Immortal Cultivator Family: I am an old man who has come to marry a wife.

Chapter 130 This fairy, I want to practice some pure meditation with you (2 updates, please vote for

In one breath, he used the foundation-building spells on the four Bafang Divine Slashes to basically drain out all the spiritual power in Xu Yuming's body, and then he successfully killed Zhong Ziyang.

He took a deep breath, swept away all the treasures, and immediately returned to the foot of a loess slope in the Demonic Wasteland. After escaping a thousand feet underground, he opened the second-level high-grade sword gang evil-slaying array, and then began to count the loot this time. .

Pure Zen came from the Buddhist realm?

The twisted figures above were all for two people. Xu Yuming threw them aside casually. I read Spring and Autumn. Give me this kind of book?

Even if it’s the Zifu treasure technique, I don’t practice it.

The top-grade spiritual weapon Dengfeng Sword, the middle-grade spiritual weapon Wu Gou, the middle-grade spiritual weapon Wanhe Sword...

Good guy, except for Wu Gou, these two swords can be accepted by myself.

Counting the high-grade spiritual weapon Songfeng Sword, the inherited spiritual weapon Bafangshenzhan, and two quasi-high-grade spiritual weapons without demon souls, I only need two flying swords, and that's it...

Xu Yuming said, and took out two low-grade flying swords from Zhong Ziyang's storage bag. This set of eight-phase sword formation is considered complete. It has eight flying swords, and its power can also amplitude. Several times, his use of the sword formation was already comparable to that of the Zifu monks.

Second Level Medicine Refining Manual of the Yao Yao Sect?

Foundation-Building Pills, Spiritual Strength Restore Pills, Restore Spirit Pills, Spirit-Nursing Pills... I was able to collect more than 20 pills from the three elders of the Yao Sect. There are second-level elixir recipes, and there are more than a hundred first-level elixir recipes.

Good guy, the most critical foundation-building elixir formula is also there. Does that mean that several of our first-level high-grade alchemists can start to attack higher realms.

There are two different concepts between asking someone to refine the materials for the Foundation Establishment Pill and having someone at home to refine it.

The three storage bags combined contained mostly elixirs. There were more than 300 second-level spirit-reviving elixirs and qi-blood elixirs alone. Xu Yuming even found a bottle of Purple Gold Bu Yuan Dan, which was made from three thousand years of Purple Gold Root. Refined from the main material, it can increase the chance of Zixu Mansion transforming by 10%, which is the opportunity of Zi Mansion.

He took a deep breath and picked up the Fangtian Painted Halberd, which weighed one hundred thousand kilograms. Thanks to Zhong Ziyang's natural strength, he might not even be able to lift it.

He looked at a second-level object-controlling talisman on the halberd pole. It turned out to be this object, allowing Zhong Ziyang to use some of the power of the golden elixir and spiritual treasure.

Therefore, I don't have any use for this thing myself yet. Maybe I can barely borrow the power of the Golden Pill Spiritual Treasure after Qionghai Ancestor enters the realm of Zifu.

It can't be exposed. The younger Golden Elixir cultivators of the Five Beast Sect may not have the Golden Elixir Spiritual Treasure in their hands. What if a real Golden Elixir comes to ask for it? If they don't give it, will they wait to be exterminated?

Xu Yuming found about 1.8 million spirit stones in four storage bags. Considering the wealth of three second-level alchemists, it was considered very small. After all, he could find the second-level top-notch elixir Zijin Buyuan Dan. Alchemists of this level must have a family fortune of more than three million spirit stones. They may have stayed in the family...


Xu Yuming found the second snake tail, a 3,000-foot-long deep-sea giant snake. God knows how long each section is. Inside this Zhuliang storage bag, there is an incredible Nascent Soul secret technique engraved in it.

In Seven Dances of the Spiritual Snake, it must be this secret technique that finally cut off the three-thousand-foot deep-sea giant snake and cut the Nascent Soul magic weapon of the Seven-layer Demon Cave into pieces.

Xu Yuming took it in his hand and took a look. Just to practice the first dance, he needed the life essence and blood of a first-level snake demon, and he also needed to find a five-step snake, which was as powerful as a top-level spell.

The second dance requires the gallbladder of the gold, silver and copper three-ringed snake, which is as powerful as the best foundation-building spell.

The third dance requires the fangs of eighteen different kinds of pythons, and its power is comparable to the Zifu magic.

Good guy, this is too difficult. There are not one kind of five-step snake, but five kinds. One step to five steps, representing the poisonousness of these five kinds of snake monsters, is what a strong foundation builder like him has fallen into. If you are poisoned, you must take the detoxification pill immediately, otherwise it may leave hidden dangers to the body.

As for the gold, silver, and copper three-ringed snakes, these are almost the three overlord poisonous snakes of the second level. The golden-ringed snake demon can almost explode with the combat power of the Great Perfection of Foundation Establishment, and the snake venom has no solution under the Purple Mansion, and it is almost blood-sealed. throat.

As for the eighteen different kinds of pythons... Xu Yuming has been practicing for decades and has never seen eighteen kinds of monster pythons. It's not that big snakes are rare, but except for the Valley of Ten Thousand Snakes, the snake monsters in the outside world are too widespread. Even if the mountains and seas are turned upside down, it may not be possible to find everything.

It seems that we have to work hard in this secret realm to find as many snake demon materials as possible for cultivation. Thinking of this, Xu Yuming missed that guy a little bit. He is now the master of the sea of ​​​​snake. If he can get it from his hands If you seize some snake demon corpses, you can at least practice to the third dance.

Spiritual Snake Qiwu is known as the Yuanying God Killer. If someone in the Yuanying realm can really use this great magical power to rival the great cultivator of the Transformation of God, it will definitely be a world-shattering secret technique.

