley controls ten thousand snakes, and the most powerful thing is nothing more than the siege of the Ten Thousand Mile Sea of ​​Snakes. , and the snake venom that silently kills people invisible. As for the method of reincarnation, snake sloughing, I guess it is also one of the reasons why they cause trouble. Transforming themselves and becoming half-human and half-demon will violate the right path. The bottom line of a young senior is a great one.”

Speaking of this, Huang Yuyao looked sad, This Seven Dances of the Spiritual Snake requires a lot of magical talent. I'm afraid I won't be able to practice it. Originally, with my level of physical cultivation and a hand of snake venom, I can hurt people when fighting in the wild. People are invisible.”

Every loss must be a gain. When she sighed, she never expected that her practice of Ten Thousand Currents Snake Body would be so smooth. She could break through the muscle activation and injury and scab consecutively. Her body softened and she could temporarily restrain all the pain in her body. The muscles, bones, flesh, and bones spread out and turned into a paper figure dancing in the air.



During the close combat in the cave, Xu Yuming struck out with all his strength, but was instantly dodged by her swollen figure. It was like a fist hitting the air, with no effect.


In the second step, sword intent erupted, and a sword pierced his chest.


Huang Yuyao, who had become a paper figure and was swinging left and right in the air, actually dodged the sword by fluttering strangely.


After gathering his magic power, Xu Yuming watched in surprise as Huang Yuyao's energy and blood returned and filled his body, Yao Yao, your Ten Thousand Snakes Fluid is so powerful, you have an extra secret method to save your life.

Let's go, you and I go to find trouble for that anemone.

No hurry, no hurry.

Xu Yuming hugged her waist and rolled on the spot, You little snake demon, I want you to help me practice now.

Xu Lang, don't make trouble. It has been more than four months since the secret realm was opened. If you and I continue to delay and let outsiders get the elixir of the medicine shortage, how can you and I get a glimpse of the golden elixir avenue?

It doesn't matter, I will use the ruby ​​demon puppet to drive the earth dragon boat through the underground, and you and I will be free.

Huang Yuyao gave him a cute look, but didn't struggle anymore.

[Diligence can make up for weakness] (3008/5000)

【A flash of inspiration】(2508/2000)

【Xuanyang Dharma Body】(8/10)

【Many children, many blessings】(not activated)

The Xuanyang Spring in Xu Yuming's hand is gone. It seems that if the Xuanyang body wants to recharge, it needs to return to Taoqiu to replenish it.

As for the many children and many blessings that have not been unblocked, he guessed that it was probably related to his own child. Once Shui Yulong gave birth, the child might be able to bring him some surprises.

Then before the child is born, set a goal and kill a Zifu Sanjin to add to the fun. His target has already been set on the Honghu Sanjin guy. Because of the incident at Cloud Ranch, he is his mortal enemy. This guy and Yang Bai Mei also knew the secrets of Cloud Ranch, so if he didn't kill him as soon as possible and let him feel that he couldn't get this opportunity back in this life, just reporting it to the Five Beasts Sect would be enough to bring disaster to the Xu family.

Another thing is that before leaving the secret realm, he must memorize all the skills and secrets he has obtained. Otherwise, if he is searched by the monks of the Five Beast Sect when leaving the secret realm, he will not be able to keep these opportunities.


In the Demonic Wasteland, the valley where the Snakeheads and Eight Phases are located, when Xu Yuming appeared here, a sea of ​​ten thousand miles of snakes was besieging the Vine Dragon, which covers an area of ​​thousands of miles. At this time, the Vine Dragon was extremely miserable, with thousands of vines burned to the ground, and countless people in front of him. The ten stone creatures also fell while resisting the tide of snakes. At this time, their bodies were intertwined with colorful poisonous snakes, leaving only their wrinkled face and the trembling dragon head with long beards.

The snake has grown its wings again and is standing in the tide of snakes, commanding hundreds of millions of snake demons to attack the Vine Dragon crazily. It greedily looks at the origin of the Vine Dragon's wood flowers. As long as it gets it, it will His cultivation can be further improved, and by then, sweeping the entire secret realm will be a piece of cake.

There are many auras of living beings in the south. As long as they are swallowed up, even the golden elixir and Nascent Soul cannot stop it!

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