This seven-story devil's cave was cut into seven sections...that is, six strikes. It seems that even the True Monarch of Ten Thousand Snakes has only practiced to the sixth dance.

Thinking of this, Xu Yuming found the third snake body.

Xu Yuming was not surprised that Zhong Ziyang, who had taken Fang Tian's painted halberd, was able to find one of the demon caves.

Soul Snake Transformation Method

This is a good Nascent Soul technique, but it actually cultivates soul power?

The monks who pay attention to transformation time after time, practice to the end, and create the skills, actually falsely claim that their soul power is placed on the snake, and they can live forever...

Is this a technique created by the third-generation Yuanying True Lord of Ten Thousand Snake Valley - Soul Snake True Lord? Xu Yuming frowned. It seemed that every time he transformed, he needed to find a kind of heaven and earth spirit snake to transfer his soul power. Not living like a snake demon...

So the road to Ten Thousand Snakes Valley went astray later. Is the half-snake true king really half-human and half-snake?

When Xu Yuming frowned, footsteps suddenly came from the side.


He suddenly gathered the treasures around him, clenched the Earth Dragon Shuttle in his left hand, waved his right hand, and the eight flying swords stood upright, all pointed in the direction of the incoming person.

Fellow Daoist Xu, don't panic, it's me. The visitor walked out of the darkness, and it was Meng Botao from Jingzhou Water Mansion.

Fellow Daoist Meng, it's impressive that you survived the fifth-level battle before. When Xu Yuming saw him coming, he took a few steps back, thinking that something was wrong and wanted to leave immediately.

Just kidding, he is the chess piece left by True Lord Wan She to watch the battle. If the remnant soul of True Lord Wan Snake or the remnant soul of the Demon Cave Artifact Spirit is in his body, then he will be in danger.

After all, the last time he was tricked by Hu Mei, Xu Yuming had an extra thought.

Fellow Daoist Xu must have picked up a lot of Taoism. I also have some here. You and I are both from the clan of cultivators. How about swapping? Meng Botao's eyes were calm, and he still looked the same as before, but his figure was a bit embarrassed and he was dressed in the best clothes. The magic weapon Taoist robe had been burned to tatters, but he refused to just pick up some ordinary clothes to wear.

Seeing that Xu Yuming remained silent, Meng Botao threw out a scroll.

This is the magical power of the golden elixir - the serpent tide technique. You can control the tide of snakes to launch attacks. You can also refine the snake soul and use thousands of spiritual powers as snakes to cover the sky and the sun. Under the golden elixir, it is difficult to resist. As long as you get started It’s the divine power of Zifu.”

How about exchanging all the water-based skills and secret techniques in your hands?

Xu Yuming hesitated and threw out more than twenty burned jade slips.

Meng Botao was not annoyed when he saw that the rank was very low. Instead, he took out the second scroll and said, This is the Nascent Soul Body Cultivation Technique The Fluid of Ten Thousand Snakes. It was created by the second generation True Lord of the Ten Thousand Snake Valley, True Lord Xuan She. Fellow Taoist must also have obtained a piece of snake body. I looked for the collapsed demon cave and found that there are at least two sections in this direction. I also asked fellow Taoist to exchange it with Nascent Soul Technique.

Where do I have any Nascent Soul Skills? Fellow Daoist Meng is joking. I'm joking. I'm making a deal with you now. If you go out and file a complaint with the Five Beasts Sect, then I, Xu Yuming, will be hiding my skills and refuse to do so. Turned in sinner?

After you and I make a deal, how about we make an oath of heaven together. Anyone who dares to reveal the identity of another person and the details of today's transaction will be punished by heaven? Meng Botao's words also made Xu Yuming let go of another grudge in his heart.


Xu Yuming raised his hand and threw out the Bodhi Snake Sutra, and the opposite volume Ten Thousand Snake Fluids also fell into his hands.

In addition, I also need some thousand-year-old ambergris, and I also ask Brother Xu not to fool me with the thousand-year-old ambergris.

After saying that, this guy actually threw a broken sword.

Looking at the dazzling golden sword body, Xu Yuming couldn't help but be surprised, Golden Iron Mother, is this the best spiritual weapon flying sword?

It's just a broken sword, but it contains a Golden Snake Sword Intent, which was left behind by the third step of sword cultivation. If Brother Xu can refine it, it's easy to reach a further level of swordsmanship.

Xu Yuming hesitated for a moment, then raised his hand and threw out a bottle, which naturally contained unused ten thousand-year ambergris.

Thank you, Brother Xu. We are high in the mountains and rivers are long. We will meet again in the future. After making the oath, the smile on Meng Botao's face grew wider.

He drove a stream of light away, heading towards the Blackstone Ancient Territory. Could this guy want to practice Ten Thousand Snake Fluids and disguise himself as a snake demon?

Also, it is very likely that the inheritance of the Ten Thousand Snakes Valley will fall on him, but he can still be considered to have made a lot of money.


When Xu Yuming was flying back, he happened to see Huang Yuyao who was looking for him.

He landed in the forest, restrained his spiritual weapon Flying Sword, smiled and opened his hands towards her, Why is this fairy in such a hurry, where are you going?


Huang Yuyao came closer and rolled her eyes at him angrily, What are you doing, my enemy, pretending to be here?

Xu Yuming stepped forward, hugged her in his arms, raised her above his head, and flew towards the loess slope in the distance like a circle. He also muttered something, I want to practice some pure Zen with you, and I would like to ask the fairy to give you some advice.

Huang Yuyao's eyes were filled with surprise. He was really capable. He was not as physically strong as me but he still dared to challenge me. This enemy was really good and fun-loving.

As for the monthly ticket, there is no movement. Can I have another one at six o'clock later?

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